enqueue_static(); }, 100 ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', function () { $this->enqueue_static(); }, 50 ); $this->cache_manager = new CacheResetManager(); $this->extensions_api = new ExtensionsManagerApi(); $this->theme_integration = new ThemeIntegration(); $this->demo = new DemoInstall(); new CustomizerOptionsManager(); new ConditionsManagerAPI(); } public function early_init() { if (is_admin()) { $this->dashboard = new Dashboard(); } add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', function () { wp_enqueue_style( 'blocksy-styles', BLOCKSY_URL . 'static/bundle/options.min.css', [], blc_get_version() ); $current_screen = get_current_screen(); // Don't enqueue the script in the root WP dashboard. // Sometimes it causes a redirect loop there in some setups. if ($current_screen && $current_screen->base === 'dashboard') { return; } $locale_data_ct = blc_get_jed_locale_data('blocksy-companion'); wp_add_inline_script( 'wp-i18n', 'wp.i18n.setLocaleData( ' . wp_json_encode($locale_data_ct) . ', "blocksy-companion" );' ); }, 50 ); } /** * Init components that need early access to the system. * * @access private */ public function early_init_with_blocksy_theme() { add_filter('blocksy:current-url:request-uri', function () { return $this->request_uri; }); if ( blc_can_use_premium_code() && blc_get_capabilities()->has_feature('base_pro') ) { $this->premium = new Premium(); } $this->extensions = new ExtensionsManager(); $this->header = new HeaderAdditions(); new Editor\Blocks(); $this->feat_google_analytics = new GoogleAnalytics(); new OpenGraphMetaData(); new SvgHandling(); $this->account_auth = new AccountAuth(); if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) { $this->cli = new Cli(); } $this->dynamic_css = new DynamicCss(); } /** * Register autoloader. * * Blocksy autoloader loads all the classes needed to run the plugin. * * @access private */ private function register_autoloader() { require_once BLOCKSY_PATH . '/framework/autoload.php'; Autoloader::run(); } /** * Plugin constructor. * * Initializing Blocksy plugin. * * @access private */ private function __construct() { require_once BLOCKSY_PATH . '/framework/helpers/request.php'; require_once BLOCKSY_PATH . '/framework/helpers/helpers.php'; require_once BLOCKSY_PATH . '/framework/helpers/exts.php'; // Some plugins override the REQUEST_URI server variable and we need to // persist the original value for use within the blocksy_current_url() // helper function. // // Mainly caused by TranslatePress Business SEO pack. $this->request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; add_filter( 'extra_theme_headers', function ($extra) { $extra[] = 'Blocksy Minimum Companion Version'; return $extra; } ); $this->register_autoloader(); $this->early_init(); if (! $this->check_if_blocksy_is_activated()) { return; } $this->early_init_with_blocksy_theme(); add_action('init', [$this, 'init'], 0); } public function check_if_blocksy_is_activated() { $is_cli = defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI; if ($this->is_blocksy === '__NOT_SET__') { $theme = wp_get_theme(get_template()); if ($theme->parent() && $theme->parent()->exists()) { $theme = $theme->parent(); } $is_correct_theme = strpos( $theme->get('Name'), 'Blocksy' ) !== false; $is_theme_version_ok = version_compare( $theme->get('Version'), $this->desired_blocksy_version ) > -1; $is_companion_version_ok = true; $maybe_minimum_companion_version = $theme->get('Blocksy Minimum Companion Version'); if (! empty($maybe_minimum_companion_version)) { $is_companion_version_ok = version_compare( blc_get_version(), $maybe_minimum_companion_version ) > -1; } $is_correct_version = ( $is_theme_version_ok && $is_companion_version_ok ); $another_theme_in_preview = false; if (! $is_cli) { $maybe_foreign_theme = ''; // Handle customizer preview iframe and all AJAX requests that // are made within the preview. if ( isset($_REQUEST['customize_theme']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['customize_theme']) ) { $maybe_foreign_theme = $_REQUEST['customize_theme']; } if ( isset($_REQUEST['wp_theme_preview']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['wp_theme_preview']) ) { $maybe_foreign_theme = $_REQUEST['wp_theme_preview']; } $server_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // If previewing a theme in the customizer. if ( isset($_REQUEST['theme']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['theme']) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'customize.php') !== false ) { $maybe_foreign_theme = $_REQUEST['theme']; } if ($is_correct_theme && $maybe_foreign_theme) { $foreign_theme_obj = wp_get_theme($maybe_foreign_theme); if ($foreign_theme_obj) { if ($foreign_theme_obj->parent()) { $foreign_theme_obj = $foreign_theme_obj->parent(); } if ( $foreign_theme_obj->get_stylesheet() !== $theme->get_stylesheet() ) { $another_theme_in_preview = true; } } } } if ($is_cli) { $cli_config = \WP_CLI::get_config(); // Companion plugin can't run if themes are skipped in WP CLI // config. // // This happens in cPanel installations. // Globally, they skip both themes and plugins. // But, for some commands, they enable plugins back with // --skip-plugins=false and keep themes disabled. // This causes the theme to be skipped and the companion plugin // to run, which causes lots of issues in various environments. if ( isset($cli_config['skip-themes']) && $cli_config['skip-themes'] ) { $is_correct_theme = false; $is_correct_version = false; } } $this->is_blocksy_data = [ 'is_correct_theme' => ( $is_correct_theme && ! $another_theme_in_preview ), 'is_theme_version_ok' => $is_theme_version_ok, 'is_companion_version_ok' => $is_companion_version_ok, 'another_theme_in_preview' => $another_theme_in_preview ]; $this->is_blocksy = ( $is_correct_theme && $is_correct_version && ! $another_theme_in_preview ); } return !!$this->is_blocksy; } public function enqueue_static() { global $wp_customize; $deps = ['ct-options-scripts']; $current_screen = get_current_screen(); if ($current_screen && $current_screen->id === 'customize') { $deps = ['ct-customizer-controls']; } wp_enqueue_script( 'blocksy-admin-scripts', BLOCKSY_URL . 'static/bundle/options.js', $deps, blc_get_version(), true ); $localize = array_merge( [ 'ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'rest_url' => get_rest_url(), ] ); wp_localize_script( 'blocksy-admin-scripts', 'blocksy_admin', $localize ); } } Plugin::instance();