should_use_files()) { return false; } $theme_paths = $this->maybe_prepare_theme_uploads_path(); if (! $theme_paths) { return false; } foreach ($this->get_chunks() as $chunk) { if (! $chunk['enabled']) { continue; } $file = $theme_paths['css_path'] . '/' . $chunk['filename']; if (! file_exists($file)) { return false; } } return true; } ); add_filter( 'blocksy_performance_end_customizer_options', function ($opts) { $opts['dynamic_css_file'] = [ 'label' => __( 'Dynamic CSS Output', 'blocksy-companion' ), 'type' => 'ct-radio', 'value' => 'file', 'view' => 'text', 'desc' => __( 'The strategy of outputting the dynamic CSS. File - all the CSS code will be placed in a static file, otherwise it will be placed inline in head.', 'blocksy-companion' ), 'choices' => [ 'file' => __( 'File', 'blocksy-companion' ), 'inline' => __( 'Inline', 'blocksy-companion' ), ], ]; $opts[blocksy_rand_md5()] = [ 'type' => 'ct-divider', ]; return $opts; } ); add_action('current_screen', function () { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ($screen->base === 'plugins') { if ( isset($_GET['activate-multi']) || isset($_GET['activate']) || isset($_GET['deactivate']) || isset($_GET['deactivate-multi']) ) { $this->generate_css_files(); } } }); add_action('blocksy:dynamic-css:refresh-caches', function () { $this->generate_css_files(); }); add_action('init', function () { $this->enqueue_dynamic_css(); }); // Needs to run very early. // Will catch when the import is done and will refresh the dynamic CSS. // All in One WP Migration compatibility. add_action('ai1wm_status_import_done', function () { do_action('blocksy:dynamic-css:refresh-caches'); }); } public function should_use_files() { return blocksy_get_theme_mod('dynamic_css_file', 'file') === 'file'; } public function get_chunks() { return [ [ 'filename' => 'global.css', 'context' => 'files:global', 'enabled' => true ], ]; } public function enqueue_dynamic_css() { if (is_admin()) { return; } if (defined('IFRAME_REQUEST') && IFRAME_REQUEST) { return; } if ( ! function_exists('blocksy_has_css_in_files') || ! blocksy_has_css_in_files() ) { return; } $theme_paths = $this->maybe_prepare_theme_uploads_path(); if (! $theme_paths) { return; } foreach ($this->get_chunks() as $chunk) { if (! $chunk['enabled']) { continue; } $file = $theme_paths['css_path'] . '/' . $chunk['filename']; $url = $theme_paths['css_url'] . '/' . $chunk['filename']; wp_enqueue_style( 'blocksy-dynamic-' . pathinfo($chunk['filename'], PATHINFO_FILENAME), set_url_scheme($url), [], substr((string) filemtime($file), -5, 5) ); } } public function generate_css_files() { if (! $this->should_use_files()) { return false; } $theme_paths = $this->maybe_prepare_theme_uploads_path([ 'should_generate' => true ]); if (! $theme_paths) { return false; } $chunks = $this->get_chunks(); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { if (! $chunk['enabled']) { continue; } $file = $theme_paths['css_path'] . '/' . $chunk['filename']; if ( function_exists('blocksy_get_dynamic_css_file_content') && $this->wp_filesystem ) { $this->wp_filesystem->put_contents( $file, blocksy_get_dynamic_css_file_content(['context' => $chunk['context']]) ); } } } public function maybe_prepare_theme_uploads_path($args = []) { $args = wp_parse_args($args, [ 'should_generate' => false, ]); require_once (ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'); WP_Filesystem(); global $wp_filesystem; $this->wp_filesystem = $wp_filesystem; $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); // Theme folders in `uploads` directory. $folders_in_uploads = array( 'base' => 'blocksy', 'css' => 'blocksy/css' ); $theme_paths = []; foreach($folders_in_uploads as $folder => $path) { // Server path. $theme_paths[ $folder . '_path' ] = $uploads['basedir'] . '/' . $path; // URL. $theme_paths[ $folder . '_url' ] = $uploads['baseurl'] . '/' . $path; } // Custom css file. if (! $this->has_direct_access($theme_paths['css_path'])) { return false; } if (null === $this->wp_filesystem) { return false; } if ($args['should_generate']) { foreach(array_keys($folders_in_uploads) as $folder) { $path = $theme_paths[$folder . '_path']; $parent = dirname($path); if ($this->wp_filesystem->is_writable($parent)) { if (! $this->wp_filesystem->is_dir($path)) { $this->wp_filesystem->mkdir($path); } } } } return $theme_paths; } public function has_direct_access($context = null) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; WP_Filesystem(); /** @var WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem */ global $wp_filesystem; if ($wp_filesystem) { if ($wp_filesystem->method !== 'direct') { return false; } else { return true; } } if (get_filesystem_method([], $context) === 'direct') { ob_start(); $creds = request_filesystem_credentials( admin_url(), '', false, $context, null ); ob_end_clean(); if (WP_Filesystem($creds)) { return true; } } return false; } public function get_wp_filesystem() { return $this->wp_filesystem; } }