Translation Component ===================== The Translation component provides tools to internationalize your application. Getting Started --------------- ``` $ composer require symfony/translation ``` ```php use Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator; use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\ArrayLoader; $translator = new Translator('fr_FR'); $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader()); $translator->addResource('array', [ 'Hello World!' => 'Bonjour !', ], 'fr_FR'); echo $translator->trans('Hello World!'); // outputs « Bonjour ! » ``` Sponsor ------- The Translation component for Symfony 5.4/6.0 is [backed][1] by: * [Crowdin][2], a cloud-based localization management software helping teams to go global and stay agile. * [Lokalise][3], a continuous localization and translation management platform that integrates into your development workflow so you can ship localized products, faster. Help Symfony by [sponsoring][4] its development! Resources --------- * [Documentation](https://symfony.com/doc/current/translation.html) * [Contributing](https://symfony.com/doc/current/contributing/index.html) * [Report issues](https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues) and [send Pull Requests](https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pulls) in the [main Symfony repository](https://github.com/symfony/symfony) [1]: https://symfony.com/backers [2]: https://crowdin.com [3]: https://lokalise.com [4]: https://symfony.com/sponsor