import ctEvents from 'ct-events' import { getCurrentScreen } from 'blocksy-frontend' import { computeShrink } from './sticky/shrink' import { computeAutoHide } from './sticky/auto-hide' import { computeFadeSlide } from './sticky/fade-slide' import { getRowStickyHeight, getRowInitialMinHeight, maybeSetStickyHeightAnimated, } from './sticky/shrink-utils' import { clearShrinkCache } from './sticky/shrink-handle-middle-row' import { clearLogoShrinkCache } from './sticky/shrink-handle-logo' export const setTransparencyFor = (deviceContainer, value = 'yes') => { Array.from( deviceContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-row][data-transparent-row]') ).map((el) => { el.dataset.transparentRow = value }) } var getParents = function (elem) { var parents = [] for (; elem && elem !== document; elem = elem.parentNode) { parents.push(elem) } return parents } let cachedStartPosition = null let cachedContainerInitialHeight = {} let cachedHeaderInitialHeight = null let cachedStickyContainerHeight = null let forcedHeightSetForStickyContainer = false const clearCache = () => { clearShrinkCache() clearLogoShrinkCache() cachedStartPosition = null cachedHeaderInitialHeight = null cachedStickyContainerHeight = null prevScrollY = null forcedHeightSetForStickyContainer = false } ctEvents.on('blocksy:sticky:compute', () => { setTimeout(() => { clearCache() compute() }, 100) }) if (window.wp && wp.customize && wp.customize.selectiveRefresh) { let shouldSkipNext = false wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.bind( 'partial-content-rendered', (placement) => { if (shouldSkipNext) { return } shouldSkipNext = true setTimeout(() => { clearCache() forcedHeightSetForStickyContainer = true compute() shouldSkipNext = false }, 500) } ) } const getStartPositionFor = (stickyContainer) => { if ( stickyContainer.dataset.sticky.indexOf('shrink') === -1 && stickyContainer.dataset.sticky.indexOf('auto-hide') === -1 ) { // return stickyContainer.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().height + 200 } const headerRect = stickyContainer.closest('header').getBoundingClientRect() let stickyOffset = headerRect.top + scrollY if (stickyOffset > 0) { let element = document.elementFromPoint(0, 3) if (element) { if ( getParents(element) .map((el) => { let style = getComputedStyle(el) return style.position }) .indexOf('fixed') > -1 ) { stickyOffset -= element.getBoundingClientRect().height } } } if ( stickyContainer.dataset.sticky.indexOf('shrink') === -1 && stickyContainer.dataset.sticky.indexOf('auto-hide') === -1 ) { stickyOffset += 200 } const row = stickyContainer.parentNode const bodyComp = getComputedStyle(document.body) let maybeDynamicOffset = parseFloat( bodyComp.getPropertyValue('--header-sticky-offset') || 0 ) maybeDynamicOffset = maybeDynamicOffset + (parseFloat(bodyComp.getPropertyValue('--theme-frame-size')) || 0) if ( row.parentNode.children.length === 1 || row.parentNode.children[0].classList.contains('ct-sticky-container') ) { return stickyOffset > 0 ? stickyOffset - maybeDynamicOffset : stickyOffset } let finalResult = Array.from(row.parentNode.children) .reduce((result, el, index) => { if (result.indexOf(0) > -1 || !el.dataset.row) { return [...result, 0] } else { return [ ...result, el.classList.contains('ct-sticky-container') ? 0 : el.getBoundingClientRect().height, ] } }, []) .reduce((sum, height) => sum + height, stickyOffset) return finalResult > 0 ? finalResult - maybeDynamicOffset : finalResult } let prevScrollY = null const compute = () => { if (prevScrollY === scrollY) { /* requestAnimationFrame(() => { compute() }) */ return } const stickyContainer = document.querySelector( `[data-device="${getCurrentScreen()}"] [data-sticky]` ) if (!stickyContainer) { return } const currentScreenWithTablet = getCurrentScreen({ withTablet: true }) let containerInitialHeight = cachedContainerInitialHeight[currentScreenWithTablet] const shouldSetHeight = !containerInitialHeight || forcedHeightSetForStickyContainer if (!containerInitialHeight || forcedHeightSetForStickyContainer) { cachedContainerInitialHeight[currentScreenWithTablet] = [ ...stickyContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-row]'), ].reduce((res, row) => { return res + getRowInitialMinHeight(row) }, 0) containerInitialHeight = cachedContainerInitialHeight[currentScreenWithTablet] } if (shouldSetHeight) { forcedHeightSetForStickyContainer = false stickyContainer.parentNode.style.height = `${containerInitialHeight}px` } let startPosition = cachedStartPosition if (startPosition === null) { startPosition = getStartPositionFor(stickyContainer, {}) cachedStartPosition = startPosition } let headerInitialHeight = cachedHeaderInitialHeight if (headerInitialHeight === null) { const headerRect = stickyContainer .closest('[data-device]') .getBoundingClientRect() headerInitialHeight = headerRect.height cachedHeaderInitialHeight = headerInitialHeight } let stickyContainerHeight = cachedStickyContainerHeight const stickyComponents = stickyContainer.dataset.sticky .split(':') .filter((c) => c !== 'yes' && c !== 'no' && c !== 'fixed') if (!stickyContainerHeight) { stickyContainerHeight = [ ...stickyContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-row]'), ].reduce((res, row) => res + getRowStickyHeight(row), 0) cachedStickyContainerHeight = parseInt(stickyContainerHeight) maybeSetStickyHeightAnimated(() => { return stickyComponents.indexOf('auto-hide') === -1 ? // case when content is forcing the initial height to be bigger stickyContainerHeight > [...stickyContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-row]')].reduce( (res, row) => res + getRowInitialMinHeight(row), 0 ) ? `${stickyContainerHeight}px` : `${[ ...stickyContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-row]'), ].reduce( (res, row) => res + getRowStickyHeight(row), 0 )}px` : '0px' }) } let isSticky = (startPosition > 0 && Math.abs(window.scrollY - startPosition) < 5) || window.scrollY > startPosition if (stickyComponents.indexOf('shrink') > -1) { isSticky = startPosition > 0 ? window.scrollY >= startPosition : window.scrollY > 0 } setTimeout(() => { if (isSticky && document.body.dataset.header.indexOf('shrink') === -1) { document.body.dataset.header = `${document.body.dataset.header}:shrink` } if (!isSticky && document.body.dataset.header.indexOf('shrink') > -1) { document.body.dataset.header = document.body.dataset.header.replace( ':shrink', '' ) } }, 300) let currentScrollY = scrollY if (stickyComponents.indexOf('shrink') > -1) { computeShrink({ stickyContainer, stickyContainerHeight, containerInitialHeight, isSticky, startPosition, stickyComponents, }) } if (stickyComponents.indexOf('auto-hide') > -1) { computeAutoHide({ stickyContainer, isSticky, startPosition, stickyComponents, containerInitialHeight, stickyContainerHeight, headerInitialHeight, currentScrollY, prevScrollY, }) } if ( stickyComponents.indexOf('slide') > -1 || stickyComponents.indexOf('fade') > -1 ) { computeFadeSlide({ stickyContainer, isSticky, startPosition, stickyComponents, }) } prevScrollY = currentScrollY } export const mountStickyHeader = () => { if (!document.querySelector('header [data-sticky]')) { return } var prevWidth = window.width window.addEventListener( 'resize', (event) => { if (window.width === prevWidth) { return } prevWidth = window.width clearCache() compute(event) ctEvents.trigger('ct:header:update') }, false ) window.addEventListener('orientationchange', (event) => { clearCache() compute(event) ctEvents.trigger('ct:header:update') }) window.addEventListener('scroll', compute, false) window.addEventListener('load', compute, false) compute() }