false, 'debug' => false]; /** * Create a new API client using the provided credentials. */ public function __construct(CredentialsInterface $credentials, $options = [], ?ClientInterface $client = null) { if (is_null($client)) { // Since the user did not pass a client, try and make a client // using the Guzzle 6 adapter or Guzzle 7 (depending on availability) list($guzzleVersion) = explode('@', Versions::getVersion('guzzlehttp/guzzle'), 1); $guzzleVersion = (float) $guzzleVersion; if ($guzzleVersion >= 6.0 && $guzzleVersion < 7) { /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection */ /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedNamespaceInspection */ /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ $client = new \Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client(); } if ($guzzleVersion >= 7.0 && $guzzleVersion < 8.0) { $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); } } $this->setHttpClient($client); //make sure we know how to use the credentials if ( !($credentials instanceof Container) && !($credentials instanceof Basic) && !($credentials instanceof SignatureSecret) && !($credentials instanceof OAuth) && !($credentials instanceof Keypair) ) { throw new RuntimeException('unknown credentials type: ' . get_class($credentials)); } $this->credentials = $credentials; $this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options); // If they've provided an app name, validate it if (isset($options['app'])) { $this->validateAppOptions($options['app']); } // Set the default URLs. Keep the constants for // backwards compatibility $this->apiUrl = static::BASE_API; $this->restUrl = static::BASE_REST; // If they've provided alternative URLs, use that instead // of the defaults if (isset($options['base_rest_url'])) { $this->restUrl = $options['base_rest_url']; } if (isset($options['base_api_url'])) { $this->apiUrl = $options['base_api_url']; } if (isset($options['debug'])) { $this->debug = $options['debug']; } $this->setFactory( new MapFactory( [ // Legacy Namespaces 'message' => MessageClient::class, 'calls' => Collection::class, 'conversation' => ConversationsClientFactory::class, 'user' => UserClientFactory::class, // Registered Services by name 'account' => ClientFactory::class, 'applications' => ApplicationClientFactory::class, 'conversion' => ConversionClientFactory::class, 'insights' => InsightsClientFactory::class, 'numbers' => NumbersClientFactory::class, 'redact' => RedactClientFactory::class, 'secrets' => SecretsClientFactory::class, 'sms' => SMSClientFactory::class, 'verify' => VerifyClientFactory::class, 'voice' => VoiceClientFactory::class, // Additional utility classes APIResource::class => APIResource::class, ], $this ) ); // Disable throwing E_USER_DEPRECATED notices by default, the user can turn it on during development if (array_key_exists('show_deprecations', $this->options) && !$this->options['show_deprecations']) { set_error_handler( static function ( int $errno, string $errstr, string $errfile = null, int $errline = null, array $errorcontext = null ) { return true; }, E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } } public function getRestUrl(): string { return $this->restUrl; } public function getApiUrl(): string { return $this->apiUrl; } /** * Set the Http Client to used to make API requests. * * This allows the default http client to be swapped out for a HTTPlug compatible * replacement. */ public function setHttpClient(ClientInterface $client): self { $this->client = $client; return $this; } /** * Get the Http Client used to make API requests. */ public function getHttpClient(): ClientInterface { return $this->client; } /** * Set the factory used to create API specific clients. */ public function setFactory(FactoryInterface $factory): self { $this->factory = $factory; return $this; } public function getFactory(): ContainerInterface { return $this->factory; } /** * @throws ClientException */ public static function signRequest(RequestInterface $request, SignatureSecret $credentials): RequestInterface { switch ($request->getHeaderLine('content-type')) { case 'application/json': $handler = new SignatureBodyHandler(); break; case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': $handler = new SignatureBodyFormHandler(); break; default: $handler = new SignatureQueryHandler(); break; } return $handler($request, $credentials); } public static function authRequest(RequestInterface $request, Basic $credentials): RequestInterface { switch ($request->getHeaderLine('content-type')) { case 'application/json': if (static::requiresBasicAuth($request)) { $handler = new BasicHandler(); } elseif (static::requiresAuthInUrlNotBody($request)) { $handler = new TokenQueryHandler(); } else { $handler = new TokenBodyHandler(); } break; case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': $handler = new TokenBodyFormHandler(); break; default: if (static::requiresBasicAuth($request)) { $handler = new BasicHandler(); } else { $handler = new TokenQueryHandler(); } break; } return $handler($request, $credentials); } /** * @throws ClientException */ public function generateJwt($claims = []): Token { if (method_exists($this->credentials, "generateJwt")) { return $this->credentials->generateJwt($claims); } throw new ClientException(get_class($this->credentials) . ' does not support JWT generation'); } /** * Takes a URL and a key=>value array to generate a GET PSR-7 request object * * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException */ public function get(string $url, array $params = []): ResponseInterface { $queryString = '?' . http_build_query($params); $url .= $queryString; $request = new Request($url, 'GET'); return $this->send($request); } /** * Takes a URL and a key=>value array to generate a POST PSR-7 request object * * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException */ public function post(string $url, array $params): ResponseInterface { $request = new Request( $url, 'POST', 'php://temp', ['content-type' => 'application/json'] ); $request->getBody()->write(json_encode($params)); return $this->send($request); } /** * Takes a URL and a key=>value array to generate a POST PSR-7 request object * * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException */ public function postUrlEncoded(string $url, array $params): ResponseInterface { $request = new Request( $url, 'POST', 'php://temp', ['content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'] ); $request->getBody()->write(http_build_query($params)); return $this->send($request); } /** * Takes a URL and a key=>value array to generate a PUT PSR-7 request object * * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException */ public function put(string $url, array $params): ResponseInterface { $request = new Request( $url, 'PUT', 'php://temp', ['content-type' => 'application/json'] ); $request->getBody()->write(json_encode($params)); return $this->send($request); } /** * Takes a URL and a key=>value array to generate a DELETE PSR-7 request object * * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException */ public function delete(string $url): ResponseInterface { $request = new Request( $url, 'DELETE' ); return $this->send($request); } /** * Wraps the HTTP Client, creates a new PSR-7 request adding authentication, signatures, etc. * * @throws ClientExceptionInterface * @throws ClientException */ public function send(RequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { if ($this->credentials instanceof Container) { if ($this->needsKeypairAuthentication($request)) { $handler = new KeypairHandler(); $request = $handler($request, $this->getCredentials()); } else { $request = self::authRequest($request, $this->credentials->get(Basic::class)); } } elseif ($this->credentials instanceof Keypair) { $handler = new KeypairHandler(); $request = $handler($request, $this->getCredentials()); } elseif ($this->credentials instanceof SignatureSecret) { $request = self::signRequest($request, $this->credentials); } elseif ($this->credentials instanceof Basic) { $request = self::authRequest($request, $this->credentials); } //todo: add oauth support //allow any part of the URI to be replaced with a simple search if (isset($this->options['url'])) { foreach ($this->options['url'] as $search => $replace) { $uri = (string)$request->getUri(); $new = str_replace($search, $replace, $uri); if ($uri !== $new) { $request = $request->withUri(new Uri($new)); } } } // The user agent must be in the following format: // LIBRARY-NAME/LIBRARY-VERSION LANGUAGE-NAME/LANGUAGE-VERSION [APP-NAME/APP-VERSION] // See https://github.com/Vonage/client-library-specification/blob/master/SPECIFICATION.md#reporting $userAgent = []; // Library name $userAgent[] = 'vonage-php/' . $this->getVersion(); // Language name $userAgent[] = 'php/' . PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . PHP_MINOR_VERSION; // If we have an app set, add that to the UA if (isset($this->options['app'])) { $app = $this->options['app']; $userAgent[] = $app['name'] . '/' . $app['version']; } // Set the header. Build by joining all the parts we have with a space $request = $request->withHeader('User-Agent', implode(' ', $userAgent)); /** @noinspection PhpUnnecessaryLocalVariableInspection */ $response = $this->client->sendRequest($request); if ($this->debug) { $id = uniqid(); $request->getBody()->rewind(); $response->getBody()->rewind(); $this->log( LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Request ' . $id, [ 'url' => $request->getUri()->__toString(), 'headers' => $request->getHeaders(), 'body' => explode("\n", $request->getBody()->__toString()) ] ); $this->log( LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Response ' . $id, [ 'headers ' => $response->getHeaders(), 'body' => explode("\n", $response->getBody()->__toString()) ] ); $request->getBody()->rewind(); $response->getBody()->rewind(); } return $response; } protected function validateAppOptions($app): void { $disallowedCharacters = ['/', ' ', "\t", "\n"]; foreach (['name', 'version'] as $key) { if (!isset($app[$key])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('app.' . $key . ' has not been set'); } foreach ($disallowedCharacters as $char) { if (strpos($app[$key], $char) !== false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('app.' . $key . ' cannot contain the ' . $char . ' character'); } } } } public function serialize(EntityInterface $entity): string { if ($entity instanceof Verification) { return $this->verify()->serialize($entity); } throw new RuntimeException('unknown class `' . get_class($entity) . '``'); } /** * @param string|Verification $entity * * @deprecated */ public function unserialize($entity): Verification { if (is_string($entity)) { $entity = unserialize($entity); } if ($entity instanceof Verification) { return $this->verify()->unserialize($entity); } throw new RuntimeException('unknown class `' . get_class($entity) . '``'); } public function __call($name, $args) { if (!$this->factory->hasApi($name)) { throw new RuntimeException('no api namespace found: ' . $name); } $collection = $this->factory->getApi($name); if (empty($args)) { return $collection; } return call_user_func_array($collection, $args); } /** * @noinspection MagicMethodsValidityInspection */ public function __get($name) { if (!$this->factory->hasApi($name)) { throw new RuntimeException('no api namespace found: ' . $name); } return $this->factory->getApi($name); } protected static function requiresBasicAuth(RequestInterface $request): bool { $path = $request->getUri()->getPath(); $isSecretManagementEndpoint = strpos($path, '/accounts') === 0 && strpos($path, '/secrets') !== false; $isApplicationV2 = strpos($path, '/v2/applications') === 0; return $isSecretManagementEndpoint || $isApplicationV2; } protected static function requiresAuthInUrlNotBody(RequestInterface $request): bool { $path = $request->getUri()->getPath(); return strpos($path, '/v1/redact') === 0; } protected function needsKeypairAuthentication(RequestInterface $request): bool { $path = $request->getUri()->getPath(); $isCallEndpoint = strpos($path, '/v1/calls') === 0; $isRecordingUrl = strpos($path, '/v1/files') === 0; $isStitchEndpoint = strpos($path, '/beta/conversation') === 0; $isUserEndpoint = strpos($path, '/beta/users') === 0; return $isCallEndpoint || $isRecordingUrl || $isStitchEndpoint || $isUserEndpoint; } protected function getVersion(): string { return Versions::getVersion('vonage/client-core'); } public function getLogger(): ?LoggerInterface { if (!$this->logger && $this->getFactory()->has(LoggerInterface::class)) { $this->setLogger($this->getFactory()->get(LoggerInterface::class)); } return $this->logger; } public function getCredentials(): CredentialsInterface { return $this->credentials; } }