export const clamp = (min, max, value) => Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value)) export const computeLinearScale = (domain, range, value) => range[0] + ((range[1] - range[0]) / (domain[1] - domain[0])) * (value - domain[0]) export const getRowInitialMinHeight = (el) => { const elComp = getComputedStyle(el) let containerStyles = getComputedStyle(el.firstElementChild) let borderHeight = parseFloat(elComp.borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(elComp.borderBottomWidth) + parseFloat(containerStyles.borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(containerStyles.borderBottomWidth) let rowHeight = parseFloat(elComp.getPropertyValue('--height')) if (el.querySelector('[data-items] > [data-id="logo"]')) { const logoComp = getComputedStyle( el.querySelector('[data-items] > [data-id="logo"]') ) let logoHeight = parseFloat(logoComp.height) let marginHeight = parseFloat(logoComp.marginTop) + parseFloat(logoComp.marginBottom) logoHeight = logoHeight + marginHeight if (el.querySelector('.site-logo-container')) { const logoImgComp = getComputedStyle( el.querySelector('.site-logo-container') ) let maybeShrink = parseFloat( logoImgComp.getPropertyValue('--logo-shrink-height') || 0 ) if (maybeShrink > 0) { logoHeight = logoHeight - maybeShrink + parseFloat( logoImgComp.getPropertyValue('--logo-max-height') || 50 ) } } if (logoHeight > rowHeight) { rowHeight = logoHeight } } const selectors = [ '[data-items] > [data-id*="widget-area"]', '[data-items] > [data-id*="content-block"]', '[data-items] > [data-id*="text"]', ] let maxHeight = selectors.reduce((acc, selector) => { if (el.querySelector(selector)) { const comp = getComputedStyle(el.querySelector(selector)) let height = parseFloat(comp.height) if (height > acc) { return height } } return acc }, 0) if (maxHeight > rowHeight) { rowHeight = maxHeight } return rowHeight + borderHeight } export const getRowInitialHeight = (el) => { if (el.blcInitialHeight) { return el.blcInitialHeight } let elToCheck = el.firstElementChild if (el.firstElementChild.firstElementChild) { elToCheck = el.firstElementChild.firstElementChild } let initialHeight = elToCheck.getBoundingClientRect().height el.blcInitialHeight = initialHeight return initialHeight } export const getRowStickyHeight = (el, hasBorder = true) => { if (el.blcStickyHeight) { return el.blcStickyHeight } let rowStickyHeight = getRowInitialHeight(el) let styles = getComputedStyle(el) let containerStyles = getComputedStyle(el.firstElementChild) if (el.closest('[data-sticky*="yes"]')) { let borderHeight = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(styles.borderBottomWidth) + parseFloat(containerStyles.borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(containerStyles.borderBottomWidth) if (!hasBorder) { borderHeight = 0 } let stickyHeight = el.getBoundingClientRect().height - borderHeight if ( Math.round(stickyHeight) !== Math.round(rowStickyHeight) || // case when content is forcing the initial height to be bigger Math.round(rowStickyHeight) > Math.round(getRowInitialMinHeight(el)) ) { el.blcStickyHeight = el.getBoundingClientRect().height return stickyHeight } } let maybeShrink = 100 if (el.dataset.row.includes('middle')) { maybeShrink = styles.getPropertyValue('--sticky-shrink') } let finalInitialHeight = 0 // if (el.querySelector('.site-logo-container')) { // let computedLogo = getComputedStyle( // el.querySelector('.site-logo-container') // ) // let logoInitialHeight = parseFloat( // computedLogo.getPropertyValue('--logo-max-height') || '50px' // ) // let logoStickyShrink = parseFloat( // computedLogo.getPropertyValue('--logo-sticky-shrink') || '1' // ) // if (logoStickyShrink < 1) { // let rowInitialMinHeight = getRowInitialMinHeight(el) // if (maybeShrink) { // rowInitialMinHeight *= parseFloat(maybeShrink) / 100 // } // let logoStickyHeight = logoInitialHeight * logoStickyShrink // let finalInitialHeight = // rowStickyHeight - logoInitialHeight + logoStickyHeight // return Math.max(rowInitialMinHeight, finalInitialHeight) // } // } if (maybeShrink) { rowStickyHeight *= parseFloat(maybeShrink) / 100 } return rowStickyHeight } export const maybeSetStickyHeightAnimated = (cb = () => 0) => { const maybeFloatingCart = document.querySelector('.ct-floating-bar') if (!maybeFloatingCart) { return } maybeFloatingCart.style.setProperty('--header-sticky-height-animated', cb()) }