setClient($this->getClient()); $idOrCall->jsonUnserialize($data); return $idOrCall; } public function __invoke($filter = null): self { /** Fix for the smarter MapFactory in v2.2.0 and the uniqueness of this class interface */ if ($filter instanceof Filter) { $this->setFilter($filter); } return $this; } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function create($call): Call { return $this->post($call); } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function put($payload, $idOrCall): Call { if (!($idOrCall instanceof Call)) { $idOrCall = new Call($idOrCall); } $idOrCall->setClient($this->getClient()); $idOrCall->put($payload); return $idOrCall; } /** * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server * @throws ClientExceptionInterface */ public function delete($call, $type): Call { if (is_object($call) && is_callable([$call, 'getId'])) { $call = $call->getId(); } if (!($call instanceof Call)) { $call = new Call($call); } $request = new Request( $this->getClient()->getApiUrl() . self::getCollectionPath() . '/' . $call->getId() . '/' . $type, 'DELETE' ); $response = $this->client->send($request); if ((int)$response->getStatusCode() !== 204) { throw $this->getException($response); } return $call; } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function post($call): Call { if ($call instanceof Call) { $body = $call->getRequestData(); } else { $body = $call; } $request = new Request( $this->getClient()->getApiUrl() . self::getCollectionPath(), 'POST', 'php://temp', ['content-type' => 'application/json'] ); $request->getBody()->write(json_encode($body)); $response = $this->client->send($request); if ((int)$response->getStatusCode() !== 201) { $e = $this->getException($response); $e->setRequest($request); throw $e; } $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); $call = new Call($body['uuid']); $call->jsonUnserialize($body); $call->setClient($this->getClient()); return $call; } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException\Exception * @throws ClientException\Request * @throws ClientException\Server */ public function get($call): Call { if (!($call instanceof Call)) { $call = new Call($call); } $call->setClient($this->getClient()); $call->get(); return $call; } /** * @throws ClientException\Exception * * @return ClientException\Request|ClientException\Server */ protected function getException(ResponseInterface $response) { $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); $status = $response->getStatusCode(); // Error responses aren't consistent. Some are generated within the // proxy and some are generated within voice itself. This handles // both cases // This message isn't very useful, but we shouldn't ever see it $errorTitle = $body['error_title'] ?? $body['title'] ?? 'Unexpected error'; if ($status >= 400 && $status < 500) { $e = new ClientException\Request($errorTitle, $status); } elseif ($status >= 500 && $status < 600) { $e = new ClientException\Server($errorTitle, $status); } else { $e = new ClientException\Exception('Unexpected HTTP Status Code'); throw $e; } $e->setResponse($response); return $e; } public function offsetExists($offset): bool { //todo: validate form of id return true; } public function offsetGet($call): Call { if (!($call instanceof Call)) { $call = new Call($call); } $call->setClient($this->getClient()); return $call; } public function offsetSet($offset, $value): void { throw new RuntimeException('can not set collection properties'); } public function offsetUnset($offset): void { throw new RuntimeException('can not unset collection properties'); } }