api_key = $api_key; $this->pin = $pin; $this->version = $api_version; $this->withdrawal_methods = array("withdraw", "withdraw_from_user", "withdraw_from_users", "withdraw_from_label", "withdraw_from_labels", "withdraw_from_address", "withdraw_from_addresses"); $this->sweep_methods = array("sweep_from_address"); } public function __call($name, array $args) { $response = ""; if (empty($args)) { $args = array(); } else { $args = $args[0]; } if ( in_array($name, $this->withdrawal_methods) ) { // it is a withdrawal method, let's do the client side signing bit $response = $this->_withdraw($name, $args); } elseif (in_array($name, $this->sweep_methods)) { // it is a sweep method $response = $this->_sweep($name, $args); } else { // it is not a withdrawal method, let it go to Block.io $response = $this->_request($name, $args); } return $response; } /** * cURL GET request driver */ private function _request($path, $args = array(), $method = 'POST') { // Generate cURL URL $url = str_replace("API_CALL",$path,"https://block.io/api/v" . $this->version . "/API_CALL/?api_key=") . $this->api_key; $addedData = ""; foreach ($args as $pkey => $pval) { if (strlen($addedData) > 0) { $addedData .= '&'; } $addedData .= $pkey . "=" . $pval; } // Initiate cURL and set headers/options $ch = curl_init(); // If we run windows, make sure the needed pem file is used if(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $pemfile = dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cacert.pem'; if(!file_exists($pemfile)) { throw new Exception("Needed .pem file not found. Please download the .pem file at http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem and save it as " . $pemfile); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $pemfile); } // it's a GET method if ($method == 'GET') { $url .= '&' . $addedData; } //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2); // enforce use of TLSv1.2 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); if ($method == 'POST') { // this was a POST method curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $addedData); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Execute the cURL request $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_result = json_decode($result); if ($json_result->status != 'success') { throw new Exception('Failed: ' . $json_result->data->error_message); } // Spit back the response object or fail return $result ? $json_result : false; } private function _withdraw($name, $args = array()) { // withdraw method to be called by __call unset ($args['pin']); // make sure no inadvertent passing of pin occurs $response = $this->_request($name,$args); if ($response->status == 'success' && array_key_exists('reference_id', $response->data)) { // we have signatures to append // get our encryption key ready if (strlen($this->encryption_key) == 0) { $this->encryption_key = $this->pinToAesKey($this->pin); } // decrypt the data $passphrase = $this->decrypt($response->data->encrypted_passphrase->passphrase, $this->encryption_key); // extract the key $key = $this->initKey(); $key->fromPassphrase($passphrase); // is this the right public key? if ($key->getPublicKey() != $response->data->encrypted_passphrase->signer_public_key) { throw new Exception('Fail: Invalid Secret PIN provided.'); } // grab inputs $inputs = &$response->data->inputs; // data to sign foreach ($inputs as &$curInput) { // for each input $data_to_sign = &$curInput->data_to_sign; foreach ($curInput->signers as &$signer) { // for each signer if ($key->getPublicKey() == $signer->signer_public_key) { $signer->signed_data = $key->signHash($data_to_sign); } } } $json_string = json_encode($response->data); // let's send the signed data back to Block.io $response = $this->_request('sign_and_finalize_withdrawal', array('signature_data' => $json_string)); } return $response; } private function _sweep($name, $args = array()) { // sweep method to be called by __call $key = $this->initKey()->fromWif($args['private_key']); unset($args['private_key']); // remove the key so we don't send it to anyone outside $args['public_key'] = $key->getPublicKey(); $response = $this->_request($name,$args); if ($response->status == 'success' && array_key_exists('reference_id', $response->data)) { // we have signatures to append // grab inputs $inputs = &$response->data->inputs; // data to sign foreach ($inputs as &$curInput) { // for each input $data_to_sign = &$curInput->data_to_sign; foreach ($curInput->signers as &$signer) { // for each signer if ($key->getPublicKey() == $signer->signer_public_key) { $signer->signed_data = $key->signHash($data_to_sign); } } } $json_string = json_encode($response->data); // let's send the signed data back to Block.io $response = $this->_request('sign_and_finalize_sweep', array('signature_data' => $json_string)); } return $response; } public function initKey() { // grants a new Key object return new BlockKey(); } private function pbkdf2($password, $key_length, $salt = "", $rounds = 1024, $a = 'sha256') { // PBKDF2 function adaptation for Block.io // Derived key $dk = ''; // Create key for ($block=1; $block<=$key_length; $block++) { // Initial hash for this block $ib = $h = hash_hmac($a, $salt . pack('N', $block), $password, true); // Perform block iterations for ($i=1; $i<$rounds; $i++) { // XOR each iteration $ib ^= ($h = hash_hmac($a, $h, $password, true)); } // Append iterated block $dk .= $ib; } // Return derived key of correct length $key = substr($dk, 0, $key_length); return bin2hex($key); } public function encrypt($data, $key) { # encrypt using aes256ecb # data is string, key is hex string (pbkdf2 with 2,048 iterations) $key = hex2bin($key); // convert the hex into binary $padding = 16 - (strlen($data) % 16); $data .= str_repeat(chr($padding), $padding); $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($data, 'AES-256-ECB', $key, true); $ciphertext_base64 = base64_encode($ciphertext); return $ciphertext_base64; } public function pinToAesKey($pin) { // converts the given Secret PIN to an Encryption Key $enc_key_16 = $this->pbkdf2($pin,16); $enc_key_32 = $this->pbkdf2($enc_key_16,32); return $enc_key_32; } public function decrypt($b64ciphertext, $key) { # data must be in base64 string, $key is binary of hashed pincode $key = hex2bin($key); // convert the hex into binary $ciphertext_dec = base64_decode($b64ciphertext); $data_dec = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext_dec, 'AES-256-ECB', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, NULL); return $data_dec; // plain text } } class BlockKey { public $k; public $a; public $b; public $p; public $n; public $G; public $networkPrefix; public $c = true; //compressed or not public function __construct() { $this->a = gmp_init('0', 10); $this->b = gmp_init('7', 10); $this->p = gmp_init('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F', 16); $this->n = gmp_init('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141', 16); $this->G = array('x' => gmp_init('55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240'), 'y' => gmp_init('32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424')); $this->networkPrefix = '00'; } public function deterministicGenerateK($message, $key) { // key in hex, message as it is // RFC6979 $hash = $message; $k = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; $v = "0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101"; // step D $k = hash_hmac('sha256', hex2bin($v) . hex2bin("00") . hex2bin($key) . hex2bin($hash), hex2bin($k)); // step E $v = hash_hmac('sha256', hex2bin($v), hex2bin($k)); // step F $k = hash_hmac('sha256', hex2bin($v) . hex2bin("01") . hex2bin($key) . hex2bin($hash), hex2bin($k)); // step G $v = hash_hmac('sha256', hex2bin($v), hex2bin($k)); // H2b $h2b = hash_hmac('sha256', hex2bin($v), hex2bin($k)); $tNum = gmp_init($h2b,16); // step H3 while (gmp_sign($tNum) <= 0 || gmp_cmp($tNum, $this->n) >= 0) { $k = hash_hmac('sha256', hex2bin($v) . hex2bin("00"), hex2bin($k)); $v = hash_hmac('sha256', hex2bin($v), hex2bin($k)); $tNum = gmp_init($v, 16); } return gmp_strval($tNum,16); } /*** * Convert a number to a compact Int * taken from https://github.com/scintill/php-bitcoin-signature-routines/blob/master/verifymessage.php * * @param $i * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public function numToVarIntString($i) { if ($i < 0xfd) { return chr($i); } else if ($i <= 0xffff) { return pack('Cv', 0xfd, $i); } else if ($i <= 0xffffffff) { return pack('CV', 0xfe, $i); } else { throw new \Exception('int too large'); } } /*** * Set the network prefix, '00' = main network, '6f' = test network. * * @param String Hex $prefix */ public function setNetworkPrefix($prefix) { $this->networkPrefix = $prefix; } /** * Returns the current network prefix, '00' = main network, '6f' = test network. * * @return String Hex */ public function getNetworkPrefix() { return $this->networkPrefix; } /*** * Permutation table used for Base58 encoding and decoding. * * @param $char * @param bool $reverse * @return null */ public function base58_permutation($char, $reverse = false) { $table = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D', 'E','F','G','H','J','K','L','M','N','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W', 'X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','m','n','o', 'p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z' ); if($reverse) { $reversedTable = array(); foreach($table as $key => $element) { $reversedTable[$element] = $key; } if(isset($reversedTable[$char])) return $reversedTable[$char]; else return null; } if(isset($table[$char])) return $table[$char]; else return null; } /*** * Bitcoin standard 256 bit hash function : double sha256 * * @param $data * @return string */ public function hash256($data) { return hash('sha256', hex2bin(hash('sha256', $data))); } /*** * encode a hexadecimal string in Base58. * * @param String Hex $data * @param bool $littleEndian * @return String Base58 * @throws \Exception */ public function base58_encode($data, $littleEndian = true) { $res = ''; $dataIntVal = gmp_init($data, 16); while(gmp_cmp($dataIntVal, gmp_init(0, 10)) > 0) { $qr = gmp_div_qr($dataIntVal, gmp_init(58, 10)); $dataIntVal = $qr[0]; $reminder = gmp_strval($qr[1]); if(!$this->base58_permutation($reminder)) { throw new \Exception('Something went wrong during base58 encoding'); } $res .= $this->base58_permutation($reminder); } //get number of leading zeros $leading = ''; $i=0; while(substr($data, $i, 1) == '0') { if($i!= 0 && $i%2) { $leading .= '1'; } $i++; } if($littleEndian) return strrev($res . $leading); else return $res.$leading; } /*** * Decode a Base58 encoded string and returns it's value as a hexadecimal string * * @param $encodedData * @param bool $littleEndian * @return String Hex */ public function base58_decode($encodedData, $littleEndian = true) { $res = gmp_init(0, 10); $length = strlen($encodedData); if($littleEndian) { $encodedData = strrev($encodedData); } for($i = $length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $res = gmp_add( gmp_mul( $res, gmp_init(58, 10) ), $this->base58_permutation(substr($encodedData, $i, 1), true) ); } $res = gmp_strval($res, 16); $i = $length - 1; while(substr($encodedData, $i, 1) == '1') { $res = '00' . $res; $i--; } if(strlen($res)%2 != 0) { $res = '0' . $res; } return $res; } public function toWif($network = "BTC") { return $this->getWif($network); } /*** * returns the private key under the Wallet Import Format * * @return String Base58 * @throws \Exception */ public function getWif($network = "BTC") { if(!isset($this->k)) { throw new \Exception('No Private Key was defined'); } $privKeyVersions = array(); $privKeyVersion["BTC"] = '80'; $privKeyVersion["BTCTEST"] = 'ef'; $privKeyVersion["DOGE"] = '9e'; $privKeyVersion["DOGETEST"] = 'f1'; $privKeyVersion["LTC"] = 'b0'; $privKeyVersion["LTCTEST"] = 'ef'; $k = $this->k; $secretKey = $privKeyVersion[$network] . $k; if ($this->c) { $secretKey .= '01'; } // set the compression flag if we need it $firstSha256 = hash('sha256', hex2bin($secretKey)); $secondSha256 = hash('sha256', hex2bin($firstSha256)); $secretKey .= substr($secondSha256, 0, 8); return $this->base58_encode($secretKey); } /*** * Computes the result of a point addition and returns the resulting point as an Array. * * @param Array $pt * @return Array Point * @throws \Exception */ public function doublePoint(Array $pt) { $a = $this->a; $p = $this->p; $gcd = gmp_strval(gmp_gcd(gmp_mod(gmp_mul(gmp_init(2, 10), $pt['y']), $p),$p)); if($gcd != '1') { throw new \Exception('This library doesn\'t yet supports point at infinity. See https://github.com/BitcoinPHP/BitcoinECDSA.php/issues/9'); } // SLOPE = (3 * ptX^2 + a )/( 2*ptY ) // Equals (3 * ptX^2 + a ) * ( 2*ptY )^-1 $slope = gmp_mod( gmp_mul( gmp_invert( gmp_mod( gmp_mul( gmp_init(2, 10), $pt['y'] ), $p ), $p ), gmp_add( gmp_mul( gmp_init(3, 10), gmp_pow($pt['x'], 2) ), $a ) ), $p ); $nPt = array(); $nPt['x'] = gmp_mod( gmp_sub( gmp_sub( gmp_pow($slope, 2), $pt['x'] ), $pt['x'] ), $p ); $nPt['y'] = gmp_mod( gmp_sub( gmp_mul( $slope, gmp_sub( $pt['x'], $nPt['x'] ) ), $pt['y'] ), $p ); return $nPt; } /*** * Computes the result of a point addition and returns the resulting point as an Array. * * @param Array $pt1 * @param Array $pt2 * @return Array Point * @throws \Exception */ public function addPoints(Array $pt1, Array $pt2) { $p = $this->p; if(gmp_cmp($pt1['x'], $pt2['x']) == 0 && gmp_cmp($pt1['y'], $pt2['y']) == 0) //if identical { return $this->doublePoint($pt1); } $gcd = gmp_strval(gmp_gcd(gmp_sub($pt1['x'], $pt2['x']), $p)); if($gcd != '1') { throw new \Exception('This library doesn\'t yet supports point at infinity. See https://github.com/BitcoinPHP/BitcoinECDSA.php/issues/9'); } $slope = gmp_mod( gmp_mul( gmp_sub( $pt1['y'], $pt2['y'] ), gmp_invert( gmp_sub( $pt1['x'], $pt2['x'] ), $p ) ), $p ); $nPt = array(); $nPt['x'] = gmp_mod( gmp_sub( gmp_sub( gmp_pow($slope, 2), $pt1['x'] ), $pt2['x'] ), $p ); $nPt['y'] = gmp_mod( gmp_sub( gmp_mul( $slope, gmp_sub( $pt1['x'], $nPt['x'] ) ), $pt1['y'] ), $p ); return $nPt; } /*** * Computes the result of a point multiplication and returns the resulting point as an Array. * * @param String Hex $k * @param Array $pG * @param $base * @throws \Exception * @return Array Point */ public function mulPoint($k, Array $pG, $base = null) { //in order to calculate k*G if($base == 16 || $base == null || is_resource($base)) $k = gmp_init($k, 16); if($base == 10) $k = gmp_init($k, 10); $kBin = gmp_strval($k, 2); $lastPoint = $pG; for($i = 1; $i < strlen($kBin); $i++) { if(substr($kBin, $i, 1) == 1 ) { $dPt = $this->doublePoint($lastPoint); $lastPoint = $this->addPoints($dPt, $pG); } else { $lastPoint = $this->doublePoint($lastPoint); } } if(!$this->validatePoint(gmp_strval($lastPoint['x'], 16), gmp_strval($lastPoint['y'], 16))) throw new \Exception('The resulting point is not on the curve.'); return $lastPoint; } /*** * Calculates the square root of $a mod p and returns the 2 solutions as an array. * * @param $a * @return array|null * @throws \Exception */ public function sqrt($a) { $p = $this->p; if(gmp_legendre($a, $p) != 1) { //no result return null; } if(gmp_strval(gmp_mod($p, gmp_init(4, 10)), 10) == 3) { $sqrt1 = gmp_powm( $a, gmp_div_q( gmp_add($p, gmp_init(1, 10)), gmp_init(4, 10) ), $p ); $sqrt2 = gmp_mod(gmp_sub($p, $sqrt1), $p); return array($sqrt1, $sqrt2); } else { throw new \Exception('P % 4 != 3 , this isn\'t supported yet.'); } } /*** * Calculate the Y coordinates for a given X coordinate. * * @param $x * @param null $derEvenOrOddCode * @return array|null|String */ public function calculateYWithX($x, $derEvenOrOddCode = null) { $a = $this->a; $b = $this->b; $p = $this->p; $x = gmp_init($x, 16); $y2 = gmp_mod( gmp_add( gmp_add( gmp_powm($x, gmp_init(3, 10), $p), gmp_mul($a, $x) ), $b ), $p ); $y = $this->sqrt($y2); if(!$y) { return null; } if(!$derEvenOrOddCode) { return $y; } else if($derEvenOrOddCode == '02') { $resY = null; if(false == gmp_strval(gmp_mod($y[0], gmp_init(2, 10)), 10)) $resY = gmp_strval($y[0], 16); if(false == gmp_strval(gmp_mod($y[1], gmp_init(2, 10)), 10)) $resY = gmp_strval($y[1], 16); if($resY) { while(strlen($resY) < 64) { $resY = '0' . $resY; } } return $resY; } else if($derEvenOrOddCode == '03') // odd { $resY = null; if(true == gmp_strval(gmp_mod($y[0], gmp_init(2, 10)), 10)) $resY = gmp_strval($y[0], 16); if(true == gmp_strval(gmp_mod($y[1], gmp_init(2, 10)), 10)) $resY = gmp_strval($y[1], 16); if($resY) { while(strlen($resY) < 64) { $resY = '0' . $resY; } } return $resY; } return null; } /*** * returns the public key coordinates as an array. * * @param $derPubKey * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function getPubKeyPointsWithDerPubKey($derPubKey) { if(substr($derPubKey, 0, 2) == '04' && strlen($derPubKey) == 130) { //uncompressed der encoded public key $x = substr($derPubKey, 2, 64); $y = substr($derPubKey, 66, 64); return array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y); } else if((substr($derPubKey, 0, 2) == '02' || substr($derPubKey, 0, 2) == '03') && strlen($derPubKey) == 66) { //compressed der encoded public key $x = substr($derPubKey, 2, 64); $y = $this->calculateYWithX($x, substr($derPubKey, 0, 2)); return array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y); } else { throw new \Exception('Invalid derPubKey format : ' . $derPubKey); } } public function getDerPubKeyWithPubKeyPoints($pubKey, $compressed = true) { if(true == $compressed) { return '04' . $pubKey['x'] . $pubKey['y']; } else { if(gmp_strval(gmp_mod(gmp_init($pubKey['y'], 16), gmp_init(2, 10))) == 0) $pubKey = '02' . $pubKey['x']; //if $pubKey['y'] is even else $pubKey = '03' . $pubKey['x']; //if $pubKey['y'] is odd return $pubKey; } } /*** * Returns true if the point is on the curve and false if it isn't. * * @param $x * @param $y * @return bool */ public function validatePoint($x, $y) { $a = $this->a; $b = $this->b; $p = $this->p; $x = gmp_init($x, 16); $y2 = gmp_mod( gmp_add( gmp_add( gmp_powm($x, gmp_init(3, 10), $p), gmp_mul($a, $x) ), $b ), $p ); $y = gmp_mod(gmp_pow(gmp_init($y, 16), 2), $p); if(gmp_cmp($y2, $y) == 0) return true; else return false; } /*** * returns the X and Y point coordinates of the public key. * * @return Array Point * @throws \Exception */ public function getPubKeyPoints() { $G = $this->G; $k = $this->k; if(!isset($this->k)) { throw new \Exception('No Private Key was defined'); } $pubKey = $this->mulPoint($k, array('x' => $G['x'], 'y' => $G['y']) ); $pubKey['x'] = gmp_strval($pubKey['x'], 16); $pubKey['y'] = gmp_strval($pubKey['y'], 16); while(strlen($pubKey['x']) < 64) { $pubKey['x'] = '0' . $pubKey['x']; } while(strlen($pubKey['y']) < 64) { $pubKey['y'] = '0' . $pubKey['y']; } return $pubKey; } /*** * returns the uncompressed DER encoded public key. * * @return String Hex */ public function getUncompressedPubKey() { $pubKey = $this->getPubKeyPoints(); $uncompressedPubKey = '04' . $pubKey['x'] . $pubKey['y']; return $uncompressedPubKey; } public function getPublicKey() { return $this->getPubKey(); } /*** * returns the compressed DER encoded public key. * * @return String Hex */ public function getPubKey() { $pubKey = ""; if ($this->c) { // compressed $pubKey = $this->getPubKeyPoints(); if(gmp_strval(gmp_mod(gmp_init($pubKey['y'], 16), gmp_init(2, 10))) == 0) $pubKey = '02' . $pubKey['x']; //if $pubKey['y'] is even else $pubKey = '03' . $pubKey['x']; //if $pubKey['y'] is odd } else { // uncompressed $pubKey = $this->getUncompressedPubKey(); } return $pubKey; } /*** * returns the uncompressed Bitcoin address generated from the private key if $compressed is false and * the compressed if $compressed is true. * * @param bool $compressed * @param string $derPubKey * @throws \Exception * @return String Base58 */ public function getUncompressedAddress($compressed = false, $derPubKey = null) { if(null != $derPubKey) { $address = $derPubKey; } else { if($compressed) { $address = $this->getPubKey(); } else { $address = $this->getUncompressedPubKey(); } } $sha256 = hash('sha256', hex2bin($address)); $ripem160 = hash('ripemd160', hex2bin($sha256)); $address = $this->getNetworkPrefix() . $ripem160; //checksum $sha256 = hash('sha256', hex2bin($address)); $sha256 = hash('sha256', hex2bin($sha256)); $address = $address.substr($sha256, 0, 8); $address = $this->base58_encode($address); if($this->validateAddress($address)) return $address; else throw new \Exception('the generated address seems not to be valid.'); } /*** * returns the compressed Bitcoin address generated from the private key. * * @param string $derPubKey * @return String Base58 */ public function getAddress($derPubKey = null) { return $this->getUncompressedAddress(true, $derPubKey); } /*** * set a private key. * * @param String Hex $k * @throws \Exception */ public function setPrivateKey($k) { //private key has to be passed as an hexadecimal number if(gmp_cmp(gmp_init($k, 16), gmp_sub($this->n, gmp_init(1, 10))) == 1) { throw new \Exception('Private Key is not in the 1,n-1 range'); } $this->k = $k; } public function fromPassphrase($pp) { // take a sha256 hash of the passphrase, and then set it as the private key $hashed = hash('sha256', hex2bin($pp)); $this->setPrivateKey($hashed); return $this; } public function fromWif($pp) { // extract the private key from the key in Wallet Import Format // TODO validation if ($this->validateWifKey($pp) === false) { throw new \Exception("Invalid Private Key provided."); } $fullStr = $this->base58_decode($pp); $withoutVersion = substr($fullStr,2); $withoutChecksumAndVersion = substr($withoutVersion,0,64); $this->setPrivateKey($withoutChecksumAndVersion); if (substr($withoutVersion,64,2) == '01') { // is compressed $this->c = true; } else { // is not compressed $this->c = false; } return $this; } /*** * return the private key. * * @return String Hex */ public function getPrivateKey() { return $this->k; } /*** * Generate a new random private key. * The extra parameter can be some random data typed down by the user or mouse movements to add randomness. * * @param string $extra * @throws \Exception */ public function generateRandomPrivateKey($extra = 'FSQF5356dsdsqdfEFEQ3fq4q6dq4s5d') { //private key has to be passed as an hexadecimal number do { //generate a new random private key until to find one that is valid $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(256, $cStrong); $hex = bin2hex($bytes); $random = $hex . microtime(true).rand(100000000000, 1000000000000) . $extra; $this->k = hash('sha256', $random); if(!$cStrong) { throw new \Exception('Your system is not able to generate strong enough random numbers'); } } while(gmp_cmp(gmp_init($this->k, 16), gmp_sub($this->n, gmp_init(1, 10))) == 1); } /*** * Tests if the address is valid or not. * * @param String Base58 $address * @return bool */ public function validateAddress($address) { $address = hex2bin($this->base58_decode($address)); if(strlen($address) != 25) return false; $checksum = substr($address, 21, 4); $rawAddress = substr($address, 0, 21); $sha256 = hash('sha256', $rawAddress); $sha256 = hash('sha256', hex2bin($sha256)); if(substr(hex2bin($sha256), 0, 4) == $checksum) return true; else return false; } /*** * Tests if the Wif key (Wallet Import Format) is valid or not. * * @param String Base58 $wif * @return bool */ public function validateWifKey($wif) { $key = $this->base58_decode($wif, true); $length = strlen($key); $firstSha256 = hash('sha256', hex2bin(substr($key, 0, $length - 8))); $secondSha256 = hash('sha256', hex2bin($firstSha256)); if(substr($secondSha256, 0, 8) == substr($key, $length - 8, 8)) return true; else return false; } function String2Hex($string){ $hex=''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++){ $hex .= dechex(ord($string[$i])); } return $hex; } /*** * Sign a hash with the private key that was set and returns signatures as an array (R,S) * * @param $hash * @param null $nonce * @throws \Exception * @return Array */ public function getSignatureHashPoints($hash, $nonce = null) { $n = $this->n; $k = $this->k; if(empty($k)) { throw new \Exception('No Private Key was defined'); } if(null == $nonce) { // use a deterministic nonce $nonce = $this->deterministicGenerateK($hash, $this->k); } //first part of the signature (R). $rPt = $this->mulPoint($nonce, $this->G); $R = gmp_strval($rPt ['x'], 16); // fix DER encoding -- pad it so we don't confuse overflow with being negative if (strlen($R)%2) { $R = '0' . $R; } else if (hexdec(substr($R, 0, 1)) >= 8) { $R = '00' . $R; } $S = gmp_strval( gmp_mod( gmp_mul( gmp_invert( gmp_init($nonce, 16), $n ), gmp_add( gmp_init($hash, 16), gmp_mul( gmp_init($k, 16), gmp_init($R, 16) ) ) ), $n ), 16 ); // implement BIP62 $gmpS = gmp_init($S,16); $N_OVER_TWO = gmp_div($this->n,2); if (gmp_cmp($gmpS,$N_OVER_TWO) > 0) { $S = gmp_strval(gmp_sub($this->n, $gmpS),16); } // fix DER encoding -- pad it so we don't confuse overflow with being negative if (strlen($S)%2) { $S = '0' . $S; } else if (hexdec(substr($S, 0, 1)) >= 8) { $S = '00' . $S; } return array('R' => $R, 'S' => $S); } public function sign($hash, $nonce = null) { return $this->signHash($hash, $nonce); } /*** * Sign a hash with the private key that was set and returns a DER encoded signature * * @param $hash * @param null $nonce * @return string */ public function signHash($hash, $nonce = null) { $points = $this->getSignatureHashPoints($hash, $nonce); $signature = '02' . dechex(strlen(hex2bin($points['R']))) . $points['R'] . '02' . dechex(strlen(hex2bin($points['S']))) . $points['S']; $signature = '30' . dechex(strlen(hex2bin($signature))) . $signature; return $signature; } /*** * Satoshi client's standard message signature implementation. * * @param $message * @param bool $compressed * @param null $nonce * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public function signMessage($message, $compressed = true, $nonce = null) { $hash = $this->hash256("\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n" . $this->numToVarIntString(strlen($message)). $message); $points = $this->getSignatureHashPoints( $hash, $nonce ); $R = $points['R']; $S = $points['S']; while(strlen($R) < 64) $R = '0' . $R; while(strlen($S) < 64) $S = '0' . $S; $res = "\n-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n"; $res .= $message; $res .= "\n-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"; if(true == $compressed) $res .= $this->getAddress() . "\n"; else $res .= $this->getUncompressedAddress() . "\n"; $finalFlag = 0; for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $flag = 27; if(true == $compressed) $flag += 4; $flag += $i; $pubKeyPts = $this->getPubKeyPoints(); $recoveredPubKey = $this->getPubKeyWithRS($flag, $R, $S, $hash); if($this->getDerPubKeyWithPubKeyPoints($pubKeyPts, $compressed) == $recoveredPubKey) { $finalFlag = $flag; } } if(0 == $finalFlag) { throw new \Exception('Unable to get a valid signature flag.'); } $res .= base64_encode(hex2bin(dechex($finalFlag) . $R . $S)); $res .= "\n-----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----"; return $res; } /*** * extract the public key from the signature and using the recovery flag. * see http://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/18106/10927 * based on https://github.com/brainwallet/brainwallet.github.io/blob/master/js/bitcoinsig.js * possible public keys are r−1(sR−zG) and r−1(sR′−zG) * Recovery flag rules are : * binary number between 28 and 35 inclusive * if the flag is > 30 then the address is compressed. * * @param $flag * @param $R * @param $S * @param $hash * @return array */ public function getPubKeyWithRS($flag, $R, $S, $hash) { $isCompressed = false; if ($flag < 27 || $flag >= 35) return false; if($flag >= 31) //if address is compressed { $isCompressed = true; $flag -= 4; } $recid = $flag - 27; //step 1.1 $x = null; $x = gmp_add( gmp_init($R, 16), gmp_mul( $this->n, gmp_div_q( //check if j is equal to 0 or to 1. gmp_init($recid, 10), gmp_init(2, 10) ) ) ); //step 1.3 $y = null; if(1 == $flag % 2) //check if y is even. { $gmpY = $this->calculateYWithX(gmp_strval($x, 16), '02'); if(null != $gmpY) $y = gmp_init($gmpY, 16); } else { $gmpY = $this->calculateYWithX(gmp_strval($x, 16), '03'); if(null != $gmpY) $y = gmp_init($gmpY, 16); } if(null == $y) return null; $Rpt = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y); $eG = $this->mulPoint($hash, $this->G); $eG['y'] = gmp_mod(gmp_neg($eG['y']), $this->p); $SR = $this->mulPoint($S, $Rpt); $pubKey = $this->mulPoint( gmp_strval(gmp_invert(gmp_init($R, 16), $this->n), 16), $this->addPoints( $SR, $eG ) ); $pubKey['x'] = gmp_strval($pubKey['x'], 16); $pubKey['y'] = gmp_strval($pubKey['y'], 16); while(strlen($pubKey['x']) < 64) $pubKey['x'] = '0' . $pubKey['x']; while(strlen($pubKey['y']) < 64) $pubKey['y'] = '0' . $pubKey['y']; $derPubKey = $this->getDerPubKeyWithPubKeyPoints($pubKey, $isCompressed); if($this->checkSignaturePoints($derPubKey, $R, $S, $hash)) return $derPubKey; else return false; } /*** * Check signature with public key R & S values of the signature and the message hash. * * @param $pubKey * @param $R * @param $S * @param $hash * @return bool */ public function checkSignaturePoints($pubKey, $R, $S, $hash) { $G = $this->G; $pubKeyPts = $this->getPubKeyPointsWithDerPubKey($pubKey); $exp1 = gmp_strval( gmp_mul( gmp_invert( gmp_init($S, 16), $this->n ), gmp_init($hash, 16) ), 16 ); $exp1Pt = $this->mulPoint($exp1, $G); $exp2 = gmp_strval( gmp_mul( gmp_invert( gmp_init($S, 16), $this->n ), gmp_init($R, 16) ), 16 ); $pubKeyPts['x'] = gmp_init($pubKeyPts['x'], 16); $pubKeyPts['y'] = gmp_init($pubKeyPts['y'], 16); $exp2Pt = $this->mulPoint($exp2,$pubKeyPts); $resultingPt = $this->addPoints($exp1Pt, $exp2Pt); $xRes = gmp_strval($resultingPt['x'], 16); while(strlen($xRes) < 64) $xRes = '0' . $xRes; if($xRes == $R) return true; else return false; } /*** * checkSignaturePoints wrapper for DER signatures * * @param $pubKey * @param $signature * @param $hash * @return bool */ public function checkDerSignature($pubKey, $signature, $hash) { $signature = hex2bin($signature); if('30' != bin2hex(substr($signature, 0, 1))) return false; $RLength = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($signature, 3, 1))); $R = bin2hex(substr($signature, 4, $RLength)); $SLength = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($signature, $RLength + 5, 1))); $S = bin2hex(substr($signature, $RLength + 6, $SLength)); return $this->checkSignaturePoints($pubKey, $R, $S, $hash); } /*** * checks the signature of a bitcoin signed message. * * @param $rawMessage * @return bool */ public function checkSignatureForRawMessage($rawMessage) { //recover message. preg_match_all("#-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n(.{0,})\n-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n#USi", $rawMessage, $out); $message = $out[1][0]; preg_match_all("#\n-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n(.{0,})\n(.{0,})\n-----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----#USi", $rawMessage, $out); $address = $out[1][0]; $signature = $out[2][0]; return $this->checkSignatureForMessage($address, $signature, $message); } /*** * checks the signature of a bitcoin signed message. * * @param $address * @param $encodedSignature * @param $message * @return bool */ public function checkSignatureForMessage($address, $encodedSignature, $message) { $hash = $this->hash256("\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n" . $this->numToVarIntString(strlen($message)) . $message); $signature = base64_decode($encodedSignature); $flag = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($signature, 0, 1))); $R = bin2hex(substr($signature, 1, 64)); $S = bin2hex(substr($signature, 65, 64)); $derPubKey = $this->getPubKeyWithRS($flag, $R, $S, $hash); $recoveredAddress = $this->getAddress($derPubKey); if($address == $recoveredAddress) return true; else return false; } } function strToHex($string) { $hex=''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { $hex .= dechex(ord($string[$i])); } return $hex; } ?>