pluginSlug."_upgrade_hide_box", [$this, "upgrade_to_pro"]); add_action('admin_notices', [$this, 'admin_notices']); }//end __construct() /** * Upgrade the plugin to the pro version. * * This method handles the upgrade process when the user wants to upgrade the plugin to the pro version. * It checks for a valid nonce and processes the upgrade request accordingly. * * @return void */ public function upgrade_to_pro() { $nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'nonce'); $days = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'days'); if (!empty($nonce) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, $this->pluginSlug."_upgrade_box")) { if ($days == -1) { add_option($this->pluginSlug."_hide_upgrade_box", "1"); } else { $date = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime("+".$days." days")); update_option($this->pluginSlug."_show_upgrade_box_after", $date); } } die; }//end upgrade_to_pro() /** * Display admin notices for the Chaty plugin. * * This method is responsible for displaying admin notices related to the Chaty plugin. * It checks for query parameters and options to determine when to display the notices. * It also includes style inline CSS for the notices. * * @return void */ public function admin_notices() { $chatyNotice = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'hide_chaty_notice'); if($chatyNotice == 1) { add_option($this->pluginSlug."_hide_upgrade_box", "1"); return; } $is_hidden = get_option($this->pluginSlug."_hide_upgrade_box"); if ($is_hidden !== false) { return; } $current_count = get_option($this->pluginSlug."_show_upgrade_box_after"); if ($current_count === false) { $date = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime("+15 days")); add_option($this->pluginSlug."_show_upgrade_box_after", $date); return; } else if ($current_count < 35) { return; } $date_to_show = get_option($this->pluginSlug."_show_upgrade_box_after"); if ($date_to_show !== false) { $current_date = gmdate("Y-m-d"); if ($current_date < $date_to_show) { return; } } ?>
".esc_html__("Upgrade to ", 'chaty')." ".esc_attr($this->plugin_name)." Pro") ?>
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