'blocksy_demo_export', 'handler' => [$demo_export, 'request' ] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_get_export_data', 'handler' => [$demo_export, 'get_export_data'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_get_content_preliminary_data', 'handler' => [$this, 'demo_get_content_preliminary_data'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_install_child_theme', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallChildThemeInstaller(), 'import'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_activate_plugins', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallPluginsInstaller(), 'import'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_erase_content', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallContentEraser(), 'import'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_install_widgets', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallWidgetsInstaller(), 'import'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_install_options', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallOptionsInstaller(), 'import'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_install_content', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallContentInstaller(), 'import'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_register_current_demo', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallRegisterDemo(), 'register'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_deregister_current_demo', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallRegisterDemo(), 'deregister'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_deactivate_plugins', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallPluginsUninstaller(), 'import'] ], [ 'id' => 'blocksy_demo_install_finish', 'handler' => [new DemoInstallFinalActions(), 'import'] ], ]; foreach ($ajax_actions as $action) { add_action( 'wp_ajax_' . $action['id'], function () use ($action) { $this->check_nonce(); call_user_func($action['handler']); } ); } add_filter( 'blocksy_dashboard_localizations', function ($d) { $d['has_demo_install'] = apply_filters( 'blocksy_ext_demo_install_enabled', 'yes' ); $d['demo_install_error'] = null; if (! extension_loaded('xml') && ! extension_loaded('simplexml')) { $d['demo_install_error'] = __("Your PHP installation doesn't have support for XML. Please install the
PHP extension in order to be able to install starter sites. You might need to contact your hosting provider to assist you in doing so.", 'blocksy-companion'); } $d['current_installed_demo'] = $this->get_current_demo(); $plugins = [ 'gutenberg' => false, 'stackable-ultimate-gutenberg-blocks' => false, 'wpforms-lite' => false, 'woocommerce' => false, 'elementor' => false, 'brizy' => false, 'getwid' => false, 'simply-gallery-block' => false, 'recipe-card-blocks-by-wpzoom' => false, 'map-block-gutenberg' => false, 'mb-custom-post-type' => false, 'leadin' => false, 'block-slider' => false, 'ht-slider-for-elementor' => false, 'modula-best-grid-gallery' => false, 'advanced-custom-fields' => false, 'greenshift-animation-and-page-builder-blocks' => false, 'fluentform' => false, 'translatepress-multilingual' => false, 'fluent-booking' => false ]; foreach ($plugins as $plugin_name => $status) { $plugins_manager = $this->get_plugins_manager(); $path = $plugins_manager->is_plugin_installed($plugin_name); if ($path) { if ($plugins_manager->is_plugin_active($path)) { $plugins[$plugin_name] = true; } } } $d['active_plugins'] = $plugins; return $d; } ); } public function get_demo_remote_url($args = []) { $endpoint = 'https://startersites.io/'; // $endpoint = 'https://demo.creativethemes.com/'; // $endpoint = 'http://localhost:3008/'; return $endpoint . '?' . http_build_query($args); } public function demo_get_content_preliminary_data() { if (! isset($_REQUEST['demo_name']) || !$_REQUEST['demo_name']) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __("No demo name provided.", 'blocksy-companion') ]); } $demo_name = explode(':', $_REQUEST['demo_name']); if (! isset($demo_name[1])) { $demo_name[1] = ''; } $demo = $demo_name[0]; $builder = $demo_name[1]; $demo_content = Plugin::instance()->demo->fetch_single_demo([ 'demo' => $demo, 'builder' => $builder, 'field' => 'all' ]); update_option('blocksy_ext_demos_currently_installing_demo', [ 'demo' => json_encode($demo_content) ]); wp_send_json_success($demo_content); } public function get_current_demo() { return get_option('blocksy_ext_demos_current_demo', null); } public function blocksy_demo_get_export_data() { $this->check_nonce(); if (! current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { wp_send_json_error(); } $data = get_option( 'blocksy_ext_demos_exported_demo_data', [] ); wp_send_json_success([ 'data' => $data ]); } public function get_plugins_manager() { if (! class_exists('Blocksy_Plugin_Manager')) { require_once get_template_directory() . '/admin/dashboard/plugins/ct-plugin-manager.php'; } return new \Blocksy_Plugin_Manager(); } public function fetch_single_demo($args = []) { $args = wp_parse_args( $args, [ 'demo' => $args['demo'], 'builder' => '', 'field' => '' ] ); $body = blc_request_remote_url( $this->get_demo_remote_url([ 'route' => 'get_single', 'demo' => $args['demo'] . ':' . $args['builder'], 'field' => $args['field'] ]), [ 'user_agent_type' => 'wp' ] ); $body = json_decode($body, true); if (! $body) { return false; } return $body; } public function fetch_all_demos() { $body = blc_request_remote_url( $this->get_demo_remote_url([ 'route' => 'get_all' ]), [ 'user_agent_type' => 'wp' ] ); if (is_wp_error($body)) { return $body; } if (! $body) { return new \WP_Error('demo_fetch_failed', 'Failed to fetch demos.'); } $body = json_decode($body, true); if (! $body) { return false; } $data = get_plugin_data(BLOCKSY__FILE__); $result = []; foreach ($body as $single_demo) { if (! isset($single_demo['required_companion_version'])) { $result[] = $single_demo; continue; } if (version_compare( $data['Version'], $single_demo['required_companion_version'], '>=' )) { $result[] = $single_demo; } } return $result; } public function check_nonce() { if (! check_ajax_referer('ct-dashboard', 'nonce', false)) { wp_send_json_error('nonce'); } } public function get_currently_installing_demo() { $demo_to_install = get_option( 'blocksy_ext_demos_currently_installing_demo', [] ); if (! empty($demo_to_install) && ! empty($demo_to_install['demo'])) { $demo_to_install['demo'] = json_decode( $demo_to_install['demo'], true ); } return $demo_to_install; } }