* @license : GPL2 * */ namespace CHT\admin; use CHT\includes\CHT_Widget; if (defined('ABSPATH') === false) { exit; } /* * Class CHT_Admin_Base * @since 1.0 */ require_once 'class-social-icons.php'; /** * Admin base class for the Chaty plugin. */ class CHT_Admin_Base { public $page; public $socials; public $colors; public $pluginSlug; protected $token; protected static $response = null; protected $upgradeSlug; /** * Constructor for the class * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function __construct() { $plugin = CHT_Widget::get_instance(); $this->pluginSlug = $plugin->get_plugin_slug(); $this->socials = CHT_Social_Icons::get_instance()->get_icons_list(); $this->colors = CHT_Social_Icons::get_instance()->get_colors(); $this->token = $this->get_token(); $this->upgradeSlug = $this->pluginSlug.'-upgrade'; if (is_admin()) { // admin actions add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'cht_admin_setting_page']); // Adds all of the options for the administrative settings add_action('admin_init', [$this, 'cht_register_inputs']); add_action('admin_init', [$this, 'change_menu_text']); add_action('admin_head', [$this, 'cht_inline_css_admin']); } // add_action('updated_option', array($this, 'cht_clear_all_caches')); // Send message to owner add_action('wp_ajax_wcp_admin_send_message_to_owner', [$this, 'wcp_admin_send_message_to_owner']); // ADD Upgrade link to plugin add_filter('plugin_action_links_'.CHT_PLUGIN_BASE, [$this, 'plugin_action_links']); add_action('admin_footer', [$this, 'add_deactivate_modal']); add_action('wp_ajax_chaty_plugin_deactivate', [$this, 'chaty_plugin_deactivate']); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'enqueue_styles'], 99); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'enqueue_scripts'], 99); add_action("wp_ajax_chaty_update_status", [$this, 'chaty_update_status']); // load language files add_action('plugins_loaded', [$this, 'chaty_text']); add_action("wp_ajax_update_popup_status", [$this, 'update_popup_status']); add_action("wp_ajax_update_channel_setting", [$this, 'update_channel_setting']); /* * Hide Chaty CTA * */ add_action('wp_ajax_hide_chaty_cta', array($this, 'hide_chaty_cta')); add_action("admin_head", [$this, "admin_head"]); add_action("admin_init", [$this, "check_for_redirection"]); add_filter('check_for_chatway', [$this, 'check_for_chatway']); }//end __construct() public function check_for_chatway() { $plugin = 'chatway-live-chat/chatway.php'; return is_plugin_active($plugin); } /** * Checks for redirection and performs the necessary actions if certain conditions are met. * * @return void */ function check_for_redirection() { if(isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'cht-manage-live-chat') { wp_redirect(admin_url('admin.php?page=chatway')); exit; } if(!defined("DOING_AJAX")) { $chaty_status = get_option("cht_redirect"); if($chaty_status) { delete_option("cht_redirect"); wp_redirect(admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app")); exit; } $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ""; if (!empty($page)) { if (in_array($page, ["widget-analytics", "chaty-contact-form-feed", "recommended-chaty-plugins", "chaty-app-upgrade"])) { $isShown = get_option("chaty_update_message"); if ($isShown === false) { wp_redirect(admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app")); exit; } } } } } /** * Add custom CSS to the wp-admin head section * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ function admin_head() { ?> '.__('Need help?', 'chaty').''; $links['go_pro'] = '
'.esc_attr__('Upgrade', 'chaty').'
'; return $links; }//end plugin_action_links() /** * Deactivate the Chaty plugin. * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function chaty_plugin_deactivate() { $errorCounter = 0; $response = []; $response['status'] = 0; $response['message'] = ""; $response['valid'] = 1; $reason = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'reason'); $nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'nonce'); if (empty($reason)) { $errorCounter++; $response['message'] = "Please provide reason"; } else if (empty($nonce)) { $response['message'] = esc_attr__("Your request is not valid", 'chaty'); $errorCounter++; $response['valid'] = 0; } else if (!current_user_can("manage_options")) { $response['message'] = esc_attr__("Your request is not valid", 'chaty'); $errorCounter++; $response['valid'] = 0; } else { if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'chaty_deactivate_nonce')) { $response['message'] = esc_attr__("Your request is not valid", 'chaty'); $errorCounter++; $response['valid'] = 0; } } if ($errorCounter == 0) { global $current_user; $email = "none@none.none"; $emailId = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email_id'); if (isset($emailId) && !empty($emailId) && filter_var($emailId, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $email = $emailId; } $domain = site_url(); $user_name = $current_user->first_name." ".$current_user->last_name; $response['status'] = 1; // sending message to Crisp $postMessage = []; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "Plugin"; $messageData['value'] = "Chaty"; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "Plugin Version"; $messageData['value'] = CHT_VERSION; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "Domain"; $messageData['value'] = $domain; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "Email"; $messageData['value'] = $email; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "WordPress Version"; $messageData['value'] = esc_attr(get_bloginfo('version')); $postMessage[] = $messageData; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "PHP Version"; $messageData['value'] = PHP_VERSION; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "Message"; $messageData['value'] = $reason; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $apiParams = [ 'domain' => $domain, 'email' => $email, 'url' => site_url(), 'name' => $user_name, 'message' => $postMessage, 'plugin' => "Chaty", 'type' => "Uninstall", ]; // Sending message to Crisp API $apiResponse = wp_safe_remote_post("https://premioapps.com/premio/send-message-api.php", ['body' => $apiParams, 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => true]); if (is_wp_error($apiResponse)) { wp_safe_remote_post("https://premioapps.com/premio/send-message-api.php", ['body' => $apiParams, 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false]); } }//end if wp_send_json($response); wp_die(); }//end chaty_plugin_deactivate() /** * Sanitize options value * * @param mixed $value The value to be sanitized * @return mixed The sanitized value * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public static function chaty_sanitize_options($value) { $value = stripslashes($value); $value = filter_var($value); $value = htmlspecialchars($value); return $value; }//end chaty_sanitize_options() /** * Add deactivate modal to the plugin's settings page * * This function is responsible for checking if the current user has the capability to manage options. If the user * has the capability, it checks if the current page is the plugins.php page. If it is, it includes the chaty-deactivate-form.php * file in order to display the deactivate modal. * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function add_deactivate_modal() { if (current_user_can("manage_options")) { global $pagenow; if ('plugins.php' !== $pagenow) { return; } include CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/chaty-deactivate-form.php'; } }//end add_deactivate_modal() /** * Remove underscores and replace them with spaces in a given text * * @param string $text The text to remove underscores from * * @return string The modified text with spaces instead of underscores * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * */ public function del_space($text) { return str_replace('_', ' ', $text); }//end del_space() /** * Generate inline CSS for admin menu styling * * @return string Inline CSS for admin menu styling * @since 1.0.0 * */ public function cht_inline_css_admin() { ?> 'Rubik:400,700|Oswald:400,600', 'subset' => 'latin,latin-ext', ]; wp_enqueue_style('google_fonts', add_query_arg($queryArgs, "//fonts.googleapis.com/css"), [], CHT_VERSION); wp_enqueue_style($this->pluginSlug.'spectrum', plugins_url('../admin/assets/css/spectrum.min.css', __FILE__), [], CHT_VERSION); wp_enqueue_style($this->pluginSlug.'intlTelInput', plugins_url('../admin/assets/css/intlTelInput.min.css', __FILE__), [], CHT_VERSION); wp_enqueue_style($this->pluginSlug. 'sumoselect', plugins_url('../admin/assets/css/sumoselect.css', __FILE__), [], CHT_VERSION); // WP change this if ($page == 'chaty_page_chaty-contact-form-feed') { wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-css', plugins_url('../admin/assets/css/datepicker.min.css', __FILE__), [], CHT_VERSION); } wp_enqueue_style($this->pluginSlug, plugins_url('../admin/assets/css/cht-style.min.css', __FILE__), [], CHT_VERSION); wp_enqueue_style($this->pluginSlug."-tailwind", plugins_url('../admin/assets/css/app.css', __FILE__), [], CHT_VERSION); wp_enqueue_style($this->pluginSlug."-preview", plugins_url('../admin/assets/css/preview.css', __FILE__), [], CHT_VERSION); } if ($page == "chaty_page_chaty-upgrade" || $page == "chaty_page_widget-analytics") { $queryArgs = [ 'family' => 'Poppins:400,700', 'subset' => 'latin,latin-ext', ]; wp_enqueue_style('google-chaty-fonts', add_query_arg($queryArgs, "//fonts.googleapis.com/css"), [], CHT_VERSION); } if($page == "chaty_page_chaty-app-upgrade") { wp_enqueue_style($this->pluginSlug, plugins_url('../admin/assets/css/pricing-table.css', __FILE__), [], CHT_VERSION); $queryArgs = [ 'family' => 'Poppins:wght@400;500;600;700&display=swap', 'subset' => 'latin,latin-ext', ]; wp_enqueue_style('google-poppins-fonts', add_query_arg($queryArgs, "//fonts.googleapis.com/css2"), [], CHT_VERSION); } }//end enqueue_styles() /** * Enqueues pricing styles for the plugin. * * @return void */ public function enqueue_pricing_styles() { wp_enqueue_style($this->pluginSlug."-select2", plugins_url('../admin/assets/css/select2.min.css', __FILE__), [], CHT_VERSION); $queryArgs = [ 'family' => 'Lato:100,300,400,500,700', 'subset' => 'latin,latin-ext', ]; wp_enqueue_style('google-lato-fonts', add_query_arg($queryArgs, "//fonts.googleapis.com/css"), [], CHT_VERSION); }//end enqueue_pricing_styles() /** * Enqueue JS to wp-admin * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $script */ public function enqueue_scripts($page) { if ($page == 'chaty_page_widget-analytics' || $page == "chaty_page_chaty-contact-form-feed") { wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-datepicker'); return; } if($page == "chaty_page_chaty-app-upgrade") { wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug.'slick-script', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/slick.min.js', __FILE__), ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, true); } // delete_option("chaty_update_message"); $isShown = get_option("chaty_update_message"); if ($isShown === false) { wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug.'mailcheck', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/mailcheck.js', __FILE__), ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, true); return; } if ($page != "toplevel_page_chaty-app") { return; } wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug.'spectrum', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/spectrum.min.js', __FILE__), ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug.'sumoselect', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/sumoselect.js', __FILE__), ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug.'intlTelInput', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/intlTelInput.min.js', __FILE__), ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, true); // WP change this wp_enqueue_editor(); wp_enqueue_media(); wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug.'chaty', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/cht-scripts.min.js', __FILE__), ['jquery', 'wp-color-picker', 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-droppable', 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'wp-hooks'], CHT_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug.'preview', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/preview.min.js', __FILE__), ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug.'acolorpicker', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/acolorpicker.js', __FILE__), ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug.'widget-script', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/app.js', __FILE__), ['jquery', 'wp-hooks'], CHT_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug. 'picmo-js', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/picmo-umd.min.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), CHT_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_script($this->pluginSlug. 'picmo-latest-js', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/picmo-latest-umd.min.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), CHT_VERSION, true); wp_localize_script( $this->pluginSlug.'chaty', 'cht_nonce_ajax', [ 'cht_nonce' => wp_create_nonce('cht_nonce_ajax'), 'has_js_access' => current_user_can("unfiltered_html")?true:false, 'js_message' => esc_html__("Please remove the JavaScript from the channels or ask the website's administrator to give you access to add JavaScript.", "chaty"), 'remove' => esc_html__("Remove", "chaty"), 'icon_img' => esc_url(CHT_PLUGIN_URL."admin/assets/images/icon-picker.png") ] ); $whatsapp_settings = []; foreach ($this->socials as $social) { $whatsapp_settings[$social['slug']] = ""; } wp_localize_script( $this->pluginSlug.'chaty', 'cht_settings', [ 'plugin_url' => CHT_PLUGIN_URL, 'channel_settings' => $whatsapp_settings, 'user_country' => $this->get_user_country() ] ); }//end enqueue_scripts() /** * Retrieves the user's country based on their IP address. * * @return string The user's country code, or "-" if not available. */ public function get_user_country() { $user_country = get_transient("chaty_user_country"); if($user_country === false ){ $url = "https://www.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace"; $data = wp_remote_get($url); $user_country = "-"; if(!empty($data) && is_array($data) && isset($data['body'])) { $data_code = explode('loc=', $data['body']); $data_code = explode('tls=', $data_code[1]); $user_country = isset($data_code[0])?trim($data_code[0]):"-"; } set_transient("chaty_user_country", $user_country, 7*DAY_IN_SECONDS); } $user_country = !empty($user_country)?strtolower($user_country):"-"; return $user_country; } /** * Displays the Chaty admin setting page. * * @return void */ public function cht_admin_setting_page() { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $this->page = add_menu_page( esc_attr__('Chaty', 'chaty'), esc_attr__('Chaty', 'chaty'), 'manage_options', $this->pluginSlug, [ $this, 'display_cht_admin_page', ], plugins_url('chaty/admin/assets/images/chaty.svg') ); add_submenu_page( $this->pluginSlug, esc_attr__('Dashboard', 'chaty'), esc_attr__('Dashboard', 'chaty'), 'manage_options', $this->pluginSlug, [ $this, 'display_cht_admin_page', ] ); $widget_page = add_submenu_page( $this->pluginSlug, esc_attr__('Settings Admin', 'chaty'), esc_attr__('+ Create New Widget', 'chaty'), 'manage_options', "chaty-upgrade", [ $this, "chaty_widget_page", ] ); $chatwayStatus = apply_filters('check_for_chatway', false); add_submenu_page( $this->pluginSlug, esc_attr__('Chatway Live Chat', 'chaty'), esc_attr__('Chatway Live Chat', 'chaty'), 'manage_options', $chatwayStatus?'cht-manage-live-chat':'chaty-live-chat', array($this, 'manage_chatway') ); $integrationPage = add_submenu_page( $this->pluginSlug, esc_attr__('Settings Admin', 'chaty'), esc_attr__('Integrations', 'chaty'), 'manage_options', "chaty-integration", [ $this, "chaty_integration_page", ] ); // creating admin sub menu for chaty $upgradePage = add_submenu_page( $this->pluginSlug, esc_attr__('Widget Analytics', 'chaty'), esc_attr__('Widget Analytics', 'chaty'), 'manage_options', 'widget-analytics', [ $this, 'display_cht_admin_widget_analytics', ] ); add_action('admin_print_styles-'.$upgradePage, [$this, 'enqueue_styles']); // creating admin sub menu for chaty $feed_page = add_submenu_page( $this->pluginSlug, esc_attr__('Contact form leads', 'chaty'), esc_attr__('Contact form leads', 'chaty'), 'manage_options', "chaty-contact-form-feed", [ $this, 'chaty_contact_form_feed', ] ); add_action('admin_print_styles-'.$feed_page, [$this, 'enqueue_styles']); // creating admin sub menu for chaty $getData = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET); if (isset($getData['hide_chaty_recommended_plugin']) && isset($getData['nonce'])) { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $nonce = $getData['nonce']; if (wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "chaty_recommended_plugin")) { update_option('hide_chaty_recommended_plugin', true); } } } $recommendedPlugin = get_option("hide_chaty_recommended_plugin"); if ($recommendedPlugin === false) { add_submenu_page( $this->pluginSlug, esc_html__('Recommended Plugins', 'chaty'), esc_html__('Recommended Plugins', 'chaty'), 'manage_options', 'recommended-chaty-plugins', [ $this, 'recommended_plugins', ] ); } $upgradePage = add_submenu_page( $this->pluginSlug, esc_html__('Upgrade to Pro', 'chaty'), esc_html__('Upgrade to Pro', 'chaty'), 'manage_options', $this->upgradeSlug, [ $this, 'display_cht_admin_upgrade_page', ] ); add_action('admin_print_styles-'.$upgradePage, [$this, 'enqueue_pricing_styles']); }//end if // Load public-facing style sheet and JavaScript. add_action('admin_print_styles-'.$this->page, [$this, 'enqueue_styles']); }//end cht_admin_setting_page() /** * Manages the Chatway settings and views. * * @return void */ public function manage_chatway() { $chatwayStatus = apply_filters('check_for_chatway', false); if(!$chatwayStatus) { $onlyChatway = true; include_once CHT_DIR . '/views/admin/install-chatway.php'; } else { echo ''; exit; } } /** * Includes the necessary files for the contact form feed functionality. * * @return void */ public function chaty_contact_form_feed() { include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/contact-form-feed.php'; include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/first-popup.php'; include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/help.php'; }//end chaty_contact_form_feed() /** * Includes the recommended plugins view. * * @return void */ public function recommended_plugins() { include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/recommended-plugins.php'; }//end recommended_plugins() /** * Display integration setting * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function chaty_integration_page() { include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/chaty-admin-integration.php'; include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/help.php'; }// end chaty_integration_page() /** * Display widget analytics * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $analytics */ public function display_cht_admin_widget_analytics() { include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/pro_analytics.php'; include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/first-popup.php'; include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/help.php'; }//end display_cht_admin_widget_analytics() /** * Returns upgrade URL * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $url */ public function getUpgradeMenuItemUrl() { return CHT_PRO_URL; }//end getUpgradeMenuItemUrl() public function getDashboardUrl() { return admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app"); } /** * Chaty Upgrade page * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $url */ public function chaty_widget_page() { include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/chaty_widget.php'; include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/first-popup.php'; include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/help.php'; }//end chaty_widget_page() /** * Chaty Dashboard page * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $dashboard_data */ public function display_cht_admin_page() { $isShown = get_option("chaty_update_message"); if ($isShown === false) { include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/update.php'; } else { $status = get_option("cht_active"); // delete_option("cht_is_default_deleted"); if (isset($_GET['widget'])) { $step = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'step'); $step = ($step !== false && is_numeric($step) && $step > 0)?$step:0; $channel_class = ""; $fonts = self::get_font_list(); if (!in_array($step, [0, 1, 2, 3])) { $step = 0; } $hasWooCommerce = 0; if(is_plugin_active("woocommerce/woocommerce.php")) { $hasWooCommerce = 1; } include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/admin.php'; } else { include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/dashboard.php'; } $popupStatus = get_option("chaty_intro_popup"); if ($popupStatus == "show") { include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/chaty-popup.php'; } include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/first-popup.php'; }//end if $showMessage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'show_message'); if ($showMessage == 1) { if (isset($_GET['widget'])) { ?>
Your settings has been saved.
">View Dashboard
Settings Updated
Your settings has been saved
pluginSlug.'select2-js', plugins_url('../admin/assets/js/select2.min.js', __FILE__), ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, true); include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/upgrade.php'; include_once CHT_DIR.'/views/admin/help.php'; }//end display_cht_admin_upgrade_page() /** * Returns EDD token * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $token */ protected function get_token() { return get_option('cht_license_key'); }//end get_token() /** * Returns Website URL * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $token */ public function get_site() { $permalink = get_home_url(); return $permalink; }//end get_site() /** * Gets the current color for the plugin. * * @return string The current color in uppercase. */ public function get_current_color() { $defColor = get_option('cht_color'); $customColor = get_option('cht_custom_color'); if (!$defColor) { $color = $customColor; } else { $color = $defColor; } $color = strtoupper($color); return $color; }//end get_current_color() /** * Retrieves the position style for the plugin. * * @return string The CSS style string for the position. */ public function get_position_style() { $position = get_option('cht_position'); if ($position === 'custom') { $posSide = get_option('positionSide'); $bot = (get_option('cht_bottom_spacing')) ? get_option('cht_bottom_spacing') : '25'; $side = (get_option('cht_side_spacing')) ? get_option('cht_side_spacing') : '25'; if ($posSide === 'right') { $posStyle = 'left: auto; bottom: '.$bot.'px; right: '.$side.'px'; } else { $posStyle = 'left: '.$side.'px; bottom: '.$bot.'px; right: auto'; } } else if ($position === 'right') { $posStyle = 'left: auto; bottom: 25px; right: 25px'; } else { $posStyle = 'left: 25px; bottom: 25px; right: auto'; } return $posStyle; }//end get_position_style() public function change_menu_text() { global $submenu; if(isset($submenu['chaty-app'])) { $totalItems = count($submenu['chaty-app'])-1; if(isset($submenu['chaty-app'][$totalItems][0])) { $submenu['chaty-app'][$totalItems][0] = '
'.esc_html__( 'Upgrade to Pro' , 'chaty'); } } } /** * Registers inputs for the plugin. * * @return void */ public function cht_register_inputs() { $page = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page'); if ($page == "chaty-upgrade") { $chtActive = get_option('cht_active'); if ($chtActive === false) { wp_redirect(admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app&widget=0")); exit; } } if (current_user_can("manage_options")) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'chaty_contact_form_leads'; $postData = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET); if(isset($postData['remove_chaty_leads'])) { if(wp_verify_nonce($postData['remove_chaty_leads'], "remove_chaty_leads")) { if(isset($postData['chaty_leads']) && !empty($postData['chaty_leads'])) { if(isset($postData['action']) && $postData['action'] == "delete_message") { $chatyLeads = esc_attr($postData['chaty_leads']); if($chatyLeads == "remove-all") { $wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$table_name}"); } else { $chatyLeads = explode(",", $chatyLeads); if ($chatyLeads) { foreach ($chatyLeads as $chatyLead) { $wpdb->delete($table_name, ["id" => esc_sql($chatyLead)]); } } } $paged = isset($postData['paged']) && !empty($postData['paged']) && is_numeric($postData['paged']) && $postData['paged'] > 0 ? $postData['paged'] : 1; $search = isset($postData['search']) && !empty($postData['search']) ? $postData['search'] : ""; $url = admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-contact-form-feed"); if (intval($paged) > 1) { $url .= "&paged=" . $paged; } if (!empty($search)) { $url .= "&search=" . $search; } wp_redirect($url); exit; } } } } $postData = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET); if (isset($postData['download_chaty_file']) && $postData['download_chaty_file'] == "chaty_contact_leads" && isset($postData['nonce'])) { if (wp_verify_nonce($postData['nonce'], "download_chaty_contact_leads")) { $uploadDir = wp_upload_dir(); $file = $uploadDir['basedir']."/chaty_contact_leads.csv"; $fp = fopen($file, "w") or die("Error Couldn't open for writing!"); global $wpdb; $contactListsTable = $wpdb->prefix.'chaty_contact_form_leads'; $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$contactListsTable." ORDER BY ID DESC"); if(!empty($results)) { $fields = array( esc_html__("id", "chaty"), esc_html__("Widget", "chaty"), esc_html__("Name", "chaty"), esc_html__("Email", "chaty"), esc_html__("Phone number", "chaty"), esc_html__("Message", "chaty"), esc_html__("Date", "chaty"), esc_html__("Reference Page", "chaty") ); fputcsv($fp, $fields); } foreach ($results as $res) { if ($res->widget_id == 0) { $widgetName = "Default"; } else { $widgetName = get_option("cht_widget_title_".$res->widget_id); if (empty($widgetName)) { $widgetName = "Widget #".($res->widget_id + 1); } } $fields = [ $res->id, $widgetName, $res->name, $res->email, $res->phone_number, nl2br($res->message), $res->created_on, $res->ref_page, ]; fputcsv($fp, $fields); }//end foreach fclose($fp); $file_content = wp_remote_get($file); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($file)); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($file)); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream;"); readfile($file); exit; }//end if }//end if /* * Adding settings fields */ // Section One foreach ($this->socials as $social) { add_settings_field( 'cht_social_'.$social['slug'], ucfirst($social['slug']), '', $this->pluginSlug ); } // Section Two add_settings_field('cht_devices', 'Devices', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_color', 'Color', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_custom_color', 'Color', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_position', 'Position', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_widget_font', 'Position', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('positionSide', 'PositionSide', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_bottom_spacing', 'Bottom spacing', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_side_spacing', 'Side spacing', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_cta', 'CTA', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_cta_switcher', 'CTA switcher', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('chaty_attention_effect', 'CTA effect', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('chaty_default_state', 'CTA state', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('chaty_trigger_on_time', 'CTA trigger on time', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('chaty_trigger_time', 'CTA time to trigger', '', $this->pluginSlug); // add_settings_field('chaty_trigger_hide', 'CTA hide on time', '', $this->pluginSlug); // add_settings_field('chaty_trigger_hide_time', 'CTA hide time', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('chaty_trigger_on_exit', 'CTA exit intent', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('chaty_trigger_on_scroll', 'CTA trigger on scroll', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('chaty_trigger_on_page_scroll', 'CTA page scroll', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_close_button', 'CTA close button', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_close_button_text', 'CTA close button text', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('chaty_icons_view', 'Icon view', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_created_on', 'Created time', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_widget_title', 'Chaty title', '', $this->pluginSlug); // section three add_settings_field('cht_active', 'Active', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_cta_action', 'CTA Action', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_cta_text_color', 'CTA Text Color', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_cta_bg_color', 'CTA BG Color', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_pending_messages', 'CTA Pending message', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_number_of_messages', 'CTA Number of Messages', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_number_color', 'CTA Color', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('cht_number_bg_color', 'CTA BG Color', '', $this->pluginSlug); // token add_settings_field('cht_license_key', 'Token', '', $this->pluginSlug); // slug add_settings_field('cht_numb_slug', 'Numb', '', $this->pluginSlug); add_settings_field('chaty_updated_on', 'Updated time', '', $this->pluginSlug); /* * Registering settings fields */ $nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'nonce'); // check for nonce if (!empty($nonce) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "chaty_plugin_nonce")) { // register field section one foreach ($this->socials as $social) { /* Checking for JavaScript */ if(in_array($social['slug'], ['Link', 'Custom_Link', 'Custom_Link_3', 'Custom_Link_4', 'Custom_Link_5'])) { register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_social_'.$social['slug'], [ 'sanitize_callback' => function($val){ if( is_super_admin() ) { return $val; } else { $val['value'] = esc_url($val['value']); return $val; } } ]); } else { register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_social_'.$social['slug']); } } // register field section two register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_devices', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_color', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_custom_color', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_position', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_widget_font', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'positionSide', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_bottom_spacing', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_side_spacing', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_cta', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_cta_switcher', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_widget_size', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_widget_img', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'widget_icon', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_attention_effect', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_default_state', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_trigger_on_time', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_trigger_time', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); // register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_trigger_hide_time', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); // register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_trigger_hide', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_trigger_on_exit', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_trigger_on_scroll', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_trigger_on_page_scroll', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_close_button', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_close_button_text', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_icons_view', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_created_on', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_widget_title', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); // register field section three register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_active', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_cta_action', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_cta_text_color', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_cta_bg_color', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_pending_messages', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_number_of_messages', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_number_color', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_number_bg_color', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cta_type', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cta_heading_text', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cta_body_text', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cta_header_text_color', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cta_header_bg_color', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); // register field section token register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_license_key', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); // register field section slug register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'cht_numb_slug', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); register_setting($this->pluginSlug, 'chaty_updated_on', 'chaty_sanitize_options'); cht_clear_all_caches(); }//end if }//end if }//end cht_register_inputs() /** * Checking for devices desktop/mobile * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $devices */ public function device() { return 'desktop_active mobile_active'; }//end device() /** * Return custom widget URL if uploaded * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $url */ public function getCustomWidgetImg() { $value = get_option('cht_widget_img'); return isset($value['url']) ? $value['url'] : ''; }//end getCustomWidgetImg() /** * Uploads custom widget image * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $url */ public function uploadCustomWidget($value, $old_value, $option) { $option = !empty($option) ? $option : 'cht_widget_img'; $allowed_ext = [ 'jpeg', 'png', 'jpg', 'svg', ]; if (!function_exists('wp_handle_upload')) { include_once ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; } if (isset($_FILES[$option])) { $file = &$_FILES[$option]; $type = wp_check_filetype($file['name']); if (!in_array($type['ext'], $allowed_ext)) { return $old_value; } if (isset($old_value['file'])) { wp_delete_file($old_value['file']); } $overrides = ['test_form' => false]; $movefile = wp_handle_upload($file, $overrides); if ($movefile && empty($movefile['error'])) { return [ 'file' => $movefile['file'], 'url' => $movefile['url'], ]; } }//end if return []; }//end uploadCustomWidget() /** * Returns CTA text * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $cta_text */ public function getCallToAction() { if (get_option('cht_cta')) { $res = nl2br(get_option('cht_cta')); $res = str_replace(["\n", "\r"], "", $res); return $res; } return ''; }//end getCallToAction() /** * Returns a list of fonts. * * @return array The list of fonts. */ public static function get_font_list() { return [ // System fonts. "System Stack" => 'Default', 'Arial' => 'Default', 'Tahoma' => 'Default', 'Verdana' => 'Default', 'Helvetica' => 'Default', 'Times New Roman' => 'Default', 'Trebuchet MS' => 'Default', 'Georgia' => 'Default', // Google Fonts (last update: 23/10/2018). 'ABeeZee' => 'Google Fonts', 'Abel' => 'Google Fonts', 'Abhaya Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Abril Fatface' => 'Google Fonts', 'Aclonica' => 'Google Fonts', 'Acme' => 'Google Fonts', 'Actor' => 'Google Fonts', 'Adamina' => 'Google Fonts', 'Advent Pro' => 'Google Fonts', 'Aguafina Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Akronim' => 'Google Fonts', 'Aladin' => 'Google Fonts', 'Aldrich' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alef' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alef Hebrew' => 'Google Fonts', // Hack for Google Early Access. 'Alegreya' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alegreya SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alegreya Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alegreya Sans SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alex Brush' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alfa Slab One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alice' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alike' => 'Google Fonts', 'Alike Angular' => 'Google Fonts', 'Allan' => 'Google Fonts', 'Allerta' => 'Google Fonts', 'Allerta Stencil' => 'Google Fonts', 'Allura' => 'Google Fonts', 'Almendra' => 'Google Fonts', 'Almendra Display' => 'Google Fonts', 'Almendra SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Amarante' => 'Google Fonts', 'Amaranth' => 'Google Fonts', 'Amatic SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Amethysta' => 'Google Fonts', 'Amiko' => 'Google Fonts', 'Amiri' => 'Google Fonts', 'Amita' => 'Google Fonts', 'Anaheim' => 'Google Fonts', 'Andada' => 'Google Fonts', 'Andika' => 'Google Fonts', 'Angkor' => 'Google Fonts', 'Annie Use Your Telescope' => 'Google Fonts', 'Anonymous Pro' => 'Google Fonts', 'Antic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Antic Didone' => 'Google Fonts', 'Antic Slab' => 'Google Fonts', 'Anton' => 'Google Fonts', 'Arapey' => 'Google Fonts', 'Arbutus' => 'Google Fonts', 'Arbutus Slab' => 'Google Fonts', 'Architects Daughter' => 'Google Fonts', 'Archivo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Archivo Black' => 'Google Fonts', 'Archivo Narrow' => 'Google Fonts', 'Aref Ruqaa' => 'Google Fonts', 'Arima Madurai' => 'Google Fonts', 'Arimo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Arizonia' => 'Google Fonts', 'Armata' => 'Google Fonts', 'Arsenal' => 'Google Fonts', 'Artifika' => 'Google Fonts', 'Arvo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Arya' => 'Google Fonts', 'Asap' => 'Google Fonts', 'Asap Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Asar' => 'Google Fonts', 'Asset' => 'Google Fonts', 'Assistant' => 'Google Fonts', 'Astloch' => 'Google Fonts', 'Asul' => 'Google Fonts', 'Athiti' => 'Google Fonts', 'Atma' => 'Google Fonts', 'Atomic Age' => 'Google Fonts', 'Aubrey' => 'Google Fonts', 'Audiowide' => 'Google Fonts', 'Autour One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Average' => 'Google Fonts', 'Average Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Averia Gruesa Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Averia Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Averia Sans Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Averia Serif Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bad Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bahiana' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bai Jamjuree' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo Bhai' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo Bhaijaan' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo Bhaina' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo Chettan' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo Da' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo Paaji' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo Tamma' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo Tammudu' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baloo Thambi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Balthazar' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bangers' => 'Google Fonts', 'Barlow' => 'Google Fonts', 'Barlow Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Barlow Semi Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Barrio' => 'Google Fonts', 'Basic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Battambang' => 'Google Fonts', 'Baumans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bayon' => 'Google Fonts', 'Belgrano' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bellefair' => 'Google Fonts', 'Belleza' => 'Google Fonts', 'BenchNine' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bentham' => 'Google Fonts', 'Berkshire Swash' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bevan' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bigelow Rules' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bigshot One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bilbo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bilbo Swash Caps' => 'Google Fonts', 'BioRhyme' => 'Google Fonts', 'BioRhyme Expanded' => 'Google Fonts', 'Biryani' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bitter' => 'Google Fonts', 'Black And White Picture' => 'Google Fonts', 'Black Han Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Black Ops One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bokor' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bonbon' => 'Google Fonts', 'Boogaloo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bowlby One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bowlby One SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Brawler' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bree Serif' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bubblegum Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bubbler One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Buda' => 'Google Fonts', 'Buenard' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bungee' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bungee Hairline' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bungee Inline' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bungee Outline' => 'Google Fonts', 'Bungee Shade' => 'Google Fonts', 'Butcherman' => 'Google Fonts', 'Butterfly Kids' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cabin' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cabin Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cabin Sketch' => 'Google Fonts', 'Caesar Dressing' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cagliostro' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cairo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Calligraffitti' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cambay' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cambo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Candal' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cantarell' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cantata One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cantora One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Capriola' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cardo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Carme' => 'Google Fonts', 'Carrois Gothic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Carrois Gothic SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Carter One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Catamaran' => 'Google Fonts', 'Caudex' => 'Google Fonts', 'Caveat' => 'Google Fonts', 'Caveat Brush' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cedarville Cursive' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ceviche One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chakra Petch' => 'Google Fonts', 'Changa' => 'Google Fonts', 'Changa One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chango' => 'Google Fonts', 'Charmonman' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chathura' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chau Philomene One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chela One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chelsea Market' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chenla' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cherry Cream Soda' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cherry Swash' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chewy' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chicle' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chivo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Chonburi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cinzel' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cinzel Decorative' => 'Google Fonts', 'Clicker Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Coda' => 'Google Fonts', 'Coda Caption' => 'Google Fonts', 'Codystar' => 'Google Fonts', 'Coiny' => 'Google Fonts', 'Combo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Comfortaa' => 'Google Fonts', 'Coming Soon' => 'Google Fonts', 'Concert One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Condiment' => 'Google Fonts', 'Content' => 'Google Fonts', 'Contrail One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Convergence' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cookie' => 'Google Fonts', 'Copse' => 'Google Fonts', 'Corben' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cormorant' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cormorant Garamond' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cormorant Infant' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cormorant SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cormorant Unicase' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cormorant Upright' => 'Google Fonts', 'Courgette' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cousine' => 'Google Fonts', 'Coustard' => 'Google Fonts', 'Covered By Your Grace' => 'Google Fonts', 'Crafty Girls' => 'Google Fonts', 'Creepster' => 'Google Fonts', 'Crete Round' => 'Google Fonts', 'Crimson Text' => 'Google Fonts', 'Croissant One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Crushed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cuprum' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cute Font' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cutive' => 'Google Fonts', 'Cutive Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'Damion' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dancing Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dangrek' => 'Google Fonts', 'David Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dawning of a New Day' => 'Google Fonts', 'Days One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dekko' => 'Google Fonts', 'Delius' => 'Google Fonts', 'Delius Swash Caps' => 'Google Fonts', 'Delius Unicase' => 'Google Fonts', 'Della Respira' => 'Google Fonts', 'Denk One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Devonshire' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dhurjati' => 'Google Fonts', 'Didact Gothic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Diplomata' => 'Google Fonts', 'Diplomata SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Do Hyeon' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dokdo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Domine' => 'Google Fonts', 'Donegal One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Doppio One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dorsa' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dosis' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dr Sugiyama' => 'Google Fonts', 'Droid Arabic Kufi' => 'Google Fonts', // Hack for Google Early Access. 'Droid Arabic Naskh' => 'Google Fonts', // Hack for Google Early Access. 'Duru Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Dynalight' => 'Google Fonts', 'EB Garamond' => 'Google Fonts', 'Eagle Lake' => 'Google Fonts', 'East Sea Dokdo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Eater' => 'Google Fonts', 'Economica' => 'Google Fonts', 'Eczar' => 'Google Fonts', 'El Messiri' => 'Google Fonts', 'Electrolize' => 'Google Fonts', 'Elsie' => 'Google Fonts', 'Elsie Swash Caps' => 'Google Fonts', 'Emblema One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Emilys Candy' => 'Google Fonts', 'Encode Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Encode Sans Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Encode Sans Expanded' => 'Google Fonts', 'Encode Sans Semi Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Encode Sans Semi Expanded' => 'Google Fonts', 'Engagement' => 'Google Fonts', 'Englebert' => 'Google Fonts', 'Enriqueta' => 'Google Fonts', 'Erica One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Esteban' => 'Google Fonts', 'Euphoria Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ewert' => 'Google Fonts', 'Exo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Exo 2' => 'Google Fonts', 'Expletus Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fahkwang' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fanwood Text' => 'Google Fonts', 'Farsan' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fascinate' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fascinate Inline' => 'Google Fonts', 'Faster One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fasthand' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fauna One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Faustina' => 'Google Fonts', 'Federant' => 'Google Fonts', 'Federo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Felipa' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fenix' => 'Google Fonts', 'Finger Paint' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fira Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fira Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fira Sans Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fira Sans Extra Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fjalla One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fjord One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Flamenco' => 'Google Fonts', 'Flavors' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fondamento' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fontdiner Swanky' => 'Google Fonts', 'Forum' => 'Google Fonts', 'Francois One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Frank Ruhl Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Freckle Face' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fredericka the Great' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fredoka One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Freehand' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fresca' => 'Google Fonts', 'Frijole' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fruktur' => 'Google Fonts', 'Fugaz One' => 'Google Fonts', 'GFS Didot' => 'Google Fonts', 'GFS Neohellenic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gabriela' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gaegu' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gafata' => 'Google Fonts', 'Galada' => 'Google Fonts', 'Galdeano' => 'Google Fonts', 'Galindo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gamja Flower' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gentium Basic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gentium Book Basic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Geo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Geostar' => 'Google Fonts', 'Geostar Fill' => 'Google Fonts', 'Germania One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gidugu' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gilda Display' => 'Google Fonts', 'Give You Glory' => 'Google Fonts', 'Glass Antiqua' => 'Google Fonts', 'Glegoo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gloria Hallelujah' => 'Google Fonts', 'Goblin One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gochi Hand' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gorditas' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gothic A1' => 'Google Fonts', 'Goudy Bookletter 1911' => 'Google Fonts', 'Graduate' => 'Google Fonts', 'Grand Hotel' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gravitas One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Great Vibes' => 'Google Fonts', 'Griffy' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gruppo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gudea' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gugi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Gurajada' => 'Google Fonts', 'Habibi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Halant' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hammersmith One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hanalei' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hanalei Fill' => 'Google Fonts', 'Handlee' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hanuman' => 'Google Fonts', 'Happy Monkey' => 'Google Fonts', 'Harmattan' => 'Google Fonts', 'Headland One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Heebo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Henny Penny' => 'Google Fonts', 'Herr Von Muellerhoff' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hi Melody' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hind' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hind Guntur' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hind Madurai' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hind Siliguri' => 'Google Fonts', 'Hind Vadodara' => 'Google Fonts', 'Holtwood One SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Homemade Apple' => 'Google Fonts', 'Homenaje' => 'Google Fonts', 'IBM Plex Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'IBM Plex Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'IBM Plex Sans Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'IBM Plex Serif' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell DW Pica' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell DW Pica SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell Double Pica' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell Double Pica SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell English' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell English SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell French Canon' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell French Canon SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell Great Primer' => 'Google Fonts', 'IM Fell Great Primer SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Iceberg' => 'Google Fonts', 'Iceland' => 'Google Fonts', 'Imprima' => 'Google Fonts', 'Inconsolata' => 'Google Fonts', 'Inder' => 'Google Fonts', 'Indie Flower' => 'Google Fonts', 'Inika' => 'Google Fonts', 'Inknut Antiqua' => 'Google Fonts', 'Irish Grover' => 'Google Fonts', 'Istok Web' => 'Google Fonts', 'Italiana' => 'Google Fonts', 'Italianno' => 'Google Fonts', 'Itim' => 'Google Fonts', 'Jacques Francois' => 'Google Fonts', 'Jacques Francois Shadow' => 'Google Fonts', 'Jaldi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Jim Nightshade' => 'Google Fonts', 'Jockey One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Jolly Lodger' => 'Google Fonts', 'Jomhuria' => 'Google Fonts', 'Josefin Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Josefin Slab' => 'Google Fonts', 'Joti One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Jua' => 'Google Fonts', 'Judson' => 'Google Fonts', 'Julee' => 'Google Fonts', 'Julius Sans One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Junge' => 'Google Fonts', 'Jura' => 'Google Fonts', 'Just Another Hand' => 'Google Fonts', 'Just Me Again Down Here' => 'Google Fonts', 'K2D' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kadwa' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kalam' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kameron' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kanit' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kantumruy' => 'Google Fonts', 'Karla' => 'Google Fonts', 'Karma' => 'Google Fonts', 'Katibeh' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kaushan Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kavivanar' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kavoon' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kdam Thmor' => 'Google Fonts', 'Keania One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kelly Slab' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kenia' => 'Google Fonts', 'Khand' => 'Google Fonts', 'Khmer' => 'Google Fonts', 'Khula' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kirang Haerang' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kite One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Knewave' => 'Google Fonts', 'KoHo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kodchasan' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kosugi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kosugi Maru' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kotta One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Koulen' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kranky' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kreon' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kristi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Krona One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Krub' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kumar One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kumar One Outline' => 'Google Fonts', 'Kurale' => 'Google Fonts', 'La Belle Aurore' => 'Google Fonts', 'Laila' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lakki Reddy' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lalezar' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lancelot' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lateef' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lato' => 'Google Fonts', 'League Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Leckerli One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ledger' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lekton' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lemon' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lemonada' => 'Google Fonts', 'Libre Barcode 128' => 'Google Fonts', 'Libre Barcode 128 Text' => 'Google Fonts', 'Libre Barcode 39' => 'Google Fonts', 'Libre Barcode 39 Extended' => 'Google Fonts', 'Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text' => 'Google Fonts', 'Libre Barcode 39 Text' => 'Google Fonts', 'Libre Baskerville' => 'Google Fonts', 'Libre Franklin' => 'Google Fonts', 'Life Savers' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lilita One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lily Script One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Limelight' => 'Google Fonts', 'Linden Hill' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lobster' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lobster Two' => 'Google Fonts', 'Londrina Outline' => 'Google Fonts', 'Londrina Shadow' => 'Google Fonts', 'Londrina Sketch' => 'Google Fonts', 'Londrina Solid' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lora' => 'Google Fonts', 'Love Ya Like A Sister' => 'Google Fonts', 'Loved by the King' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lovers Quarrel' => 'Google Fonts', 'Luckiest Guy' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lusitana' => 'Google Fonts', 'Lustria' => 'Google Fonts', 'M PLUS 1p' => 'Google Fonts', 'M PLUS Rounded 1c' => 'Google Fonts', 'Macondo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Macondo Swash Caps' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mada' => 'Google Fonts', 'Magra' => 'Google Fonts', 'Maiden Orange' => 'Google Fonts', 'Maitree' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mako' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mali' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mallanna' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mandali' => 'Google Fonts', 'Manuale' => 'Google Fonts', 'Marcellus' => 'Google Fonts', 'Marcellus SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Marck Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Margarine' => 'Google Fonts', 'Markazi Text' => 'Google Fonts', 'Marko One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Marmelad' => 'Google Fonts', 'Martel' => 'Google Fonts', 'Martel Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Marvel' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mate' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mate SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Maven Pro' => 'Google Fonts', 'McLaren' => 'Google Fonts', 'Meddon' => 'Google Fonts', 'MedievalSharp' => 'Google Fonts', 'Medula One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Meera Inimai' => 'Google Fonts', 'Megrim' => 'Google Fonts', 'Meie Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Merienda' => 'Google Fonts', 'Merienda One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Merriweather' => 'Google Fonts', 'Merriweather Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Metal' => 'Google Fonts', 'Metal Mania' => 'Google Fonts', 'Metamorphous' => 'Google Fonts', 'Metrophobic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Michroma' => 'Google Fonts', 'Milonga' => 'Google Fonts', 'Miltonian' => 'Google Fonts', 'Miltonian Tattoo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mina' => 'Google Fonts', 'Miniver' => 'Google Fonts', 'Miriam Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mirza' => 'Google Fonts', 'Miss Fajardose' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mitr' => 'Google Fonts', 'Modak' => 'Google Fonts', 'Modern Antiqua' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mogra' => 'Google Fonts', 'Molengo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Molle' => 'Google Fonts', 'Monda' => 'Google Fonts', 'Monofett' => 'Google Fonts', 'Monoton' => 'Google Fonts', 'Monsieur La Doulaise' => 'Google Fonts', 'Montaga' => 'Google Fonts', 'Montez' => 'Google Fonts', 'Montserrat' => 'Google Fonts', 'Montserrat Alternates' => 'Google Fonts', 'Montserrat Subrayada' => 'Google Fonts', 'Moul' => 'Google Fonts', 'Moulpali' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mountains of Christmas' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mouse Memoirs' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mr Bedfort' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mr Dafoe' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mr De Haviland' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mrs Saint Delafield' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mrs Sheppards' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mukta' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mukta Mahee' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mukta Malar' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mukta Vaani' => 'Google Fonts', 'Muli' => 'Google Fonts', 'Mystery Quest' => 'Google Fonts', 'NTR' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nanum Brush Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nanum Gothic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nanum Gothic Coding' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nanum Myeongjo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nanum Pen Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Neucha' => 'Google Fonts', 'Neuton' => 'Google Fonts', 'New Rocker' => 'Google Fonts', 'News Cycle' => 'Google Fonts', 'Niconne' => 'Google Fonts', 'Niramit' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nixie One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nobile' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nokora' => 'Google Fonts', 'Norican' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nosifer' => 'Google Fonts', 'Notable' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nothing You Could Do' => 'Google Fonts', 'Noticia Text' => 'Google Fonts', 'Noto Kufi Arabic' => 'Google Fonts', // Hack for Google Early Access. 'Noto Naskh Arabic' => 'Google Fonts', // Hack for Google Early Access. 'Noto Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Noto Sans Hebrew' => 'Google Fonts', // Hack for Google Early Access. 'Noto Sans JP' => 'Google Fonts', 'Noto Sans KR' => 'Google Fonts', 'Noto Serif' => 'Google Fonts', 'Noto Serif JP' => 'Google Fonts', 'Noto Serif KR' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nova Cut' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nova Flat' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nova Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nova Oval' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nova Round' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nova Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nova Slim' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nova Square' => 'Google Fonts', 'Numans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nunito' => 'Google Fonts', 'Nunito Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Odor Mean Chey' => 'Google Fonts', 'Offside' => 'Google Fonts', 'Old Standard TT' => 'Google Fonts', 'Oldenburg' => 'Google Fonts', 'Oleo Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Oleo Script Swash Caps' => 'Google Fonts', 'Open Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Open Sans Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Open Sans Hebrew' => 'Google Fonts', // Hack for Google Early Access. 'Open Sans Hebrew Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', // Hack for Google Early Access. 'Oranienbaum' => 'Google Fonts', 'Orbitron' => 'Google Fonts', 'Oregano' => 'Google Fonts', 'Orienta' => 'Google Fonts', 'Original Surfer' => 'Google Fonts', 'Oswald' => 'Google Fonts', 'Over the Rainbow' => 'Google Fonts', 'Overlock' => 'Google Fonts', 'Overlock SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Overpass' => 'Google Fonts', 'Overpass Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ovo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Oxygen' => 'Google Fonts', 'Oxygen Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'PT Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'PT Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'PT Sans Caption' => 'Google Fonts', 'PT Sans Narrow' => 'Google Fonts', 'PT Serif' => 'Google Fonts', 'PT Serif Caption' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pacifico' => 'Google Fonts', 'Padauk' => 'Google Fonts', 'Palanquin' => 'Google Fonts', 'Palanquin Dark' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pangolin' => 'Google Fonts', 'Paprika' => 'Google Fonts', 'Parisienne' => 'Google Fonts', 'Passero One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Passion One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pathway Gothic One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Patrick Hand' => 'Google Fonts', 'Patrick Hand SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pattaya' => 'Google Fonts', 'Patua One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pavanam' => 'Google Fonts', 'Paytone One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Peddana' => 'Google Fonts', 'Peralta' => 'Google Fonts', 'Permanent Marker' => 'Google Fonts', 'Petit Formal Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Petrona' => 'Google Fonts', 'Philosopher' => 'Google Fonts', 'Piedra' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pinyon Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pirata One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Plaster' => 'Google Fonts', 'Play' => 'Google Fonts', 'Playball' => 'Google Fonts', 'Playfair Display' => 'Google Fonts', 'Playfair Display SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Podkova' => 'Google Fonts', 'Poiret One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Poller One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Poly' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pompiere' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pontano Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Poor Story' => 'Google Fonts', 'Poppins' => 'Google Fonts', 'Port Lligat Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Port Lligat Slab' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pragati Narrow' => 'Google Fonts', 'Prata' => 'Google Fonts', 'Preahvihear' => 'Google Fonts', 'Press Start 2P' => 'Google Fonts', 'Pridi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Princess Sofia' => 'Google Fonts', 'Prociono' => 'Google Fonts', 'Prompt' => 'Google Fonts', 'Prosto One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Proza Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Puritan' => 'Google Fonts', 'Purple Purse' => 'Google Fonts', 'Quando' => 'Google Fonts', 'Quantico' => 'Google Fonts', 'Quattrocento' => 'Google Fonts', 'Quattrocento Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Questrial' => 'Google Fonts', 'Quicksand' => 'Google Fonts', 'Quintessential' => 'Google Fonts', 'Qwigley' => 'Google Fonts', 'Racing Sans One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Radley' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rajdhani' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rakkas' => 'Google Fonts', 'Raleway' => 'Google Fonts', 'Raleway Dots' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ramabhadra' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ramaraja' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rambla' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rammetto One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ranchers' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rancho' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ranga' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rasa' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rationale' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ravi Prakash' => 'Google Fonts', 'Redressed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Reem Kufi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Reenie Beanie' => 'Google Fonts', 'Revalia' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rhodium Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ribeye' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ribeye Marrow' => 'Google Fonts', 'Righteous' => 'Google Fonts', 'Risque' => 'Google Fonts', 'Roboto' => 'Google Fonts', 'Roboto Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Roboto Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'Roboto Slab' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rochester' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rock Salt' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rokkitt' => 'Google Fonts', 'Romanesco' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ropa Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rosario' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rosarivo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rouge Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rozha One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rubik' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rubik Mono One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ruda' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rufina' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ruge Boogie' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ruluko' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rum Raisin' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ruslan Display' => 'Google Fonts', 'Russo One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ruthie' => 'Google Fonts', 'Rye' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sacramento' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sahitya' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sail' => 'Google Fonts', 'Saira' => 'Google Fonts', 'Saira Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Saira Extra Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Saira Semi Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Salsa' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sanchez' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sancreek' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sansita' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sarala' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sarina' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sarpanch' => 'Google Fonts', 'Satisfy' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sawarabi Gothic' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sawarabi Mincho' => 'Google Fonts', 'Scada' => 'Google Fonts', 'Scheherazade' => 'Google Fonts', 'Schoolbell' => 'Google Fonts', 'Scope One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Seaweed Script' => 'Google Fonts', 'Secular One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sedgwick Ave' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sedgwick Ave Display' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sevillana' => 'Google Fonts', 'Seymour One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Shadows Into Light' => 'Google Fonts', 'Shadows Into Light Two' => 'Google Fonts', 'Shanti' => 'Google Fonts', 'Share' => 'Google Fonts', 'Share Tech' => 'Google Fonts', 'Share Tech Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'Shojumaru' => 'Google Fonts', 'Short Stack' => 'Google Fonts', 'Shrikhand' => 'Google Fonts', 'Siemreap' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sigmar One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Signika' => 'Google Fonts', 'Signika Negative' => 'Google Fonts', 'Simonetta' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sintony' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sirin Stencil' => 'Google Fonts', 'Six Caps' => 'Google Fonts', 'Skranji' => 'Google Fonts', 'Slabo 13px' => 'Google Fonts', 'Slabo 27px' => 'Google Fonts', 'Slackey' => 'Google Fonts', 'Smokum' => 'Google Fonts', 'Smythe' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sniglet' => 'Google Fonts', 'Snippet' => 'Google Fonts', 'Snowburst One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sofadi One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sofia' => 'Google Fonts', 'Song Myung' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sonsie One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sorts Mill Goudy' => 'Google Fonts', 'Source Code Pro' => 'Google Fonts', 'Source Sans Pro' => 'Google Fonts', 'Source Serif Pro' => 'Google Fonts', 'Space Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'Special Elite' => 'Google Fonts', 'Spectral' => 'Google Fonts', 'Spectral SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Spicy Rice' => 'Google Fonts', 'Spinnaker' => 'Google Fonts', 'Spirax' => 'Google Fonts', 'Squada One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sree Krushnadevaraya' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sriracha' => 'Google Fonts', 'Srisakdi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Stalemate' => 'Google Fonts', 'Stalinist One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Stardos Stencil' => 'Google Fonts', 'Stint Ultra Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Stint Ultra Expanded' => 'Google Fonts', 'Stoke' => 'Google Fonts', 'Strait' => 'Google Fonts', 'Stylish' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sue Ellen Francisco' => 'Google Fonts', 'Suez One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sumana' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sunflower' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sunshiney' => 'Google Fonts', 'Supermercado One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Sura' => 'Google Fonts', 'Suranna' => 'Google Fonts', 'Suravaram' => 'Google Fonts', 'Suwannaphum' => 'Google Fonts', 'Swanky and Moo Moo' => 'Google Fonts', 'Syncopate' => 'Google Fonts', 'Tajawal' => 'Google Fonts', 'Tangerine' => 'Google Fonts', 'Taprom' => 'Google Fonts', 'Tauri' => 'Google Fonts', 'Taviraj' => 'Google Fonts', 'Teko' => 'Google Fonts', 'Telex' => 'Google Fonts', 'Tenali Ramakrishna' => 'Google Fonts', 'Tenor Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Text Me One' => 'Google Fonts', 'The Girl Next Door' => 'Google Fonts', 'Tienne' => 'Google Fonts', 'Tillana' => 'Google Fonts', 'Timmana' => 'Google Fonts', 'Tinos' => 'Google Fonts', 'Titan One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Titillium Web' => 'Google Fonts', 'Trade Winds' => 'Google Fonts', 'Trirong' => 'Google Fonts', 'Trocchi' => 'Google Fonts', 'Trochut' => 'Google Fonts', 'Trykker' => 'Google Fonts', 'Tulpen One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ubuntu' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ubuntu Condensed' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ubuntu Mono' => 'Google Fonts', 'Ultra' => 'Google Fonts', 'Uncial Antiqua' => 'Google Fonts', 'Underdog' => 'Google Fonts', 'Unica One' => 'Google Fonts', 'UnifrakturCook' => 'Google Fonts', 'UnifrakturMaguntia' => 'Google Fonts', 'Unkempt' => 'Google Fonts', 'Unlock' => 'Google Fonts', 'Unna' => 'Google Fonts', 'VT323' => 'Google Fonts', 'Vampiro One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Varela' => 'Google Fonts', 'Varela Round' => 'Google Fonts', 'Vast Shadow' => 'Google Fonts', 'Vesper Libre' => 'Google Fonts', 'Vibur' => 'Google Fonts', 'Vidaloka' => 'Google Fonts', 'Viga' => 'Google Fonts', 'Voces' => 'Google Fonts', 'Volkhov' => 'Google Fonts', 'Vollkorn' => 'Google Fonts', 'Vollkorn SC' => 'Google Fonts', 'Voltaire' => 'Google Fonts', 'Waiting for the Sunrise' => 'Google Fonts', 'Wallpoet' => 'Google Fonts', 'Walter Turncoat' => 'Google Fonts', 'Warnes' => 'Google Fonts', 'Wellfleet' => 'Google Fonts', 'Wendy One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Wire One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Work Sans' => 'Google Fonts', 'Yanone Kaffeesatz' => 'Google Fonts', 'Yantramanav' => 'Google Fonts', 'Yatra One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Yellowtail' => 'Google Fonts', 'Yeon Sung' => 'Google Fonts', 'Yeseva One' => 'Google Fonts', 'Yesteryear' => 'Google Fonts', 'Yrsa' => 'Google Fonts', 'Zeyada' => 'Google Fonts', 'Zilla Slab' => 'Google Fonts', 'Zilla Slab Highlight' => 'Google Fonts', ]; }//end get_font_list() /** * Register text domain for Chaty * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $chaty_text */ public function chaty_text() { load_plugin_textdomain("chaty", false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/languages/'); }//end chaty_text() /** * Update Chaty Status * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $status */ public function chaty_update_status() { $nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'nonce'); if (!empty($nonce) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'chaty_update_status')) { $status = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'status'); $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email'); update_option("chaty_update_message", 2); if ($status == 1) { $url = 'https://premioapps.com/premio/signup/email.php'; $apiParams = [ 'plugin' => 'chaty', 'email' => $email, ]; // Signup Email for Chaty $apiResponse = wp_safe_remote_post($url, ['body' => $apiParams, 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => true]); if (is_wp_error($apiResponse)) { wp_safe_remote_post($url, ['body' => $apiParams, 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false]); } $response['status'] = 1; } }//end if }//end chaty_update_status() /** * Update Chaty Popup Status * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $status */ public function update_popup_status() { if (!empty($_REQUEST['nonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['nonce'], 'chaty_update_popup_status')) { update_option("chaty_intro_popup", "hide"); } echo esc_attr("1"); die; }//end update_popup_status() /** * Update Chaty Channel Settings * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $channels */ public function update_channel_setting() { if (!empty($_REQUEST['nonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['nonce'], "Contact_Us-settings")) { update_option("chaty_contact_us_setting", "hide"); } echo esc_attr("1"); die; }//end update_channel_setting() /** * Send Help Message to owner * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return $response */ public function wcp_admin_send_message_to_owner() { $response = []; $response['status'] = 0; $response['error'] = 0; $response['errors'] = []; $response['message'] = ""; $errorArray = []; $errorMessage = esc_html__("%1\$s is required", 'chaty'); $textareaText = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'textarea_text'); $userEmail = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'user_email'); $nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'nonce'); if (empty($textareaText)) { $error = [ "key" => "textarea_text", "message" => esc_attr__("Please enter your message", "wcp"), ]; $errorArray[] = $error; } if (empty($userEmail)) { $error = [ "key" => "user_email", "message" => sprintf($errorMessage, esc_attr__("Email", "wcp")), ]; $errorArray[] = $error; } else if (!filter_var($userEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $error = [ 'key' => "user_email", "message" => "Email is not valid", ]; $errorArray[] = $error; } if (empty($errorArray)) { if (empty($nonce)) { $error = [ 'key' => "nonce", "message" => "Your request is not valid", ]; $errorArray[] = $error; } else if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "chaty_send_message_to_owner")) { $error = [ 'key' => "nonce", "message" => "Your request is not valid", ]; $errorArray[] = $error; } } if (empty($errorArray)) { global $current_user; $textMessage = $textareaText; $email = $userEmail; $domain = site_url(); $user_name = $current_user->first_name." ".$current_user->last_name; // sending message to Crisp $postMessage = []; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "Plugin"; $messageData['value'] = "Chaty"; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "Domain"; $messageData['value'] = $domain; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "Email"; $messageData['value'] = $email; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $messageData = []; $messageData['key'] = "Message"; $messageData['value'] = $textMessage; $postMessage[] = $messageData; $apiParams = [ 'domain' => $domain, 'email' => $email, 'url' => site_url(), 'name' => $user_name, 'message' => $postMessage, 'plugin' => "Chaty", 'type' => "Need Help", ]; // Sending message to Crisp API $apiResponse = wp_safe_remote_post("https://premioapps.com/premio/send-message-api.php", ['body' => $apiParams, 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => true]); if (is_wp_error($apiResponse)) { $apiResponse = wp_safe_remote_post("https://premioapps.com/premio/send-message-api.php", ['body' => $apiParams, 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false]); } $response['status'] = 1; } else { $response['error'] = 1; $response['errors'] = $errorArray; }//end if wp_send_json($response); wp_die(); }//end wcp_admin_send_message_to_owner() /** * Cleans a string and returns only the numbers. * * @param string $string The string to be cleaned. * @return string The cleaned string with only numbers. */ function cleanStringForNumbers($string) { if(!empty($string)) { $string = trim($string); $hasPlus = 0; if(isset($string[0]) && $string[0] == "+") { $hasPlus = 1; } $string = str_replace("-", "", $string); $string = preg_replace('/[^0-9\-]/', '', $string); // Removes special chars. if ($hasPlus) { return "+" . $string; } } return $string; } /** * Validates a color value and returns it if it matches the given formats. * * @param string $color The color value to validate. * @param string $default_color (optional) The default color value to return if the given color is invalid. * @return string The validated color value, or the default color value if the given color is invalid. */ function validate_color($color, $default_color = "") { if( preg_match('/^#[a-f0-9]{6}$/i', $color)) { return $color; } else { // Check if it's a RGB color $rgbPattern = "/^rgb\((\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3})\)$/"; if(preg_match($rgbPattern, $color)) { return $color; } // Check if it's a RGBA color $rgbaPattern = "/^rgba\((\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3}), (0(\.\d{1,2})?|1)\)$/"; if(preg_match($rgbaPattern, $color)) { return $color; } } return $default_color; } }//end class new CHT_Admin_Base(); /** * Updates options and redirects to relevant admin page. * * @param mixed $old_value The old option value. * @param mixed $value The new option value to be updated to. * * @return void */ add_action('update_option_chaty_updated_on', function ($old_value, $value) { $show_first = get_option("show_first_chaty_box"); if ($show_first === false) { add_option("show_first_chaty_box", 1); } delete_option("cht_is_default_deleted"); if ($old_value != $value) { $post_data = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST); $step = isset($post_data['current_step']) && is_numeric($post_data['current_step']) ? $post_data['current_step'] : 1; if (!in_array($step, [0,1,2,3])) { $step = 0; } if (isset($post_data['save_button'])) { if (empty($widgetIndex)) { $widgetIndex = 0; } wp_safe_redirect(admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app&show_message=1&step=".$step."&widget=".$widgetIndex)); exit; } else { $buttonType = isset($post_data['button_type'])?$post_data['button_type']:1; if($buttonType == 1) { wp_safe_redirect(admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app&show_message=1&step=".$step."&widget=0")); exit; } } wp_safe_redirect(admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app&show_message=1")); exit; } },10,2);