id = $id; } /** * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server * @throws ClientExceptionInterface */ public function get(): self { $request = new Request( $this->getClient()->getApiUrl() . Collection::getCollectionPath() . '/' . $this->getId(), 'GET' ); $response = $this->getClient()->send($request); if ((int)$response->getStatusCode() !== 200) { throw $this->getException($response); } $data = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); $this->jsonUnserialize($data); return $this; } /** * @return ClientException\Exception|ClientException\Request|ClientException\Server */ protected function getException(ResponseInterface $response) { $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); $status = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($status >= 400 && $status < 500) { $e = new ClientException\Request($body['error_title'], $status); } elseif ($status >= 500 && $status < 600) { $e = new ClientException\Server($body['error_title'], $status); } else { $e = new ClientException\Exception('Unexpected HTTP Status Code'); } return $e; } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function put($payload): self { $request = new Request( $this->getClient()->getApiUrl() . Collection::getCollectionPath() . '/' . $this->getId(), 'PUT', 'php://temp', ['content-type' => 'application/json'] ); $request->getBody()->write(json_encode($payload)); $response = $this->client->send($request); $responseCode = (int)$response->getStatusCode(); if ($responseCode !== 200 && $responseCode !== 204) { throw $this->getException($response); } return $this; } public function getId(): ?string { return $this->id; } /** * @param Endpoint|string|null $endpoint */ public function setTo($endpoint): self { if (!($endpoint instanceof Endpoint)) { $endpoint = new Endpoint($endpoint); } $this->to = $endpoint; return $this; } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function getTo(): Endpoint { if ($this->lazyLoad()) { return new Endpoint($this->data['to']['number'], $this->data['to']['type']); } return $this->to; } /** * @param Endpoint|string|null $endpoint * * @return $this */ public function setFrom($endpoint): self { if (!($endpoint instanceof Endpoint)) { $endpoint = new Endpoint($endpoint); } $this->from = $endpoint; return $this; } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function getFrom(): Endpoint { if ($this->lazyLoad()) { return new Endpoint($this->data['from']['number'], $this->data['from']['type']); } return $this->from; } public function setWebhook($type, ?string $url = null, string $method = null): ?self { if ($type instanceof Webhook) { $this->webhooks[$type->getType()] = $type; return $this; } if (is_null($url)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('must provide `Vonage\Call\Webhook` object, ' . 'or a type and url: missing url'); } $this->webhooks[$type] = new Webhook($type, $url, $method); return $this; } /** * @param string|int $length */ public function setTimer(string $type, $length): void { $this->data[$type . '_timer'] = $length; } /** * @param string|int $length */ public function setTimeout(string $type, $length): void { $this->data[$type . '_timeout'] = $length; } public function setNcco($ncco): self { $this->data['ncco'] = $ncco; return $this; } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function getStatus() { if ($this->lazyLoad()) { return $this->data['status']; } return null; } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function getDirection() { if ($this->lazyLoad()) { return $this->data['direction']; } return null; } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function getConversation(): ?Conversation { if ($this->lazyLoad()) { return new Conversation($this->data['conversation_uuid']); } return null; } /** * Returns true if the resource data is loaded. * * Will attempt to load the data if it's not already. * * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ protected function lazyLoad(): bool { if (!empty($this->data)) { return true; } if (isset($this->id)) { $this->get(); return true; } return false; } /** * @param $name * * @noinspection MagicMethodsValidityInspection */ public function __get(string $name) { switch ($name) { case 'stream': case 'talk': case 'dtmf': return $this->lazySubresource(ucfirst($name)); default: throw new RuntimeException('property does not exist: ' . $name); } } /** * @param $name * @param $arguments */ public function __call($name, $arguments) { switch ($name) { case 'stream': case 'talk': case 'dtmf': $entity = $this->lazySubresource(ucfirst($name)); return call_user_func_array($entity, $arguments); default: throw new RuntimeException('method does not exist: ' . $name); } } protected function lazySubresource($type) { if (!isset($this->subresources[$type])) { $class = 'Vonage\Call\\' . $type; $instance = new $class($this->getId()); $instance->setClient($this->getClient()); $this->subresources[$type] = $instance; } return $this->subresources[$type]; } public function jsonSerialize(): array { $dataA = $this->data; $dataB = []; if (isset($this->to)) { $dataA['to'] = [$this->to->jsonSerialize()]; } if (isset($this->from)) { $dataA['from'] = $this->from->jsonSerialize(); } foreach ($this->webhooks as $webhook) { $dataB[] = $webhook->jsonSerialize(); } return array_merge($dataA, $dataB); } public function jsonUnserialize(array $json): void { $this->data = $json; $this->id = $json['uuid']; } }