[], 'roles' => [], ]); } $formatted = $this->getFormattedRoles(); $capability = get_option('_fluentform_form_permission'); if (is_string($capability)) { $capability = []; } return ([ 'capability' => $capability, 'roles' => $formatted, ]); } public function setCapability($attributes = []) { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $capability = wp_unslash(Arr::get($attributes, 'capability', [])); foreach ($capability as $item) { if ('subscriber' == strtolower($item)) { return ([ 'message' => __('Sorry, you can not give access to the Subscriber role.', 'fluentform'), ]); } } update_option('_fluentform_form_permission', $capability, 'no'); return ([ 'message' => __('Successfully saved the role(s).', 'fluentform'), ]); } else { return ([ 'message' => __('Sorry, You can not update permissions. Only administrators can update permissions', 'fluentform') ]); } } private function getFormattedRoles() { if (!function_exists('get_editable_roles')) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php'; } $formatted = []; $roles = \get_editable_roles(); foreach ($roles as $key => $role) { if ('administrator' == $key) { continue; } if ('subscriber' != $key) { $formatted[] = [ 'name' => $role['name'], 'key' => $key, ]; } } return $formatted; } }