* @author Fabien Ménager
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License */ namespace Dompdf\FrameReflower; use Dompdf\Frame; use Dompdf\FrameDecorator\Block as BlockFrameDecorator; use Dompdf\FrameDecorator\TableCell as TableCellFrameDecorator; use Dompdf\FrameDecorator\Text as TextFrameDecorator; use Dompdf\Positioner\Inline as InlinePositioner; use Dompdf\Exception; use Dompdf\Css\Style; /** * Reflows block frames * * @package dompdf */ class Block extends AbstractFrameReflower { // Minimum line width to justify, as fraction of available width const MIN_JUSTIFY_WIDTH = 0.80; /** * @var BlockFrameDecorator */ protected $_frame; function __construct(BlockFrameDecorator $frame) { parent::__construct($frame); } /** * Calculate the ideal used value for the width property as per: * http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#Computing_widths_and_margins * * @param float $width * * @return array */ protected function _calculate_width($width) { $frame = $this->_frame; $style = $frame->get_style(); $absolute = $frame->is_absolute(); $cb = $frame->get_containing_block(); $w = $cb["w"]; $rm = $style->length_in_pt($style->margin_right, $w); $lm = $style->length_in_pt($style->margin_left, $w); $left = $style->length_in_pt($style->left, $w); $right = $style->length_in_pt($style->right, $w); // Handle 'auto' values $dims = [$style->border_left_width, $style->border_right_width, $style->padding_left, $style->padding_right, $width !== "auto" ? $width : 0, $rm !== "auto" ? $rm : 0, $lm !== "auto" ? $lm : 0]; // absolutely positioned boxes take the 'left' and 'right' properties into account if ($absolute) { $dims[] = $left !== "auto" ? $left : 0; $dims[] = $right !== "auto" ? $right : 0; } $sum = (float)$style->length_in_pt($dims, $w); // Compare to the containing block $diff = $w - $sum; if ($absolute) { // Absolutely positioned // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-width if ($width === "auto" || $left === "auto" || $right === "auto") { // "all of the three are 'auto'" logic + otherwise case if ($lm === "auto") { $lm = 0; } if ($rm === "auto") { $rm = 0; } $block_parent = $frame->find_block_parent(); $parent_content = $block_parent->get_content_box(); $line = $block_parent->get_current_line_box(); // TODO: This is the in-flow inline position. Use the in-flow // block position if the original display type is block-level $inflow_x = $parent_content["x"] - $cb["x"] + $line->left + $line->w; if ($width === "auto" && $left === "auto" && $right === "auto") { // rule 3, per instruction preceding rule set // shrink-to-fit width $left = $inflow_x; [$min, $max] = $this->get_min_max_content_width(); $width = min(max($min, $diff - $left), $max); $right = $diff - $left - $width; } elseif ($width === "auto" && $left === "auto") { // rule 1 // shrink-to-fit width [$min, $max] = $this->get_min_max_content_width(); $width = min(max($min, $diff), $max); $left = $diff - $width; } elseif ($width === "auto" && $right === "auto") { // rule 3 // shrink-to-fit width [$min, $max] = $this->get_min_max_content_width(); $width = min(max($min, $diff), $max); $right = $diff - $width; } elseif ($left === "auto" && $right === "auto") { // rule 2 $left = $inflow_x; $right = $diff - $left; } elseif ($left === "auto") { // rule 4 $left = $diff; } elseif ($width === "auto") { // rule 5 $width = max($diff, 0); } else { // $right === "auto" // rule 6 $right = $diff; } } else { // "none of the three are 'auto'" logic described in paragraph preceding the rules if ($diff >= 0) { if ($lm === "auto" && $rm === "auto") { $lm = $rm = $diff / 2; } elseif ($lm === "auto") { $lm = $diff; } elseif ($rm === "auto") { $rm = $diff; } } else { // over-constrained, solve for right $right = $right + $diff; if ($lm === "auto") { $lm = 0; } if ($rm === "auto") { $rm = 0; } } } } elseif ($style->float !== "none" || $style->display === "inline-block") { // Shrink-to-fit width for float and inline block // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#float-width // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#inlineblock-width if ($width === "auto") { [$min, $max] = $this->get_min_max_content_width(); $width = min(max($min, $diff), $max); } if ($lm === "auto") { $lm = 0; } if ($rm === "auto") { $rm = 0; } } else { // Block-level, normal flow // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#blockwidth if ($diff >= 0) { // Find auto properties and get them to take up the slack if ($width === "auto") { $width = $diff; if ($lm === "auto") { $lm = 0; } if ($rm === "auto") { $rm = 0; } } elseif ($lm === "auto" && $rm === "auto") { $lm = $rm = $diff / 2; } elseif ($lm === "auto") { $lm = $diff; } elseif ($rm === "auto") { $rm = $diff; } } else { // We are over constrained--set margin-right to the difference $rm = (float) $rm + $diff; if ($width === "auto") { $width = 0; } if ($lm === "auto") { $lm = 0; } } } return [ "width" => $width, "margin_left" => $lm, "margin_right" => $rm, "left" => $left, "right" => $right, ]; } /** * Call the above function, but resolve max/min widths * * @throws Exception * @return array */ protected function _calculate_restricted_width() { $frame = $this->_frame; $style = $frame->get_style(); $cb = $frame->get_containing_block(); if (!isset($cb["w"])) { throw new Exception("Box property calculation requires containing block width"); } $width = $style->length_in_pt($style->width, $cb["w"]); $calculate_width = $this->_calculate_width($width); $margin_left = $calculate_width['margin_left']; $margin_right = $calculate_width['margin_right']; $width = $calculate_width['width']; $left = $calculate_width['left']; $right = $calculate_width['right']; // Handle min/max width // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#min-max-widths $min_width = $style->length_in_pt($style->min_width, $cb["w"]); $max_width = $style->length_in_pt($style->max_width, $cb["w"]); if ($max_width !== "none" && $width > $max_width) { extract($this->_calculate_width($max_width)); } if ($width < $min_width) { $calculate_width = $this->_calculate_width($min_width); $margin_left = $calculate_width['margin_left']; $margin_right = $calculate_width['margin_right']; $width = $calculate_width['width']; $left = $calculate_width['left']; $right = $calculate_width['right']; } return [$width, $margin_left, $margin_right, $left, $right]; } /** * Determine the unrestricted height of content within the block * not by adding each line's height, but by getting the last line's position. * This because lines could have been pushed lower by a clearing element. * * @return float */ protected function _calculate_content_height() { $height = 0; $lines = $this->_frame->get_line_boxes(); if (count($lines) > 0) { $last_line = end($lines); $content_box = $this->_frame->get_content_box(); $height = $last_line->y + $last_line->h - $content_box["y"]; } return $height; } /** * Determine the frame's restricted height * * @return array */ protected function _calculate_restricted_height() { $frame = $this->_frame; $style = $frame->get_style(); $content_height = $this->_calculate_content_height(); $cb = $frame->get_containing_block(); $height = $style->length_in_pt($style->height, $cb["h"]); $margin_top = $style->length_in_pt($style->margin_top, $cb["w"]); $margin_bottom = $style->length_in_pt($style->margin_bottom, $cb["w"]); $top = $style->length_in_pt($style->top, $cb["h"]); $bottom = $style->length_in_pt($style->bottom, $cb["h"]); if ($frame->is_absolute()) { // Absolutely positioned // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-height $h_dims = [ $top !== "auto" ? $top : 0, $height !== "auto" ? $height : 0, $bottom !== "auto" ? $bottom : 0 ]; $w_dims = [ $style->margin_top !== "auto" ? $style->margin_top : 0, $style->padding_top, $style->border_top_width, $style->border_bottom_width, $style->padding_bottom, $style->margin_bottom !== "auto" ? $style->margin_bottom : 0 ]; $sum = (float)$style->length_in_pt($h_dims, $cb["h"]) + (float)$style->length_in_pt($w_dims, $cb["w"]); $diff = $cb["h"] - $sum; if ($height === "auto" || $top === "auto" || $bottom === "auto") { // "all of the three are 'auto'" logic + otherwise case if ($margin_top === "auto") { $margin_top = 0; } if ($margin_bottom === "auto") { $margin_bottom = 0; } $block_parent = $frame->find_block_parent(); $current_line = $block_parent->get_current_line_box(); // TODO: This is the in-flow inline position. Use the in-flow // block position if the original display type is block-level $inflow_y = $current_line->y - $cb["y"]; if ($height === "auto" && $top === "auto" && $bottom === "auto") { // rule 3, per instruction preceding rule set $top = $inflow_y; $height = $content_height; $bottom = $diff - $top - $height; } elseif ($height === "auto" && $top === "auto") { // rule 1 $height = $content_height; $top = $diff - $height; } elseif ($height === "auto" && $bottom === "auto") { // rule 3 $height = $content_height; $bottom = $diff - $height; } elseif ($top === "auto" && $bottom === "auto") { // rule 2 $top = $inflow_y; $bottom = $diff - $top; } elseif ($top === "auto") { // rule 4 $top = $diff; } elseif ($height === "auto") { // rule 5 $height = max($diff, 0); } else { // $bottom === "auto" // rule 6 $bottom = $diff; } } else { // "none of the three are 'auto'" logic described in paragraph preceding the rules if ($diff >= 0) { if ($margin_top === "auto" && $margin_bottom === "auto") { $margin_top = $margin_bottom = $diff / 2; } elseif ($margin_top === "auto") { $margin_top = $diff; } elseif ($margin_bottom === "auto") { $margin_bottom = $diff; } } else { // over-constrained, solve for bottom $bottom = $bottom + $diff; if ($margin_top === "auto") { $margin_top = 0; } if ($margin_bottom === "auto") { $margin_bottom = 0; } } } } else { // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#normal-block // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#block-root-margin if ($height === "auto") { $height = $content_height; } if ($margin_top === "auto") { $margin_top = 0; } if ($margin_bottom === "auto") { $margin_bottom = 0; } // FIXME: this should probably be moved to a separate function as per // _calculate_restricted_width $min_height = $style->min_height; $max_height = $style->max_height; if (isset($cb["h"])) { $min_height = $style->length_in_pt($min_height, $cb["h"]); $max_height = $style->length_in_pt($max_height, $cb["h"]); } else if (isset($cb["w"])) { if (mb_strpos($min_height, "%") !== false) { $min_height = 0; } else { $min_height = $style->length_in_pt($min_height, $cb["w"]); } if (mb_strpos($max_height, "%") !== false) { $max_height = "none"; } else { $max_height = $style->length_in_pt($max_height, $cb["w"]); } } if ($max_height !== "none" && $max_height !== "auto" && $height > (float)$max_height) { $height = $max_height; } if ($height < (float)$min_height) { $height = $min_height; } } return [$height, $margin_top, $margin_bottom, $top, $bottom]; } /** * Adjust the justification of each of our lines. * http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/text.html#propdef-text-align */ protected function _text_align() { $style = $this->_frame->get_style(); $w = $this->_frame->get_containing_block("w"); $width = (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->width, $w); $text_indent = (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->text_indent, $w); switch ($style->text_align) { default: case "left": foreach ($this->_frame->get_line_boxes() as $line) { if (!$line->inline || !$line->left) { continue; } foreach ($line->get_frames() as $frame) { if ($frame->get_positioner() instanceof InlinePositioner) { $frame->move($line->left, 0); } } } break; case "right": foreach ($this->_frame->get_line_boxes() as $i => $line) { if (!$line->inline) { continue; } // Move each child over by $dx $indent = $i === 0 ? $text_indent : 0; $dx = $width - $line->w - $line->right - $indent; foreach ($line->get_frames() as $frame) { if ($frame->get_positioner() instanceof InlinePositioner) { $frame->move($dx, 0); } } } break; case "justify": // We justify all lines except the last one, unless the frame // has been split, in which case the actual last line is part of // the split-off frame $lines = $this->_frame->get_line_boxes(); $last_line_index = $this->_frame->is_split ? null : count($lines) - 1; foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { if (!$line->inline) { continue; } if ($line->left) { foreach ($line->get_frames() as $frame) { if ($frame->get_positioner() instanceof InlinePositioner) { $frame->move($line->left, 0); } } } if ($line->br || $i === $last_line_index) { continue; } $other_frame_count = 0; foreach ($line->get_frames() as $frame) { if (!($frame instanceof TextFrameDecorator)) { $other_frame_count++; } } $word_count = $line->wc + $other_frame_count; // Set the spacing for each child if ($word_count > 1) { $indent = $i === 0 ? $text_indent : 0; $spacing = ($width - $line->get_width() - $indent) / ($word_count - 1); } else { $spacing = 0; } $dx = 0; foreach ($line->get_frames() as $frame) { if ($frame instanceof TextFrameDecorator) { $text = $frame->get_text(); $spaces = mb_substr_count($text, " "); $frame->move($dx, 0); $frame->set_text_spacing($spacing); $dx += $spaces * $spacing; } else { $frame->move($dx, 0); } } // The line (should) now occupy the entire width $line->w = $width; } break; case "center": case "centre": foreach ($this->_frame->get_line_boxes() as $i => $line) { if (!$line->inline) { continue; } // Centre each line by moving each frame in the line by: $indent = $i === 0 ? $text_indent : 0; $dx = ($width + $line->left - $line->w - $line->right - $indent) / 2; foreach ($line->get_frames() as $frame) { if ($frame->get_positioner() instanceof InlinePositioner) { $frame->move($dx, 0); } } } break; } } /** * Align inline children vertically. * Aligns each child vertically after each line is reflowed */ function vertical_align() { $canvas = null; foreach ($this->_frame->get_line_boxes() as $line) { $height = $line->h; foreach ($line->get_frames() as $frame) { $style = $frame->get_style(); $isInlineBlock = ( '-dompdf-image' === $style->display || 'inline-block' === $style->display || 'inline-table' === $style->display ); if (!$isInlineBlock && $style->display !== "inline") { continue; } if (!isset($canvas)) { $canvas = $frame->get_root()->get_dompdf()->getCanvas(); } $baseline = $canvas->get_font_baseline($style->font_family, $style->font_size); $y_offset = 0; //FIXME: The 0.8 ratio applied to the height is arbitrary (used to accommodate descenders?) if ($isInlineBlock) { $lineFrames = $line->get_frames(); if (count($lineFrames) == 1) { continue; } $frameBox = $frame->get_border_box(); $imageHeightDiff = $height * 0.8 - $frameBox['h']; $align = $frame->get_style()->vertical_align; if (in_array($align, Style::$vertical_align_keywords) === true) { switch ($align) { case "middle": $y_offset = $imageHeightDiff / 2; break; case "sub": $y_offset = 0.3 * $height + $imageHeightDiff; break; case "super": $y_offset = -0.2 * $height + $imageHeightDiff; break; case "text-top": // FIXME: this should be the height of the frame minus the height of the text $y_offset = $height - $style->line_height; break; case "top": break; case "text-bottom": // FIXME: align bottom of image with the descender? case "bottom": $y_offset = 0.3 * $height + $imageHeightDiff; break; case "baseline": default: $y_offset = $imageHeightDiff; break; } } else { $y_offset = $baseline - (float)$style->length_in_pt($align, $style->font_size) - $frameBox['h']; } } else { $parent = $frame->get_parent(); if ($parent instanceof TableCellFrameDecorator) { $align = "baseline"; } else { $align = $parent->get_style()->vertical_align; } if (in_array($align, Style::$vertical_align_keywords) === true) { switch ($align) { case "middle": $y_offset = ($height * 0.8 - $baseline) / 2; break; case "sub": $y_offset = $height * 0.8 - $baseline * 0.5; break; case "super": $y_offset = $height * 0.8 - $baseline * 1.4; break; case "text-top": case "top": // Not strictly accurate, but good enough for now break; case "text-bottom": case "bottom": $y_offset = $height * 0.8 - $baseline; break; case "baseline": default: $y_offset = $height * 0.8 - $baseline; break; } } else { $y_offset = $height * 0.8 - $baseline - (float)$style->length_in_pt($align, $style->font_size); } } if ($y_offset !== 0) { $frame->move(0, $y_offset); } } } } /** * @param Frame $child */ function process_clear(Frame $child) { $child_style = $child->get_style(); $root = $this->_frame->get_root(); // Handle "clear" if ($child_style->clear !== "none") { //TODO: this is a WIP for handling clear/float frames that are in between inline frames if ($child->get_prev_sibling() !== null) { $this->_frame->add_line(); } if ($child_style->float !== "none" && $child->get_next_sibling()) { $this->_frame->set_current_line_number($this->_frame->get_current_line_number() - 1); } $lowest_y = $root->get_lowest_float_offset($child); // If a float is still applying, we handle it if ($lowest_y) { if ($child->is_in_flow()) { $line_box = $this->_frame->get_current_line_box(); $line_box->y = $lowest_y + $child->get_margin_height(); $line_box->left = 0; $line_box->right = 0; } $child->move(0, $lowest_y - $child->get_position("y")); } } } /** * @param Frame $child * @param float $cb_x * @param float $cb_w */ function process_float(Frame $child, $cb_x, $cb_w) { $child_style = $child->get_style(); $root = $this->_frame->get_root(); // Handle "float" if ($child_style->float !== "none") { $root->add_floating_frame($child); // Remove next frame's beginning whitespace $next = $child->get_next_sibling(); if ($next && $next instanceof TextFrameDecorator) { $next->set_text(ltrim($next->get_text())); } $line_box = $this->_frame->get_current_line_box(); list($old_x, $old_y) = $child->get_position(); $float_x = $cb_x; $float_y = $old_y; $float_w = $child->get_margin_width(); if ($child_style->clear === "none") { switch ($child_style->float) { case "left": $float_x += $line_box->left; break; case "right": $float_x += ($cb_w - $line_box->right - $float_w); break; } } else { if ($child_style->float === "right") { $float_x += ($cb_w - $float_w); } } if ($cb_w < $float_x + $float_w - $old_x) { // TODO handle when floating elements don't fit } $line_box->get_float_offsets(); if ($child->_float_next_line) { $float_y += $line_box->h; } $child->set_position($float_x, $float_y); $child->move($float_x - $old_x, $float_y - $old_y, true); } } /** * @param BlockFrameDecorator $block * @return mixed|void */ function reflow(BlockFrameDecorator $block = null) { // Check if a page break is forced $page = $this->_frame->get_root(); $page->check_forced_page_break($this->_frame); // Bail if the page is full if ($page->is_full()) { return; } $this->determine_absolute_containing_block(); // Generated content $this->_set_content(); // Collapse margins if required $this->_collapse_margins(); $style = $this->_frame->get_style(); $cb = $this->_frame->get_containing_block(); // Determine the constraints imposed by this frame: calculate the width // of the content area: list($width, $left_margin, $right_margin, $left, $right) = $this->_calculate_restricted_width(); // Store the calculated properties $style->width = $width; $style->margin_left = $left_margin; $style->margin_right = $right_margin; $style->left = $left; $style->right = $right; $margin_top = $style->length_in_pt($style->margin_top, $cb["w"]); $margin_bottom = $style->length_in_pt($style->margin_bottom, $cb["w"]); $auto_top = $style->top === "auto"; $auto_margin_top = $margin_top === "auto"; // Update the position $this->_frame->position(); list($x, $y) = $this->_frame->get_position(); // Adjust the first line based on the text-indent property $indent = (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->text_indent, $cb["w"]); $this->_frame->increase_line_width($indent); // Determine the content edge $top = (float)$style->length_in_pt([ $margin_top !== "auto" ? $margin_top : 0, $style->border_top_width, $style->padding_top ], $cb["w"]); $bottom = (float)$style->length_in_pt([ $margin_bottom !== "auto" ? $margin_bottom : 0, $style->border_bottom_width, $style->padding_bottom ], $cb["w"]); $cb_x = $x + (float)$left_margin + (float)$style->length_in_pt([$style->border_left_width, $style->padding_left], $cb["w"]); $cb_y = $y + $top; $height = $style->length_in_pt($style->height, $cb["h"]); if ($height === "auto") { $height = ($cb["h"] + $cb["y"]) - $bottom - $cb_y; } // Set the y position of the first line in this block $line_box = $this->_frame->get_current_line_box(); $line_box->y = $cb_y; $line_box->get_float_offsets(); // Set the containing blocks and reflow each child foreach ($this->_frame->get_children() as $child) { // Bail out if the page is full if ($page->is_full()) { break; } $child->set_containing_block($cb_x, $cb_y, $width, $height); $this->process_clear($child); $child->reflow($this->_frame); // Don't add the child to the line if a page break has occurred if ($page->check_page_break($child)) { break; } $this->process_float($child, $cb_x, $width); } // Determine our height list($height, $margin_top, $margin_bottom, $top, $bottom) = $this->_calculate_restricted_height(); $style->height = $height; $style->margin_top = $margin_top; $style->margin_bottom = $margin_bottom; $style->top = $top; $style->bottom = $bottom; if ($this->_frame->is_absolute()) { if ($auto_top) { $this->_frame->move(0, $top); } if ($auto_margin_top) { $this->_frame->move(0, $margin_top, true); } } $this->_text_align(); $this->vertical_align(); // Handle relative positioning foreach ($this->_frame->get_children() as $child) { $this->position_relative($child); } if ($block && $this->_frame->is_in_flow()) { $block->add_frame_to_line($this->_frame); if ($this->_frame->is_block_level()) { $block->add_line(); } } } }