[], 'advanced' => [] ]; } $meta_box_registry = rwmb_get_registry( 'meta_box' ); $args = [ 'object_type' => 'post' ]; $meta_boxes = $meta_box_registry->get_by( $args ); $validBoxes = []; foreach ($meta_boxes as $key => $meta_box) { if(empty($meta_box->meta_box)) { continue; } $postTypes = Arr::get($meta_box->meta_box, 'post_types', []); if($postTypes && in_array($postType, $postTypes)) { $validBoxes[$key] = $meta_box; } } return self::classifyFields($validBoxes, $withRaw); } public static function classifyFields($metaBoxes, $withRaw = false) { $generalAcfFields = self::getGeneralFields(); $advancedAcfFields = self::getAdvancedFields(); $generalFields = []; $advancedFields = []; foreach ($metaBoxes as $field_group) { $fields = $field_group->meta_box['fields']; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (in_array($field['type'], $generalAcfFields)) { $generalFields[$field['field_name']] = [ 'type' => $field['type'], 'label' => $field['name'], 'name' => $field['field_name'], 'key' => $field['id'] ]; if($withRaw) { $generalFields[$field['field_name']]['raw'] = $field; } } else if (isset($advancedAcfFields[$field['type']])) { $settings = $advancedAcfFields[$field['type']]; $advancedFields[$field['field_name']] = [ 'type' => $field['type'], 'label' => $field['name'], 'name' => $field['field_name'], 'key' => $field['id'], 'acceptable_fields' => $settings['acceptable_fields'], 'help_message' => $settings['help'] ]; if ($withRaw) { $advancedFields[$field['field_name']]['raw'] = $field; } } } } return [ 'general' => $generalFields, 'advanced' => $advancedFields ]; } private static function getGeneralFields() { $acceptedFields = [ 'hidden', 'password', 'text', 'textarea', 'url', 'wysiwyg', 'time', 'slider', 'color', 'email', 'number', 'range', 'tel' ]; $acceptedFields = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluent_post_metabox_accepted_general_fields', [ $acceptedFields ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/post_metabox_accepted_general_fields', 'Use fluentform/post_metabox_accepted_general_fields instead of fluent_post_metabox_accepted_general_fields.' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/post_metabox_accepted_general_fields', $acceptedFields); } public static function getAdvancedFields() { $acceptedFields = [ 'select' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['select'], 'help' => __('Select select field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'select_advanced' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['select'], 'help' => __('Select appropriate field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'checkbox' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['gdpr_agreement', 'terms_and_condition'], 'help' => __('Select checkbox field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'checkbox_list' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_checkbox'], 'help' => __('Select checkbox field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'radio' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_radio'], 'help' => __('Select radio field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'button_group' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_radio'], 'help' => __('Select radio field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'image_select' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_radio', 'input_checkbox', 'select'], 'help' => __('Select appropriate field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'datetime-local' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_date'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'date' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_date'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'datetime' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_date'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'switch' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['gdpr_agreement', 'terms_and_condition'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'file' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_file'], 'help' => __('Select File Upload field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'file_advanced' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_file'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'file_upload' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_file'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'file_input' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_file', 'input_image'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'image' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_image'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'image_advanced' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_image'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'image_upload' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_image'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], 'single_image' => [ 'acceptable_fields' => ['input_image'], 'help' => __('Select Date field for this mapping', 'fluentformpro') ], ]; $acceptedFields = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluent_post_metabox_accepted_advanced_fields', [ $acceptedFields ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/post_metabox_accepted_advanced_fields', 'Use fluentform/post_metabox_accepted_advanced_fields instead of fluent_post_metabox_accepted_advanced_fields.' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/post_metabox_accepted_advanced_fields', $acceptedFields); } public static function prepareFieldsData($fields, $postType, $formData, $isUpdate) { $fieldGroups = self::getFields($postType, true); $metaValues = []; $generalFields = $fieldGroups['general']; foreach ($fields['general'] as $field) { $fieldValue = Arr::get($field, 'field_value'); $fieldKey = Arr::get($field, 'field_key'); if (!$fieldKey || !$fieldValue || !isset($generalFields[$fieldKey])) { continue; } $fieldConfig = $generalFields[$fieldKey]; $mataName = $fieldConfig['name']; $metaValues[$mataName] = $fieldValue; } $advancedFields = $fieldGroups['advanced']; foreach ($fields['advanced'] as $field) { $fieldValue = Arr::get($formData, $field['field_value']); $fieldKey = Arr::get($field, 'field_key'); if (!$fieldKey || !isset($advancedFields[$fieldKey])) { continue; } $fieldConfig = $advancedFields[$fieldKey]; $type = $fieldConfig['type']; if ('checkbox_list' === $type && !$fieldValue && $isUpdate) { $fieldValue = [0 => "0"]; //make metabox field empty } if (!$fieldValue && !$isUpdate) { continue; } $fieldKey = str_replace('[]', '', $fieldKey); $rawTypes = ['checkbox_list', 'button_group', 'select', 'select_advanced', 'radio', 'datetime-local', 'image_select', 'date', 'datetime']; if(in_array($type, $rawTypes)) { $metaValues[$fieldKey] = $fieldValue; continue; } $fileIdsTypes = ['file', 'file_advanced', 'file_upload', 'image', 'image_advanced', 'image_upload', 'single_image']; if (in_array($type, $fileIdsTypes)) { $existingAttachmentIds = static::maybeDeleteAndGetExistingAttachmentIds($field['field_value'], $formData); $fileIds = self::getFileIdsFromUrls($fieldValue); if($fileIds) { if ($type == 'single_image') { $metaValues[$fieldKey] = $fileIds[0]; } else { if ($existingAttachmentIds) { $fileIds = array_merge($existingAttachmentIds, $fileIds); } $metaValues[$fieldKey] = $fileIds; } } continue; } if ($type == 'file_input') { if(is_array($fieldValue)) { $metaValues[$fieldKey] = $fieldValue[0]; } continue; } $booleanTypes = ['switch', 'checkbox']; if (in_array($type, $booleanTypes)) { $metaValues[$fieldKey] = 1; } } return $metaValues; } private static function getFileIdsFromUrls($fieldValue) { if (!array($fieldValue)) { return []; } $attachmentIds = []; foreach ($fieldValue as $item) { $attachmentId = (new PostFormHandler())->getAttachmentToImageUrl($item); if ($attachmentId) { $attachmentIds[] = $attachmentId; } } return $attachmentIds; } }