[ /* * Smart search will enclose search keyword with wildcard string "%keyword%". * SQL: column LIKE "%keyword%" */ 'smart' => true, /* * Multi-term search will explode search keyword using spaces resulting into multiple term search. */ 'multi_term' => true, /* * Case insensitive will search the keyword in lower case format. * SQL: LOWER(column) LIKE LOWER(keyword) */ 'case_insensitive' => true, /* * Wild card will add "%" in between every characters of the keyword. * SQL: column LIKE "%k%e%y%w%o%r%d%" */ 'use_wildcards' => false, /* * Perform a search which starts with the given keyword. * SQL: column LIKE "keyword%" */ 'starts_with' => false, ], /* * DataTables internal index id response column name. */ 'index_column' => 'DT_RowIndex', /* * List of available builders for DataTables. * This is where you can register your custom dataTables builder. */ 'engines' => [ 'eloquent' => Yajra\DataTables\EloquentDataTable::class, 'query' => Yajra\DataTables\QueryDataTable::class, 'collection' => Yajra\DataTables\CollectionDataTable::class, 'resource' => Yajra\DataTables\ApiResourceDataTable::class, ], /* * DataTables accepted builder to engine mapping. * This is where you can override which engine a builder should use * Note, only change this if you know what you are doing! */ 'builders' => [ //Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation::class => 'eloquent', //Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::class => 'eloquent', //Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::class => 'query', //Illuminate\Support\Collection::class => 'collection', ], /* * Nulls last sql pattern for PostgreSQL & Oracle. * For MySQL, use 'CASE WHEN :column IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, :column :direction' */ 'nulls_last_sql' => ':column :direction NULLS LAST', /* * User friendly message to be displayed on user if error occurs. * Possible values: * null - The exception message will be used on error response. * 'throw' - Throws a \Yajra\DataTables\Exceptions\Exception. Use your custom error handler if needed. * 'custom message' - Any friendly message to be displayed to the user. You can also use translation key. */ 'error' => env('DATATABLES_ERROR', null), /* * Default columns definition of dataTable utility functions. */ 'columns' => [ /* * List of columns hidden/removed on json response. */ 'excess' => ['rn', 'row_num'], /* * List of columns to be escaped. If set to *, all columns are escape. * Note: You can set the value to empty array to disable XSS protection. */ 'escape' => '*', /* * List of columns that are allowed to display html content. * Note: Adding columns to list will make us available to XSS attacks. */ 'raw' => ['action'], /* * List of columns are are forbidden from being searched/sorted. */ 'blacklist' => ['password', 'remember_token'], /* * List of columns that are only allowed fo search/sort. * If set to *, all columns are allowed. */ 'whitelist' => '*', ], /* * JsonResponse header and options config. */ 'json' => [ 'header' => [], 'options' => 0, ], ];