type != 'post') return; if (isset($data['taxonomy_settings'])) { if ($data['taxonomy_settings']['hierarchical']) { return (new HierarchicalTaxonomy)->compile($data, $form); } else { return (new NonHierarchicalTaxonomy)->compile($data, $form); } } } public function maybeRenderPostSelectionField($form) { if ($form->type != 'post') return; $feeds = $this->getFormFeeds($form); if (!$feeds) { return; } foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $feed->value = json_decode($feed->value, true); if (ArrayHelper::get($feed->value, 'post_form_type') == 'update') { $postType = $this->getPostType($form); do_action_deprecated( 'fluentformpro_populate_post_form_values', [ $form, $feed->value, $postType ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/populate_post_form_values', 'Use fluentform/populate_post_form_values instead of fluentformpro_populate_post_form_values.' ); do_action('fluentform/populate_post_form_values', $form, $feed->value, $postType); return; } } } public function onFormSubmissionInserted($entryId, $formData, $form) { $feeds = $this->getFormFeeds($form); if (!$feeds) { return; } $postType = $this->getPostType($form); $entry = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submissions') ->where('id', $entryId) ->first(); foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $feed->value = json_decode($feed->value, true); if (!ArrayHelper::get($feed->value, 'feed_status')) continue; if (isset($feed->value['acf_mappings'])) { $feed->value['acf_mappings'] = AcfHelper::resolveDateFieldFormat($feed->value['acf_mappings'], $form); } if (isset($feed->value['jetengine_mappings'])) { $feed->value['jetengine_mappings'] = JetEngineHelper::resolveDateFieldFormat($feed->value['jetengine_mappings'], $form); } if (isset($feed->value['meta_fields_mapping'])) { $feed->value['meta_fields_mapping'] = static::resolveCustomMetaFileTypeField($feed->value['meta_fields_mapping'], $form, $formData); } $feed = ShortCodeParser::parse($feed->value, $entryId, $formData, $form); if (!$this->isConditionMet($feed, $formData)) { continue; } $this->createPostFromFeed($feed, $entry, $formData, $form, $postType); } } public function createPostFromFeed($feed, $entry, $formData, $form, $postType = false) { if (!is_object($entry)) { $entry = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submissions') ->where('id', $entry) ->first(); } if (!$postType) { $postType = $this->getPostType($form); } $postData = [ 'post_type' => $postType, 'post_status' => ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'post_status'), 'comment_status' => ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'comment_status'), 'post_category' => array(ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'default_category')) ]; if (!empty($entry->user_id)) { $postData['post_author'] = $entry->user_id; } $postData = $this->mapPostFields($feed, $postData); $isUpdatePost = 'update' == ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'post_form_type'); $postId = null; if ($isUpdatePost && $postField = FormFieldsParser::getElement($form, 'post_update', ['raw'])) { $postFieldName = ArrayHelper::get(array_pop($postField), 'raw.attributes.name', ''); $postId = ArrayHelper::get($formData, $postFieldName); } $postData = $this->mapMetaFields($feed, $postData, $postType, $formData, $postId); $formInputs = FormFieldsParser::getInputs($form, ['element', 'raw', 'attributes']); foreach ($formInputs as $field) { if ($field['element'] == 'featured_image') { $fieldName = $field['attributes']['name']; if (!empty($formData[$fieldName][0])) { $postData['featured_Image'] = $formData[$fieldName][0]; } elseif ( ArrayHelper::isTrue($formData, 'remove_featured_image') && $isUpdatePost && $postId ) { if (delete_post_thumbnail($postId) && $attachmentId = get_post_thumbnail_id($postId)) { wp_delete_attachment($attachmentId); }; } } if (isset($field['raw']['taxonomy_settings'])) { $postData = $this->mapTaxonomyFields( $field['raw']['taxonomy_settings'], $postData, $formData ); } } if ($isUpdatePost && $postId) { $postData['ID'] = $postId; } $this->insertPost($feed, $postData, $form, $entry->id); } protected function isConditionMet($feed, $formData) { // We have to check if the feed meets the conditional Logic $conditionSettings = ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'conditionals'); if ( !$conditionSettings || !ArrayHelper::isTrue($conditionSettings, 'status') || !count(ArrayHelper::get($conditionSettings, 'conditions')) ) { return true; } return ConditionAssesor::evaluate($feed, $formData); } public function getFormFeeds($form) { return wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $form->id) ->where('meta_key', 'postFeeds') ->get(); } public function getPostType($form) { $postSettings = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $form->id) ->where('meta_key', 'post_settings') ->first()->value; $postSettings = json_decode($postSettings); return $postSettings->post_type; } protected function mapPostFields($feed, $postData) { foreach ($feed['post_fields_mapping'] as $postFieldMapping) { $postField = $postFieldMapping['post_field']; if ($postField != 'post_title') { $postData[$postField] = $postFieldMapping['form_field']; } else { $postData[$postField] = wp_strip_all_tags($postFieldMapping['form_field']); } } return $postData; } protected function mapMetaFields($feed, $postData, $postType, $formData = [], $postId = null) { $metaInputs = ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'meta_fields_mapping', []); $isUpdate = ('update' == ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'post_form_type')); foreach ($metaInputs as $metaFieldMapping) { if (!isset($metaFieldMapping['meta_value'])) { continue; } $isFile = (false !== strpos($metaFieldMapping['meta_value'], 'uploads/fluentform')); //store old attachment's id when update file meta $existingAttachmentIds = []; if ($isFile && $isUpdate && $postId) { $existingValue = get_post_custom_values($metaFieldMapping['meta_key'], $postId); if ($existingValue && ($existingValue) > 0) { $existingAttachmentIds = explode(',', $existingValue[0]); } } if ($isFile) { //make attachment's $files = explode(', ', $metaFieldMapping['meta_value']); $attachmentIds = []; foreach ($files as $file) { if ($attachmentId = $this->getAttachmentToImageUrl($file)) { $attachmentIds[] = $attachmentId; } } // merge old and new attachment's if ($existingAttachmentIds) { $attachmentIds = array_filter(array_merge($attachmentIds, $existingAttachmentIds)); } $metaFieldMapping['meta_value'] = join(',', $attachmentIds); } $metaKey = $metaFieldMapping['meta_key']; $postData['meta_input'][$metaKey] = $metaFieldMapping['meta_value']; } if (AcfHelper::hasAcf()) { $postData['acf_mappings'] = []; if ($acfFields = ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'acf_mappings', [])) { $metaValues = AcfHelper::prepareGeneralFieldsData($acfFields, $postType, $isUpdate); if ($metaValues) { $postData['acf_mappings'] = array_merge($postData['acf_mappings'], $metaValues); } } if ($advancedAcfFields = ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'advanced_acf_mappings', [])) { $metaValues = AcfHelper::prepareAdvancedFieldsData($advancedAcfFields, $formData, $postType, $isUpdate); if ($metaValues) { $postData['acf_mappings'] = array_merge($postData['acf_mappings'], $metaValues); } } } if (JetEngineHelper::hasJetEngine() && $metaValues = JetEngineHelper::prepareMetaValues($feed, $postType, $formData, $isUpdate)) { $postData['meta_input'] = array_merge(ArrayHelper::get($postData, 'meta_input', []), $metaValues); } if (MetaboxHelper::hasMetabox()) { $metaboxFields = [ 'general' => ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'metabox_mappings', []), 'advanced' => ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'advanced_metabox_mappings', []) ]; $metaBoxValues = MetaboxHelper::prepareFieldsData($metaboxFields, $postType, $formData, $isUpdate); if ($metaBoxValues) { $postData['metabox_mappings'] = $metaBoxValues; } } return $postData; } protected function mapTaxonomyFields($taxonomySettings, $postData, $formData) { $taxonomyFieldName = $taxonomySettings['name']; if (!isset($formData[$taxonomyFieldName])) { return $postData; } $taxonomyData = $formData[$taxonomyFieldName]; if ($taxonomyFieldName == 'category') { if ($taxonomyData) { $postData['post_category'] = (array)$taxonomyData; } } else if ($taxonomyFieldName == 'post_tag') { $tags = explode(',', $taxonomyData); $postData['tags_input'] = array_map('trim', $tags); } else { $postData['tax_input'][$taxonomyFieldName] = $taxonomyData; } return $postData; } protected function insertPost($feed, $postData, $form, $entryId) { $acfFields = []; if (isset($postData['acf_mappings'])) { $acfFields = $postData['acf_mappings']; unset($postData['acf_mappings']); } $metaBoxFields = []; if(isset($postData['metabox_mappings'])) { $metaBoxFields = $postData['metabox_mappings']; unset($postData['metabox_mappings']); } $taxInput = null; if (isset($postData['tax_input'])) { $taxInput = $postData['tax_input']; unset($postData['tax_input']); } $updatingPost = false; $allowedGuest = !!ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'allowed_guest_user', true); if (isset($feed['post_form_type']) && $feed['post_form_type'] == 'update') { if (empty($postData['ID'])) { $this->logAction($form->id, $entryId, "Update Skipped because of Empty Post ID", 'Post Updated Skipped', 'failed'); return; } if (!$allowedGuest && empty($postData['post_author'])) { $this->logAction($form->id, $entryId, "Update not allowed from Guest User", 'Post Updated Skipped', 'info'); return; } if (!$allowedGuest && !$userCanUpdate = $this->ifUserCanUpdate($form, $postData)) { $this->logAction($form->id, $entryId, "Update skipped because current user isn't Author of this post.", 'Post Updated Skipped', 'failed'); return; } $updatingPost = true; $postId = wp_update_post($postData, true); //@todo popuplate custom fields and taxonomies } else { if (!$allowedGuest && empty($postData['post_author'])) { $this->logAction($form->id, $entryId, "Create not allowed from Guest User", 'Post Created Skipped', 'info'); return; } $postId = wp_insert_post($postData); } if (is_wp_error($postId)) { $this->logAction($form->id, $entryId, $postId->get_error_message(), 'Post Integration Failed', 'failed'); return; } // Since WP doesn't allow setting terms for logged-out user, // we'll handle it manually by saving the terms by looping. if ($taxInput) { foreach ($taxInput as $taxonomy => $tags) { wp_set_post_terms($postId, $tags, $taxonomy); } } if ($acfFields && function_exists('update_field')) { foreach ($acfFields as $fieldKey => $value) { update_field($fieldKey, $value, $postId); } if (function_exists('acf_save_post_revision') && !apply_filters('fluentform/disable_acf_post_meta_revision', false)) { acf_save_post_revision($postId); } } if($metaBoxFields && function_exists('rwmb_set_meta')) { foreach ($metaBoxFields as $fieldKey => $value) { rwmb_set_meta($postId, $fieldKey, $value); } } $editLink = get_edit_post_link($postId); if (!$editLink) { $editLink = admin_url('post.php?post=' . $postId . '&action=edit'); } $type = $updatingPost ?' Updated' : ' Created '; $info = 'WP Post/CPT'.$type.' from submission. Post ID: ' . $postId . '.
Edit Post/CPT
'; $this->logAction($form->id, $entryId, $info ,"Post $type from form submission", 'success' ); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submission_meta') ->insert([ 'response_id' => $entryId, 'form_id' => $form->id, 'meta_key' => '__postFeeds_created_id', 'value' => $postId, 'name' => 'Post/CPT Created', 'created_at' => current_time('mysql'), 'updated_at' => current_time('mysql'), ]); update_post_meta($postId, '_fluentform_id', $form->id); if (!function_exists('set_post_thumbnail')) { require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'); } if (!empty($feed['post_format'])) { $format = 'post-format-' . $feed['post_format']; wp_set_post_terms($postId, $format, 'post_format'); } if (isset($postData['featured_Image'])) { $this->setFeaturedImage($postId, $postData['featured_Image']); } do_action_deprecated( 'fluentform_post_integration_success', [ $postId, $postData, $entryId, $form, $feed ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/post_integration_success', 'Use fluentform/post_integration_success instead of fluentform_post_integration_success.' ); do_action('fluentform/post_integration_success', $postId, $postData, $entryId, $form, $feed); } protected function setFeaturedImage($postId, $featuredImage) { $attach_id = $this->getAttachmentToImageUrl($featuredImage); if ($attach_id) { // And finally assign featured image to post return set_post_thumbnail($postId, $attach_id); } return false; } public function getAttachmentToImageUrl($fileUrl, $postId = 0) { //for media upload check if already uploaded as media $attachmentId = attachment_url_to_postid($fileUrl); if ($attachmentId) { return $attachmentId; } $path = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . FLUENTFORM_UPLOAD_DIR; $file = $path . substr($fileUrl, strrpos($fileUrl, '/')); $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $fileArray = explode('-ff-', $file); $actualName = array_pop($fileArray); $unique_file_name = wp_unique_filename($upload_dir['path'], $actualName); // Generate unique name $destination = $upload_dir['path'] . '/' . $unique_file_name; $newFileUrl = $upload_dir['url'] . '/' . $unique_file_name; $result = copy($file, $destination); $filePath = $file; if ($result) { $filePath = $destination; } // Check image file type $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype($unique_file_name, null); // Set attachment data $attachment = array( 'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'], 'post_title' => sanitize_file_name($unique_file_name), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'guid' => $newFileUrl ); // Create the attachment $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $filePath, $postId); if (!function_exists('wp_generate_attachment_metadata')) { // Include image.php require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'); } // Define attachment metadata $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $filePath); // Assign metadata to attachment wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_data); return $attach_id; } /** * Log Integration result * * @param $formId * @param $entryId * @param string $info * @param string $title * @param string $status * * @return void */ protected function logAction($formId, $entryId, $info, $title, $status) { $logData = [ 'parent_source_id' => $formId, 'source_type' => 'submission_item', 'source_id' => $entryId, 'component' => 'postFeeds', 'status' => $status, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $info ]; do_action('fluentform/log_data', $logData); } private function ifUserCanUpdate($form, $postData) { $status = true; $formInputs = (new FormProperties($form))->inputs(['raw']); if ($postUpdateField = ArrayHelper::get($formInputs, 'post_update')) { if (ArrayHelper::get($postUpdateField, 'raw.settings.allow_view_posts') === 'current_user_post') { if (get_post_field('post_author', $postData['ID']) != get_current_user_id()) { $status = false; } } } return $status; } public function parsePostShortCodes($property, $parser) { $entry = $parser::getEntry(); $entryId = $entry->id; $postIdObject = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submission_meta') ->select(['value']) ->where( [ 'response_id' => $entryId, 'meta_key' => '__postFeeds_created_id' ] ) ->first(); $post = get_post($postIdObject->value); if (!$post) { return ''; } if ($property == 'ID') { return $post->ID; } elseif ($property == 'post_title') { return $post->post_title; } elseif ($property == 'post_permalink') { return get_permalink($post); } return ''; } }