app = $app ?: fluentMail(); $this->manager = $manager ?: fluentMail(Manager::class); } public function setPhpMailer($phpMailer) { $this->phpMailer = $phpMailer; if(!$this->phpMailer->CharSet) { $this->phpMailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; } return $this; } public function setSettings($settings) { $this->settings = $settings; return $this; } protected function preSend() { $this->attributes = []; if ($this->isForced('from_name')) { $this->phpMailer->FromName = $this->getSetting('sender_name'); } if ($this->getSetting('return_path') == 'yes') { $this->phpMailer->Sender = $this->phpMailer->From; } $this->attributes = $this->setAttributes(); return true; } protected function isForced($key) { return $this->getSetting("force_{$key}") == 'yes'; } public function isForcedEmail() { return $this->getSetting("force_from_email") != 'no'; } public function isActive() { return $this->getSetting('is_active') == 'yes'; } protected function getDefaultParams() { $timeout = (int)ini_get('max_execution_time'); return [ 'timeout' => $timeout ?: 30, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'blocking' => true, ]; } protected function setAttributes() { $from = $this->setFrom(); $replyTos = $this->setRecipientsArray(array_values( $this->phpMailer->getReplyToAddresses() )); $contentType = $this->phpMailer->ContentType; $customHeaders = $this->setFormattedCustomHeaders(); $recipients = [ 'to' => $this->setRecipientsArray($this->phpMailer->getToAddresses()), 'cc' => $this->setRecipientsArray($this->phpMailer->getCcAddresses()), 'bcc' => $this->setRecipientsArray($this->phpMailer->getBccAddresses()) ]; return array_merge($this->attributes, [ 'from' => $from, 'to' => $recipients['to'], 'subject' => $this->phpMailer->Subject, 'message' => $this->phpMailer->Body, 'alt_body' => $this->phpMailer->AltBody, 'attachments' => $this->phpMailer->getAttachments(), 'custom_headers' => $customHeaders, 'headers' => [ 'reply-to' => $replyTos, 'cc' => $recipients['cc'], 'bcc' => $recipients['bcc'], 'content-type' => $contentType ] ]); } protected function setFrom() { $name = $this->getSetting('sender_name'); $email = $this->getSetting('sender_email'); $overrideName = $this->getSetting('force_from_name'); if ($name && ($overrideName == 'yes' || $this->phpMailer->FromName == 'WordPress')) { $this->attributes['sender_name'] = $name; $this->attributes['sender_email'] = $email; $from = $name . ' <' . $email . '>'; } elseif ($this->phpMailer->FromName) { $this->attributes['sender_email'] = $email; $this->attributes['sender_name'] = $this->phpMailer->FromName; $from = $this->phpMailer->FromName . ' <' . $email . '>'; } else { $from = $this->attributes['sender_email'] = $email; } return $from; } protected function setRecipientsArray($array) { $recipients = []; foreach ($array as $key => $recipient) { $recipient = array_filter($recipient); if (!$recipient) continue; $recipients[$key] = [ 'email' => array_shift($recipient) ]; if ($recipient) { $recipients[$key]['name'] = array_shift($recipient); } } return $recipients; } protected function setFormattedCustomHeaders() { $headers = []; $customHeaders = $this->phpMailer->getCustomHeaders(); foreach ($customHeaders as $key => $header) { if ($header[0] == 'Return-Path') { if ($this->getSetting('options.return_path') == 'no') { if (!empty($header[1])) { $this->phpMailer->Sender = $header[1]; } } unset($customHeaders[$key]); } else { $headers[] = [ 'key' => $header[0], 'value' => $header[1] ]; } } $this->phpMailer->clearCustomHeaders(); foreach ($customHeaders as $customHeader) { $this->phpMailer->addCustomHeader($customHeader[0], $customHeader[1]); } return $headers; } public function getSetting($key = null, $default = null) { try { return $key ? Arr::get($this->settings, $key, $default) : $this->settings; } catch (Exception $e) { return $default; } } protected function getParam($key = null, $default = null) { try { return $key ? Arr::get($this->attributes, $key, $default) : $this->attributes; } catch (Exception $e) { return $default; } } protected function getHeader($key, $default = null) { try { return Arr::get( $this->attributes['headers'], $key, $default ); } catch (Exception $e) { return $default; } } public function getSubject() { $subject = ''; if (isset($this->attributes['subject'])) { $subject = $this->attributes['subject']; } return $subject; } protected function getExtraParams() { $this->attributes['extra']['provider'] = $this->getSetting('provider'); return $this->attributes['extra']; } public function handleResponse($response) { if ( is_wp_error($response) ) { $code = $response->get_error_code(); if (!is_numeric($code)) { $code = 400; } $message = $response->get_error_message(); $errorResponse = [ 'code' => $code, 'message' => $message, 'errors' => $response->get_error_messages() ]; $this->processResponse($errorResponse, false); throw new \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception($message, $code); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.ExceptionNotEscaped } else { return $this->processResponse($response, true); } } public function processResponse($response, $status) { if ($this->shouldBeLogged($status)) { $data = [ 'to' => $this->serialize($this->attributes['to']), 'from' => $this->attributes['from'], 'subject' => sanitize_text_field($this->attributes['subject']), 'body' => $this->attributes['message'], 'attachments' => $this->serialize($this->attributes['attachments']), 'status' => $status ? 'sent' : 'failed', 'response' => $this->serialize($response), 'headers' => $this->serialize($this->getParam('headers')), 'extra' => $this->serialize($this->getExtraParams()) ]; if($this->existing_row_id) { $row = (new Logger())->find($this->existing_row_id); if($row) { $row['response'] = (array) $row['response']; if($status) { $row['response']['fallback'] = __('Sent using fallback connection ', 'fluent-smtp') . $this->attributes['from']; $row['response']['fallback_response'] = $response; } else { $row['response']['fallback'] = __('Tried to send using fallback but failed. ', 'fluent-smtp') . $this->attributes['from']; $row['response']['fallback_response'] = $response; } $data['response'] = $this->serialize( $row['response']); $data['retries'] = $row['retries'] + 1; (new Logger())->updateLog($data, ['id' => $row['id']]); if(!$status) { do_action('fluentmail_email_sending_failed_no_fallback', $row['id'], $this, $data); } } } else { $logId = (new Logger)->add($data); if(!$status) { // We have to fire an action for this failed job do_action('fluentmail_email_sending_failed', $logId, $this, $data); } } } return $status; } protected function shouldBeLogged($status) { if($this->existing_row_id) { return true; } if (defined('FLUENTMAIL_LOG_OFF') && FLUENTMAIL_LOG_OFF) { return false; } if (!$status) { return true; } $miscSettings = $this->manager->getConfig('misc'); $isLogOn = $miscSettings['log_emails'] == 'yes'; return apply_filters('fluentmail_will_log_email', $isLogOn, $miscSettings, $this); } protected function serialize(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $item) { if (is_array($item)) { $this->serialize($item); } if (is_object($item) || is_resource($item)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid Data: Array cannot contain an object or resource." ); } if (is_string($item)) { if (is_serialized($item)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid Data: Array cannot contain serialized data." ); } if (filter_var($item, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $data[$key] = sanitize_email($item); } elseif (filter_var($item, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $data[$key] = esc_url_raw($item); } else { $data[$key] = sanitize_text_field($item); } } } return serialize($data); } protected function fireWPMailFailedAction($data) { $code = is_numeric($data['code']) ? $data['code'] : 400; $code = strlen($code) < 3 ? 400 : $code; $mail_error_data['phpmailer_exception_code'] = $code; $mail_error_data['errors'] = $data['errors']; $error = new \WP_Error( $code, $data['message'], $mail_error_data ); $this->app->doAction('wp_mail_failed', $error); } protected function updatedLog($id, $data) { try { $data['updated_at'] = current_time('mysql'); (new Logger)->updateLog($data, ['id' => $id]); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); } } public function getValidSenders($connection) { return [$connection['sender_email']]; } public function checkConnection($connection) { return true; } public function getConnectionInfo($connection) { return [ 'info' => (string) fluentMail('view')->make('admin.general_connection_info', [ 'connection' => $connection ]) ]; } public function getPhpMailer() { return $this->phpMailer; } public function setRowId($id) { $this->existing_row_id = $id; } public function addNewSenderEmail($connection, $email) { return new \WP_Error('not_implemented', __('Not implemented', 'fluent-smtp')); } public function removeSenderEmail($connection, $email) { return new \WP_Error('not_implemented', __('Not implemented', 'fluent-smtp')); } }