register(); } if ( ! Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( 'container' ) ) { return; } if ( ! Preferences::is_ai_enabled( get_current_user_id() ) ) { return; } add_action( 'elementor/connect/apps/register', function ( ConnectModule $connect_module ) { $connect_module->register_app( 'ai', Ai::get_class_name() ); } ); add_action( 'elementor/ajax/register_actions', function( $ajax ) { $handlers = [ 'ai_get_user_information' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_user_information' ], 'ai_get_remote_config' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_remote_config' ], 'ai_get_remote_frontend_config' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_remote_frontend_config' ], 'ai_get_completion_text' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_completion_text' ], 'ai_get_excerpt' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_excerpt' ], 'ai_get_featured_image' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_featured_image' ], 'ai_get_edit_text' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_edit_text' ], 'ai_get_custom_code' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_custom_code' ], 'ai_get_custom_css' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_custom_css' ], 'ai_set_get_started' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_set_get_started' ], 'ai_set_status_feedback' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_set_status_feedback' ], 'ai_get_image_prompt_enhancer' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_prompt_enhancer' ], 'ai_get_text_to_image' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_text_to_image' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_mask' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_mask' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_mask_cleanup' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_mask_cleanup' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_outpainting' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_outpainting' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_upscale' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_upscale' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_remove_background' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_remove_background' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_replace_background' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_replace_background' ], 'ai_upload_image' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_upload_image' ], 'ai_generate_layout' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_generate_layout' ], 'ai_get_layout_prompt_enhancer' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_layout_prompt_enhancer' ], 'ai_get_history' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_history' ], 'ai_delete_history_item' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_delete_history_item' ], 'ai_toggle_favorite_history_item' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_toggle_favorite_history_item' ], ]; foreach ( $handlers as $tag => $callback ) { $ajax->register_ajax_action( $tag, $callback ); } } ); add_action( 'elementor/editor/before_enqueue_scripts', function() { $this->enqueue_main_script(); $this->enqueue_layout_script(); } ); add_action( 'elementor/editor/after_enqueue_styles', function() { wp_enqueue_style( 'elementor-ai-editor', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'modules/ai/editor' ), [], ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); } ); add_action( 'elementor/preview/enqueue_styles', function() { wp_enqueue_style( 'elementor-ai-layout-preview', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'modules/ai/layout-preview' ), [], ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); } ); if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'wp_enqueue_media', [ $this, 'enqueue_ai_media_library' ] ); } add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', function() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-ai-gutenberg', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'ai-gutenberg' ), [ 'jquery', 'elementor-v2-ui', 'elementor-v2-icons', 'wp-blocks', 'wp-element', 'wp-editor', 'wp-data', 'wp-components', 'wp-compose', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-hooks', 'elementor-ai-media-library', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'elementor-ai-gutenberg', 'ElementorAiConfig', [ 'is_get_started' => User::get_introduction_meta( 'ai_get_started' ), 'connect_url' => $this->get_ai_connect_url(), ] ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-ai-gutenberg', 'elementor' ); }); add_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', function ( $data ) { return $this->remove_temporary_containers( $data ); } ); } public function enqueue_ai_media_library() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-ai-media-library', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'ai-media-library' ), [ 'jquery', 'elementor-v2-ui', 'elementor-v2-icons', 'media-grid', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'elementor-ai-media-library', 'ElementorAiConfig', [ 'is_get_started' => User::get_introduction_meta( 'ai_get_started' ), 'connect_url' => $this->get_ai_connect_url(), ] ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-ai-media-library', 'elementor' ); } private function enqueue_main_script() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-ai', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'ai' ), [ 'react', 'react-dom', 'backbone-marionette', 'elementor-web-cli', 'wp-date', 'elementor-common', 'elementor-editor-modules', 'elementor-editor-document', 'elementor-v2-ui', 'elementor-v2-icons', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); $config = [ 'is_get_started' => User::get_introduction_meta( 'ai_get_started' ), 'connect_url' => $this->get_ai_connect_url(), ]; if ( $this->get_ai_app()->is_connected() ) { // Use a cached version, don't call the API on every editor load. $config['usage'] = $this->get_ai_app()->get_cached_usage(); } wp_localize_script( 'elementor-ai', 'ElementorAiConfig', $config ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-ai', 'elementor' ); } private function enqueue_layout_script() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-ai-layout', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'ai-layout' ), [ 'react', 'react-dom', 'backbone-marionette', 'elementor-common', 'elementor-web-cli', 'elementor-editor-modules', 'elementor-ai', 'elementor-v2-ui', 'elementor-v2-icons', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-ai-layout', 'elementor' ); } private function remove_temporary_containers( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['elements'] ) ) { return $data; } // If for some reason the document has been saved during an AI Layout session, // ensure that the temporary containers are removed from the data. $data['elements'] = array_filter( $data['elements'], function( $element ) { $is_preview_container = strpos( $element['id'], 'e-ai-preview-container' ) === 0; $is_screenshot_container = strpos( $element['id'], 'e-ai-screenshot-container' ) === 0; return ! $is_preview_container && ! $is_screenshot_container; } ); return $data; } private function get_ai_connect_url() { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); return $app->get_admin_url( 'authorize', [ 'utm_source' => 'ai-popup', 'utm_campaign' => 'connect-account', 'utm_medium' => 'wp-dash', 'source' => 'generic', ] ); } public function ajax_ai_get_user_information( $data ) { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { return [ 'is_connected' => false, 'connect_url' => $this->get_ai_connect_url(), ]; } $user_usage = wp_parse_args( $app->get_usage(), [ 'hasAiSubscription' => false, 'usedQuota' => 0, 'quota' => 100, ] ); return [ 'is_connected' => true, 'is_get_started' => User::get_introduction_meta( 'ai_get_started' ), 'usage' => $user_usage, ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_remote_config() { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { return []; } return $app->get_remote_config(); } public function ajax_ai_get_remote_frontend_config( $data ) { $callback = function () use ( $data ) { return $this->get_ai_app()->get_remote_frontend_config( $data ); }; return Utils::get_cached_callback( $callback, 'ai_remote_frontend_config-' . get_current_user_id(), HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } public function verify_upload_permissions( $data ) { $referer = wp_get_referer(); if ( str_contains( $referer, 'wp-admin/upload.php' ) && current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ) { return; } $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); } private function verify_permissions( $editor_post_id ) { $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $editor_post_id ); if ( ! $document ) { throw new \Exception( 'Document not found' ); } if ( ! $document->is_editable_by_current_user() ) { throw new \Exception( 'Access denied' ); } } public function ajax_ai_get_image_prompt_enhancer( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_prompt_enhanced( $data['prompt'], [], $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_completion_text( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_completion_text( $data['payload']['prompt'], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_excerpt( $data ): array { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['content'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing content' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'Not connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_excerpt( $data['payload']['content'], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_featured_image( $data ): array { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_featured_image( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } private function get_ai_app() : Ai { return Plugin::$instance->common->get_component( 'connect' )->get_app( 'ai' ); } private function get_request_context( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['context'] ) ) { return []; } return $data['context']; } private function get_request_ids( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['requestIds'] ) ) { return new \stdClass(); } return $data['requestIds']; } public function ajax_ai_get_edit_text( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['input'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing input' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['instruction'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing instruction' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_edit_text( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_custom_code( $data ) { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['language'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing language' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_custom_code( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_custom_css( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['html_markup'] ) ) { $data['html_markup'] = ''; } if ( empty( $data['payload']['element_id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing element_id' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_custom_css( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_set_get_started( $data ) { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); User::set_introduction_viewed( [ 'introductionKey' => 'ai_get_started', ] ); return $app->set_get_started(); } public function ajax_ai_set_status_feedback( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['response_id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing response_id' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $app->set_status_feedback( $data['response_id'] ); return []; } public function ajax_ai_get_text_to_image( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_text_to_image( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['settings'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt settings' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image( [ 'prompt' => $data['payload']['prompt'], 'promptSettings' => $data['payload']['settings'], 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_upscale( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['promptSettings'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt settings' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_upscale( [ 'promptSettings' => $data['payload']['promptSettings'], 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_replace_background( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Prompt Missing' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_replace_background( [ 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], 'prompt' => $data['payload']['prompt'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_remove_background( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_remove_background( [ 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_mask( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['settings'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt settings' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['mask'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Mask' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_mask( [ 'prompt' => $data['payload']['prompt'], 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], 'mask' => $data['payload']['mask'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_mask_cleanup( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['settings'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt settings' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['mask'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Mask' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_mask_cleanup( [ 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], 'mask' => $data['payload']['mask'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_outpainting( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['mask'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Expended Image' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_out_painting( [ 'size' => $data['payload']['size'], 'position' => $data['payload']['position'], 'mask' => $data['payload']['mask'], 'image_base64' => $data['payload']['image_base64'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_upload_image( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['image'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing image data' ); } $image = $data['image']; if ( empty( $image['image_url'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing image_url' ); } $image_data = $this->upload_image( $image['image_url'], $data['prompt'], $data['editor_post_id'] ); if ( is_wp_error( $image_data ) ) { throw new \Exception( $image_data->get_error_message() ); } if ( ! empty( $image['use_gallery_image'] ) && ! empty( $image['id'] ) ) { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); $app->set_used_gallery_image( $image['id'] ); } return [ 'image' => array_merge( $image_data, $data ), ]; } public function ajax_ai_generate_layout( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['prompt'] ) && empty( $data['attachments'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt / attachments' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $result = $app->generate_layout( $data, $this->prepare_generate_layout_context( $data ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $message = $result->get_error_message(); if ( is_array( $message ) ) { $message = implode( ', ', $message ); throw new \Exception( $message ); } $this->throw_on_error( $result ); } $elements = $result['text']['elements'] ?? []; $base_template_id = $result['baseTemplateId'] ?? null; $template_type = $result['templateType'] ?? null; if ( empty( $elements ) || ! is_array( $elements ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'unknown_error' ); } if ( 1 === count( $elements ) ) { $template = $elements[0]; } else { $template = [ 'elType' => 'container', 'elements' => $elements, 'settings' => [ 'content_width' => 'full', 'flex_gap' => [ 'column' => '0', 'row' => '0', 'unit' => 'px', ], 'padding' => [ 'unit' => 'px', 'top' => '0', 'right' => '0', 'bottom' => '0', 'left' => '0', 'isLinked' => true, ], ], ]; } return [ 'all' => [], 'text' => $template, 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], 'base_template_id' => $base_template_id, 'template_type' => $template_type, ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_layout_prompt_enhancer( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $result = $app->get_layout_prompt_enhanced( $data['prompt'], $data['enhance_type'], $this->prepare_generate_layout_context( $data ) ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'] ?? $data['prompt'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'] ?? '', 'usage' => $result['usage'] ?? '', ]; } private function prepare_generate_layout_context( $data ) { $request_context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit(); if ( ! $kit ) { return $request_context; } $kits_data = Collection::make( $kit->get_data()['settings'] ?? [] ); $colors = $kits_data ->filter( function ( $_, $key ) { return in_array( $key, [ 'system_colors', 'custom_colors' ], true ); } ) ->flatten() ->filter( function ( $val ) { return ! empty( $val['_id'] ); } ) ->map( function ( $val ) { return [ 'id' => $val['_id'], 'label' => $val['title'] ?? null, 'value' => $val['color'] ?? null, ]; } ); $typography = $kits_data ->filter( function ( $_, $key ) { return in_array( $key, [ 'system_typography', 'custom_typography' ], true ); } ) ->flatten() ->filter( function ( $val ) { return ! empty( $val['_id'] ); } ) ->map( function ( $val ) { $font_size = null; if ( isset( $val['typography_font_size']['unit'], $val['typography_font_size']['size'] ) ) { $prop = $val['typography_font_size']; $font_size = 'custom' === $prop['unit'] ? $prop['size'] : $prop['size'] . $prop['unit']; } return [ 'id' => $val['_id'], 'label' => $val['title'] ?? null, 'value' => [ 'family' => $val['typography_font_family'] ?? null, 'weight' => $val['typography_font_weight'] ?? null, 'style' => $val['typography_font_style'] ?? null, 'size' => $font_size, ], ]; } ); $request_context['globals'] = [ 'colors' => $colors->all(), 'typography' => $typography->all(), ]; return $request_context; } private function upload_image( $image_url, $image_title, $parent_post_id = 0 ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Not Allowed to Upload images' ); } $attachment_id = media_sideload_image( $image_url, $parent_post_id, $image_title, 'id' ); if ( ! empty( $attachment_id['error'] ) ) { return new \WP_Error( 'upload_error', $attachment_id['error'] ); } return [ 'id' => $attachment_id, 'url' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, 'full' ), 'alt' => $image_title, 'source' => 'library', ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_history( $data ): array { $type = $data['type'] ?? self::HISTORY_TYPE_ALL; if ( ! in_array( $type, self::VALID_HISTORY_TYPES, true ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Invalid history type' ); } $page = sanitize_text_field( $data['page'] ?? 1 ); $limit = sanitize_text_field( $data['limit'] ?? 10 ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $result = $app->get_history_by_type( $type, $page, $limit, $context ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { throw new \Exception( $result->get_error_message() ); } return $result; } public function ajax_ai_delete_history_item( $data ): array { if ( empty( $data['id'] ) || ! wp_is_uuid( $data['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing id parameter' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $result = $app->delete_history_item( $data['id'], $context ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { throw new \Exception( $result->get_error_message() ); } return []; } public function ajax_ai_toggle_favorite_history_item( $data ): array { if ( empty( $data['id'] ) || ! wp_is_uuid( $data['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing id parameter' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $result = $app->toggle_favorite_history_item( $data['id'], $context ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { throw new \Exception( $result->get_error_message() ); } return []; } /** * @param mixed $result */ private function throw_on_error( $result ): void { if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { wp_send_json_error( [ 'message' => $result->get_error_message(), 'extra_data' => $result->get_error_data(), ] ); } } }