response = $response; $status = (int)$response->getStatusCode(); if ($this instanceof ArrayHydrateInterface && (200 === $status || 201 === $status)) { $this->fromArray($this->getResponseData()); } } public function setRequest(RequestInterface $request): void { trigger_error( get_class($this) . '::setRequest is deprecated and will be removed', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); $this->request = $request; $this->data = []; if (method_exists($request, 'getQueryParams')) { $this->data = $request->getQueryParams(); } $contentType = $request->getHeader('Content-Type'); if (!empty($contentType)) { if ($contentType[0] === 'application/json') { $body = json_decode($request->getBody()->getContents(), true); if (is_array($body)) { $this->data = array_merge( $this->data, $body ); } } } else { parse_str($request->getBody()->getContents(), $body); $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $body); } } public function getRequest(): ?RequestInterface { trigger_error( get_class($this) . '::getRequest() is deprecated. ' . 'Please get the APIResource from the appropriate client to get this information', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->request; } public function getResponse(): ?ResponseInterface { trigger_error( get_class($this) . '::getResponse() is deprecated. ' . 'Please get the APIResource from the appropriate client to get this information', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->response; } }