isEnabled(); add_action('wp', [$this, 'renderLandingForm']); add_filter('fluentform/global_addons', function ($addOns) use ($enabled) { $addOns['sharePages'] = [ 'title' => 'Landing Pages', 'description' => __('Create completely custom "distraction-free" form landing pages to boost conversions', 'fluentformpro'), 'logo' => fluentFormMix('img/integrations/landing_pages.png'), 'enabled' => ($enabled) ? 'yes' : 'no', 'config_url' => '', 'category' => '' ]; return $addOns; }, 9); if (!$enabled) { return; } add_filter('fluentform/form_settings_menu', function ($menu) { $menu['landing_pages'] = [ 'title' => __('Landing Page', 'fluentformpro'), 'slug' => 'form_settings', 'hash' => 'landing_pages', 'route' => '/landing_pages' ]; return $menu; }); add_action('wp_ajax_ff_get_landing_page_settings', [$this, 'getSettingsAjax']); add_action('wp_ajax_ff_store_landing_page_settings', [$this, 'saveSettingsAjax']); } public function getSettingsAjax() { $formId = intval($_REQUEST['form_id']); Acl::verify('fluentform_forms_manager', $formId); $settings = $this->getSettings($formId); $shareUrl = ''; if ($settings['status'] == 'yes') { $params = [ 'ff_landing' => $formId ]; $shareUrl = add_query_arg($params, site_url('/')); } wp_send_json_success([ 'settings' => $settings, 'share_url' => $shareUrl ]); } public function saveSettingsAjax() { $formId = intval($_REQUEST['form_id']); Acl::verify('fluentform_forms_manager', $formId); $settings = $_REQUEST['settings']; $formattedSettings = wp_unslash($settings); $formattedSettings['description'] = wp_kses_post(wp_unslash($settings['description'])); Helper::setFormMeta($formId, $this->metaKey, $formattedSettings); $shareUrl = ''; if ($formattedSettings['status'] == 'yes') { $shareUrl = add_query_arg(['ff_landing' => $formId], site_url('/')); } wp_send_json_success([ 'message' => __('Settings successfully updated'), 'share_url' => $shareUrl ]); } public function getSettings($formId) { $settings = Helper::getFormMeta($formId, $this->metaKey, []); $defaults = [ 'status' => 'no', 'logo' => '', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'color_schema' => '#4286c4', 'custom_color' => '#4286c4', 'design_style' => 'modern', 'featured_image' => '', 'background_image' => '', 'layout' => 'default', 'media' => fluentFormGetRandomPhoto(), 'brightness' => 0, 'alt_text' => '', 'media_x_position' => 50, 'media_y_position' => 50 ]; return wp_parse_args($settings, $defaults); } public function renderLandingForm() { $ff_landing = ArrayHelper::get($_GET, 'ff_landing'); if (!$ff_landing || is_admin()) { return; } $hasConfirmation = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['entry_confirmation'])) { do_action_deprecated( 'fluentformpro_entry_confirmation', [ $_REQUEST ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/entry_confirmation', 'Use fluentform/entry_confirmation instead of fluentformpro_entry_confirmation.' ); do_action('fluentform/entry_confirmation', $_REQUEST); $hasConfirmation = true; } $formId = intval($_GET['ff_landing']); $form = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms')->where('id', $formId)->first(); if (!$form) { return; } $settings = $this->getSettings($formId); if (ArrayHelper::get($settings, 'status') != 'yes') { return; } $pageTitle = $form->title; if ($settings['title']) { $pageTitle = $settings['title']; } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function () use ($formId) { $theme = Helper::getFormMeta($formId, '_ff_selected_style'); $styles = $theme ? [$theme] : []; do_action('fluentform/load_form_assets', $formId, $styles); wp_enqueue_style('fluent-form-styles'); wp_enqueue_style('fluentform-public-default'); wp_enqueue_script('fluent-form-submission'); }); $backgroundColor = ArrayHelper::get($settings, 'color_schema'); if ($backgroundColor == 'custom') { $backgroundColor = ArrayHelper::get($settings, 'custom_color'); } $landingContent = '[fluentform id="' . $formId . '"]'; if(!$hasConfirmation) { $salt = ArrayHelper::get($settings, 'share_url_salt'); if($salt && $salt != ArrayHelper::get($_REQUEST, 'form')) { $landingContent = __('Sorry, You do not have access to this form', 'fluentformpro'); $pageTitle = __('No Access', 'fluentformpro'); $settings['title'] = ''; $settings['description'] = ''; } } $data = [ 'settings' => $settings, 'title' => $pageTitle, 'form_id' => $formId, 'form' => $form, 'bg_color' => $backgroundColor, 'landing_content' => $landingContent, 'has_header' => $settings['logo'] || $settings['title'] || $settings['description'], 'isEmbeded' => !!ArrayHelper::get($_GET, 'embedded') ]; $data = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_landing_vars', [ $data, $formId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/landing_vars', 'Use fluentform/landing_vars instead of fluentform_landing_vars.' ); $landingVars = apply_filters('fluentform/landing_vars', $data, $formId); $this->loadPublicView($landingVars); } public function loadPublicView($landingVars) { add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function () { wp_enqueue_style( 'fluent-form-landing', FLUENTFORMPRO_DIR_URL . 'public/css/form_landing.css', [], FLUENTFORMPRO_VERSION ); }); add_filter('pre_get_document_title', function ($title) use ($landingVars) { $separator = apply_filters('document_title_separator', '-'); return $landingVars['title'] . ' ' . $separator . ' ' . get_bloginfo('name', 'display'); }); // let's deregister all the style and scripts here add_action('wp_print_scripts', function () { global $wp_scripts; $contentUrl = content_url(); if ($wp_scripts) { foreach ($wp_scripts->queue as $script) { if (!isset($wp_scripts->registered[$script])) { continue; } $src = $wp_scripts->registered[$script]->src; $shouldLoad = strpos($src, $contentUrl) !== false && ( strpos($src, 'fluentform') !== false || strpos($src, 'AffiliateWP') !== false ); if (!$shouldLoad) { wp_dequeue_script($wp_scripts->registered[$script]->handle); // wp_deregister_script($wp_scripts->registered[$script]->handle); } } } },1); if(isset($_GET['embedded'])) { add_action('wp_print_styles', function () { global $wp_styles; if($wp_styles) { foreach ($wp_styles->queue as $style) { $src = $wp_styles->registered[$style]->src; if (!strpos($src, 'fluentform') !== false) { wp_dequeue_style($wp_styles->registered[$style]->handle); } } } }, 1); if($landingVars['settings']['design_style'] == 'modern') { $landingVars['settings']['design_style'] = 'classic'; $landingVars['bg_color'] = '#fff'; } } status_header(200); echo $this->loadView('landing_page_view', $landingVars); exit(200); } public function loadView($view, $data = []) { $file = FLUENTFORMPRO_DIR_PATH . 'src/views/' . $view . '.php'; extract($data); ob_start(); include($file); return ob_get_clean(); } public function isEnabled() { $globalModules = get_option('fluentform_global_modules_status'); $sharePages = ArrayHelper::get($globalModules, 'sharePages'); if (!$sharePages || $sharePages == 'yes') { return true; } return false; } }