setUrl($url); } /** * @param string $html * * @return static */ public static function html(string $html) { return (new static)->setHtml($html); } public function __construct(string $url = '', bool $deviceEmulate = false) { $this->url = $url; $this->imageManipulations = new Manipulations(); if (! $deviceEmulate) { $this->windowSize(800, 600); } } public function setNodeBinary(string $nodeBinary) { $this->nodeBinary = $nodeBinary; return $this; } public function setNpmBinary(string $npmBinary) { $this->npmBinary = $npmBinary; return $this; } public function setIncludePath(string $includePath) { $this->includePath = $includePath; return $this; } public function setBinPath(string $binPath) { $this->binPath = $binPath; return $this; } public function setNodeModulePath(string $nodeModulePath) { $this->nodeModulePath = $nodeModulePath; return $this; } public function setChromePath(string $executablePath) { $this->setOption('executablePath', $executablePath); return $this; } public function useCookies(array $cookies, string $domain = null) { if (! count($cookies)) { return $this; } if (is_null($domain)) { $domain = parse_url($this->url)['host']; } $cookies = array_map(function ($value, $name) use ($domain) { return compact('name', 'value', 'domain'); }, $cookies, array_keys($cookies)); if (isset($this->additionalOptions['cookies'])) { $cookies = array_merge($this->additionalOptions['cookies'], $cookies); } $this->setOption('cookies', $cookies); return $this; } public function setExtraHttpHeaders(array $extraHTTPHeaders) { $this->setOption('extraHTTPHeaders', $extraHTTPHeaders); return $this; } public function authenticate(string $username, string $password) { $this->setOption('authentication', compact('username', 'password')); return $this; } public function click(string $selector, string $button = 'left', int $clickCount = 1, int $delay = 0) { $clicks = $this->additionalOptions['clicks'] ?? []; $clicks[] = compact('selector', 'button', 'clickCount', 'delay'); $this->setOption('clicks', $clicks); return $this; } public function selectOption(string $selector, string $value = '') { $dropdownSelects = $this->additionalOptions['selects'] ?? []; $dropdownSelects[] = compact('selector', 'value'); $this->setOption('selects', $dropdownSelects); return $this; } public function type(string $selector, string $text = '', int $delay = 0) { $types = $this->additionalOptions['types'] ?? []; $types[] = compact('selector', 'text', 'delay'); $this->setOption('types', $types); return $this; } /** * @deprecated This option is no longer supported by modern versions of Puppeteer. */ public function setNetworkIdleTimeout(int $networkIdleTimeout) { $this->setOption('networkIdleTimeout'); return $this; } public function waitUntilNetworkIdle(bool $strict = true) { $this->setOption('waitUntil', $strict ? 'networkidle0' : 'networkidle2'); return $this; } public function waitForFunction(string $function, $polling = self::POLLING_REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME, int $timeout = 0) { $this->setOption('functionPolling', $polling); $this->setOption('functionTimeout', $timeout); return $this->setOption('function', $function); } public function setUrl(string $url) { $this->url = $url; $this->html = ''; return $this; } public function setProxyServer(string $proxyServer) { $this->proxyServer = $proxyServer; return $this; } public function setHtml(string $html) { $this->html = $html; $this->url = ''; $this->hideBrowserHeaderAndFooter(); return $this; } public function clip(int $x, int $y, int $width, int $height) { return $this->setOption('clip', compact('x', 'y', 'width', 'height')); } public function select($selector) { return $this->setOption('selector', $selector); } public function showBrowserHeaderAndFooter() { return $this->setOption('displayHeaderFooter', true); } public function hideBrowserHeaderAndFooter() { return $this->setOption('displayHeaderFooter', false); } public function hideHeader() { return $this->headerHtml('
'); } public function hideFooter() { return $this->footerHtml('
'); } public function headerHtml(string $html) { return $this->setOption('headerTemplate', $html); } public function footerHtml(string $html) { return $this->setOption('footerTemplate', $html); } public function deviceScaleFactor(int $deviceScaleFactor) { // Google Chrome currently supports values of 1, 2, and 3. return $this->setOption('viewport.deviceScaleFactor', max(1, min(3, $deviceScaleFactor))); } public function fullPage() { return $this->setOption('fullPage', true); } public function showBackground() { $this->showBackground = true; $this->showScreenshotBackground = true; return $this; } public function hideBackground() { $this->showBackground = false; $this->showScreenshotBackground = false; return $this; } public function setScreenshotType(string $type, int $quality = null) { $this->screenshotType = $type; if (! is_null($quality)) { $this->screenshotQuality = $quality; } return $this; } public function ignoreHttpsErrors() { return $this->setOption('ignoreHttpsErrors', true); } public function mobile(bool $mobile = true) { return $this->setOption('viewport.isMobile', true); } public function touch(bool $touch = true) { return $this->setOption('viewport.hasTouch', true); } public function landscape(bool $landscape = true) { return $this->setOption('landscape', $landscape); } public function margins(float $top, float $right, float $bottom, float $left, string $unit = 'mm') { return $this->setOption('margin', [ 'top' => $top.$unit, 'right' => $right.$unit, 'bottom' => $bottom.$unit, 'left' => $left.$unit, ]); } public function noSandbox() { $this->noSandbox = true; return $this; } public function dismissDialogs() { return $this->setOption('dismissDialogs', true); } public function disableJavascript() { return $this->setOption('disableJavascript', true); } public function disableImages() { return $this->setOption('disableImages', true); } public function blockUrls($array) { return $this->setOption('blockUrls', json_encode($array)); } public function blockDomains($array) { return $this->setOption('blockDomains', json_encode($array)); } public function pages(string $pages) { return $this->setOption('pageRanges', $pages); } public function paperSize(float $width, float $height, string $unit = 'mm') { return $this ->setOption('width', $width.$unit) ->setOption('height', $height.$unit); } // paper format public function format(string $format) { return $this->setOption('format', $format); } public function timeout(int $timeout) { $this->timeout = $timeout; $this->setOption('timeout', $timeout * 1000); return $this; } public function userAgent(string $userAgent) { $this->setOption('userAgent', $userAgent); return $this; } public function device(string $device) { $this->setOption('device', $device); return $this; } public function emulateMedia(?string $media) { $this->setOption('emulateMedia', $media); return $this; } public function windowSize(int $width, int $height) { return $this ->setOption('viewport.width', $width) ->setOption('viewport.height', $height); } public function setDelay(int $delayInMilliseconds) { return $this->setOption('delay', $delayInMilliseconds); } public function delay(int $delayInMilliseconds) { return $this->setDelay($delayInMilliseconds); } public function writeOptionsToFile() { $this->writeOptionsToFile = true; return $this; } public function setOption($key, $value) { $this->arraySet($this->additionalOptions, $key, $value); return $this; } public function addChromiumArguments(array $arguments) { foreach ($arguments as $argument => $value) { if (is_numeric($argument)) { $this->chromiumArguments[] = "--$value"; } else { $this->chromiumArguments[] = "--$argument=$value"; } } return $this; } public function __call($name, $arguments) { $this->imageManipulations->$name(...$arguments); return $this; } public function save(string $targetPath) { $extension = strtolower(pathinfo($targetPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if ($extension === '') { throw CouldNotTakeBrowsershot::outputFileDidNotHaveAnExtension($targetPath); } if ($extension === 'pdf') { return $this->savePdf($targetPath); } $command = $this->createScreenshotCommand($targetPath); $this->callBrowser($command); $this->cleanupTemporaryHtmlFile(); if (! file_exists($targetPath)) { throw CouldNotTakeBrowsershot::chromeOutputEmpty($targetPath); } if (! $this->imageManipulations->isEmpty()) { $this->applyManipulations($targetPath); } } public function bodyHtml(): string { $command = $this->createBodyHtmlCommand(); return $this->callBrowser($command); } public function base64Screenshot(): string { $command = $this->createScreenshotCommand(); return $this->callBrowser($command); } public function screenshot(): string { if ($this->imageManipulations->isEmpty()) { $command = $this->createScreenshotCommand(); $encodedImage = $this->callBrowser($command); return base64_decode($encodedImage); } $temporaryDirectory = (new TemporaryDirectory())->create(); $this->save($temporaryDirectory->path('screenshot.png')); $screenshot = file_get_contents($temporaryDirectory->path('screenshot.png')); $temporaryDirectory->delete(); return $screenshot; } public function pdf(): string { $command = $this->createPdfCommand(); $encoded_pdf = $this->callBrowser($command); $this->cleanupTemporaryHtmlFile(); return base64_decode($encoded_pdf); } public function savePdf(string $targetPath) { $command = $this->createPdfCommand($targetPath); $this->callBrowser($command); $this->cleanupTemporaryHtmlFile(); if (! file_exists($targetPath)) { throw CouldNotTakeBrowsershot::chromeOutputEmpty($targetPath); } } public function evaluate(string $pageFunction): string { $command = $this->createEvaluateCommand($pageFunction); return $this->callBrowser($command); } public function triggeredRequests(): array { $command = $this->createTriggeredRequestsListCommand(); return json_decode($this->callBrowser($command), true); } public function applyManipulations(string $imagePath) { Image::load($imagePath) ->manipulate($this->imageManipulations) ->save(); } public function createBodyHtmlCommand(): array { $url = $this->html ? $this->createTemporaryHtmlFile() : $this->url; return $this->createCommand($url, 'content'); } public function createScreenshotCommand($targetPath = null): array { $url = $this->html ? $this->createTemporaryHtmlFile() : $this->url; $options = [ 'type' => $this->screenshotType, ]; if ($targetPath) { $options['path'] = $targetPath; } if ($this->screenshotQuality) { $options['quality'] = $this->screenshotQuality; } $command = $this->createCommand($url, 'screenshot', $options); if (! $this->showScreenshotBackground) { $command['options']['omitBackground'] = true; } return $command; } public function createPdfCommand($targetPath = null): array { $url = $this->html ? $this->createTemporaryHtmlFile() : $this->url; $options = []; if ($targetPath) { $options['path'] = $targetPath; } $command = $this->createCommand($url, 'pdf', $options); if ($this->showBackground) { $command['options']['printBackground'] = true; } return $command; } public function createEvaluateCommand(string $pageFunction): array { $url = $this->html ? $this->createTemporaryHtmlFile() : $this->url; $options = [ 'pageFunction' => $pageFunction, ]; return $this->createCommand($url, 'evaluate', $options); } public function createTriggeredRequestsListCommand(): array { $url = $this->html ? $this->createTemporaryHtmlFile() : $this->url; return $this->createCommand($url, 'requestsList'); } public function setRemoteInstance(string $ip = '', int $port = 9222): self { // assuring that ip and port does actually contains a value if ($ip && $port) { $this->setOption('remoteInstanceUrl', 'http://'.$ip.':'.$port); } return $this; } public function setWSEndpoint(string $endpoint): self { if (! is_null($endpoint)) { $this->setOption('browserWSEndpoint', $endpoint); } return $this; } public function usePipe(): self { $this->setOption('pipe', true); return $this; } protected function getOptionArgs(): array { $args = $this->chromiumArguments; if ($this->noSandbox) { $args[] = '--no-sandbox'; } if ($this->proxyServer) { $args[] = '--proxy-server='.$this->proxyServer; } return $args; } protected function createCommand(string $url, string $action, array $options = []): array { $command = compact('url', 'action', 'options'); $command['options']['args'] = $this->getOptionArgs(); if (! empty($this->additionalOptions)) { $command['options'] = array_merge_recursive($command['options'], $this->additionalOptions); } return $command; } protected function createTemporaryHtmlFile(): string { $this->temporaryHtmlDirectory = (new TemporaryDirectory())->create(); file_put_contents($temporaryHtmlFile = $this->temporaryHtmlDirectory->path('index.html'), $this->html); return "file://{$temporaryHtmlFile}"; } protected function cleanupTemporaryHtmlFile() { if ($this->temporaryHtmlDirectory) { $this->temporaryHtmlDirectory->delete(); } } protected function createTemporaryOptionsFile(string $command): string { $this->temporaryOptionsDirectory = (new TemporaryDirectory())->create(); file_put_contents($temporaryOptionsFile = $this->temporaryOptionsDirectory->path('command.js'), $command); return "file://{$temporaryOptionsFile}"; } protected function cleanupTemporaryOptionsFile() { if ($this->temporaryOptionsDirectory) { $this->temporaryOptionsDirectory->delete(); } } protected function callBrowser(array $command) { $fullCommand = $this->getFullCommand($command); $process = Process::fromShellCommandline($fullCommand)->setTimeout($this->timeout); $process->run(); if ($process->isSuccessful()) { return rtrim($process->getOutput()); } $this->cleanupTemporaryOptionsFile(); $process->clearOutput(); if ($process->getExitCode() === 2) { throw new ElementNotFound($this->additionalOptions['selector']); } throw new ProcessFailedException($process); } protected function getFullCommand(array $command) { $nodeBinary = $this->nodeBinary ?: 'node'; $binPath = $this->binPath ?: __DIR__.'/../bin/browser.js'; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $fullCommand = $nodeBinary.' ' .escapeshellarg($binPath).' ' .'"'.str_replace('"', '\"', (json_encode($command))).'"'; return escapeshellcmd($fullCommand); } $setIncludePathCommand = "PATH={$this->includePath}"; $setNodePathCommand = $this->getNodePathCommand($nodeBinary); $optionsCommand = $this->getOptionsCommand(json_encode($command)); return $setIncludePathCommand.' ' .$setNodePathCommand.' ' .$nodeBinary.' ' .escapeshellarg($binPath).' ' .$optionsCommand; } protected function getNodePathCommand(string $nodeBinary): string { if ($this->nodeModulePath) { return "NODE_PATH='{$this->nodeModulePath}'"; } if ($this->npmBinary) { return "NODE_PATH=`{$nodeBinary} {$this->npmBinary} root -g`"; } return 'NODE_PATH=`npm root -g`'; } protected function getOptionsCommand(string $command): string { if ($this->writeOptionsToFile) { $temporaryOptionsFile = $this->createTemporaryOptionsFile($command); return escapeshellarg("-f {$temporaryOptionsFile}"); } return escapeshellarg($command); } protected function arraySet(array &$array, string $key, $value): array { if (is_null($key)) { return $array = $value; } $keys = explode('.', $key); while (count($keys) > 1) { $key = array_shift($keys); // If the key doesn't exist at this depth, we will just create an empty array // to hold the next value, allowing us to create the arrays to hold final // values at the correct depth. Then we'll keep digging into the array. if (! isset($array[$key]) || ! is_array($array[$key])) { $array[$key] = []; } $array = &$array[$key]; } $array[array_shift($keys)] = $value; return $array; } }