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" + "
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" + "
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' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
Hide chaty
' + '
' + '
' + '
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' + '
' + '
' + '
' + widgetIcon + '
Open chaty
' + '
' + '
chaty button
' + '
' + '
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' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
Hide chaty
' + '
' + '
' + '
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overflow-y: auto; } "; } /* Custom CSS for Contact Form */ var contactFormMaxHeight = formBottomPos + 82 + widgetSize; if (contactFormMaxHeight > 0) { customCSS += ".chaty-outer-forms.chaty-contact-form-box.chaty-form-" + widgetRecord.id + " .chaty-contact-inputs {max-height: calc(100vh - " + contactFormMaxHeight + "px); overflow-y: auto; } "; } if(bottomSpacing != 25 || sideSpacing != 25) { $(".chaty-outer-forms.chaty-form-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("custom-cht-pos"); $("#chaty-widget-"+widgetRecord.id).addClass("has-custom-pos"); } var total_wp_form_size = parseInt($("#chaty-form-" + widgetRecord.id + "-Whatsapp .chaty-whatsapp-header").outerHeight()) + parseInt($("#chaty-form-" + widgetRecord.id + "-Whatsapp .chaty-whatsapp-footer").outerHeight()) + parseInt(widgetSize) + parseInt(bottomSpacing) + 20; customCSS += "#chaty-form-" + widgetRecord.id + "-Whatsapp .chaty-whatsapp-body { max-height: calc(100vh - "+total_wp_form_size+"px); overflow-y: auto; }"; /* checking for triggers */ var visibleStatus = checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetRecord.id, 'v-widget'); if (visibleStatus) { if (isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.exit_intent) || isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.has_time_delay) || isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.has_display_after_page_scroll) > 0) { /* checking for time delay */ if ((isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.has_time_delay) && parseInt(widgetRecord.triggers.time_delay) == 0)) { updateWidgetViews(widgetRecord.id); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("active"); } else if ((isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.has_time_delay) && parseInt(widgetRecord.triggers.time_delay) > 0)) { chatyHasTimeDelay = true; if (parseInt(widgetRecord.triggers.time_delay) > chatyMaxTimeInterval) { chatyMaxTimeInterval = widgetRecord.triggers.time_delay; } $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("on-chaty-delay"); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("delay-time-" + parseInt(widgetRecord.triggers.time_delay)); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).attr("data-time", parseInt(widgetRecord.triggers.time_delay)); } /* checking for page scroll */ if ((isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.has_display_after_page_scroll) && parseInt(widgetRecord.triggers.display_after_page_scroll) == 0)) { updateWidgetViews(widgetRecord.id); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("active"); } else if ((isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.has_display_after_page_scroll) && parseInt(widgetRecord.triggers.display_after_page_scroll) > 0)) { chatyHasPageScroll = true; $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("on-chaty-scroll"); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("page-scroll-" + parseInt(widgetRecord.triggers.display_after_page_scroll)); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).attr("data-scroll", parseInt(widgetRecord.triggers.display_after_page_scroll)); } /* checking for exit intent */ if (isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.exit_intent)) { chatyHasExitIntent = true; $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("on-chaty-exit-intent"); } } else { // saveChatyCookieString(widgetRecord.id, 'v-widget'); updateWidgetViews(widgetRecord.id); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("active"); } } else { updateWidgetViews(widgetRecord.id); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetRecord.id).addClass("active"); } /* check for font family */ if (!isEmpty(widgetRecord.settings.font_family) && widgetRecord.settings.font_family != "none") { /* check for default browser font */ var fontFamily = widgetRecord.settings.font_family; 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} } if (chaty_settings.data_analytics_settings == "on") { var widgetChannels = []; var widgetChannel = $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-channel.chaty-default-open").data('channel'); var viewChannelStatus = checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetId, "v-" + widgetChannel); if (viewChannelStatus && typeof widgetChannel != 'undefined') { saveChatyCookieString(widgetId, "v-" + widgetChannel); widgetChannels.push(widgetChannel); } if (!isBoatUser && widgetChannels.length) { var widgetNonce = $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).data("nonce"); $.ajax({ url: chaty_settings.ajax_url, data: { widgetId: widgetId, channels: widgetChannels, userId: widgetId, isMobile: isChatyInMobile, widgetNonce: widgetNonce, action: 'update_chaty_channel_views', }, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function (response) { }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { monitorErrorLog(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown); } }); } } return; } } } } $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).addClass("active"); if ($("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).hasClass("auto-hide-chaty")) { var hideAfter = parseInt($("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).data("time")); if (hideAfter > 0) { hideAfter = hideAfter + chatyHideIntervalTime; $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).addClass("hide-after-" + hideAfter); } } var viewStatus = checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetId, "v-widget"); if (viewStatus) { saveChatyCookieString(widgetId, 'v-widget'); var userId = $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).data("user"); var widgetChannels = []; var isSingle = 0; var isDefaultOpen = 0; var widgetChannel; var widgetKey = $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).data("key"); if (typeof widgetData[widgetKey] != undefined) { var activeWidgets = chatyGetCookie("activechatyWidgets"); if (activeWidgets != null) { activeWidgets = activeWidgets.split(","); if ($.inArray(widgetId, activeWidgets) == -1) { activeWidgets.push(widgetId); activeWidgets = activeWidgets.join(","); chatySetCookie("activechatyWidgets", activeWidgets, 1); } } else { activeWidgets = widgetId; chatySetCookie("activechatyWidgets", activeWidgets, 1); } } if ($("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-widget").hasClass("has-single")) { isSingle = 1; widgetChannel = $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-channel").data("channel"); var viewChannelStatus = checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetId, "v-" + widgetChannel); if (viewChannelStatus && typeof widgetChannel != 'undefined') { saveChatyCookieString(widgetId, "v-" + widgetChannel); widgetChannels.push(widgetChannel); } } else if ($("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-widget").hasClass("chaty-open")) { isDefaultOpen = 1; if($("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).hasClass("chaty-has-chat-view")) { $(".chaty-chat-view.chaty-chat-view-" + widgetId + " .chaty-view-channels").find(".chaty-channel").each(function () { chatyChannel = $(this).data("channel"); clickStatus = checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetId, "v-" + chatyChannel); if (clickStatus && typeof chatyChannel != 'undefined') { saveChatyCookieString(widgetId, "v-" + chatyChannel); widgetChannels.push(chatyChannel); } }); } else { $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-channel-list .chaty-channel").each(function () { widgetChannel = $(this).data("channel"); var viewChannelStatus = checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetId, "v-" + widgetChannel); if (viewChannelStatus && typeof widgetChannel != 'undefined') { saveChatyCookieString(widgetId, "v-" + widgetChannel); widgetChannels.push(widgetChannel); } }); } } if (viewStatus && !isBoatUser) { var widgetNonce = $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).data("nonce"); if (!isBoatUser) { $.ajax({ url: chaty_settings.ajax_url, data: { widgetId: widgetId, channels: widgetChannels, userId: widgetId, isMobile: isChatyInMobile, isOpen: isDefaultOpen, isSingle: isSingle, widgetNonce: widgetNonce, action: 'update_chaty_widget_views', }, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function (response) { }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { monitorErrorLog(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown); } }); } } } } /** * * check for visitor status and update it if required * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function updateVisitorCount(widgetId) { var userId = $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).data("user"); var isOldUser = chatySaasCheckCookie("triggeredFor" + userId); if (!isOldUser) { chatySetCookie("triggeredFor" + userId, widgetId, 2); /*$.ajax({ url: VISITOR_COUNT_API, data: { widgetId: widgetId, channels: [], userId: userId }, type: 'post', success: function (response) { }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { monitorErrorLog(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown); } });*/ } } /** * * Check for Triggers if exists * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function getWidgetSize(widgetSize, customSize) { return widgetSize; } /** * * To get widget CTA icon by it's key * Added On: 09/29/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function getSvgIcon(iconName, widgetColor, iconColor, widgetId) { switch (iconName) { case"chat-smile": return '
'; case"chat-bubble": return '
'; case"chat-db": return '
'; default: return '
' } } /** * * To get channel settings * Added On: 10/01/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function getChannelSetting(channel, widgetId, toolTipPosition) { var extraClass = ""; if (isTrue(channel.is_agent)) { if (channel.agent_data.length) { var activeAgents = 0; var activeAgent = []; $.each(channel.agent_data, function (key, agent) { if (agent.value != "") { activeAgents++; activeAgent = agent; } }); if (activeAgents > 0) { var channelIcon, channelLink; var widgetIndex = getWidgetIndex(widgetId); if (widgetIndex == null) { widgetIndex = -1; } createAgentList(channel, widgetId); channelIcon = getChannelIcon(channel, widgetId); channelLink = getChannelURL(channel, channelIcon, toolTipPosition, widgetId); if (channel.channel != "Instagram" || (channel.icon_color != "#ffffff" && channel.icon_color != "#fff")) { customExtraCSS += ".chaty-agent-" + widgetId + "-" + channel.channel + " .color-element {fill: " + channel.icon_color + "; color: " + channel.icon_color + ";}"; } customExtraCSS += ".chaty-agent-" + widgetId + "-" + channel.channel + " .chaty-custom-icon { background-color: " + channel.icon_color + ";}"; customExtraCSS += ".chaty-agent-" + widgetId + "-" + channel.channel + " .chaty-svg-img { background-color: " + channel.icon_color + ";}"; return "
" + channelLink + "
"; } } } else { if (isValueEmpty(channel.channel_type)) { channel.channel_type = channel.channel; } var channelIcon = getChannelIcon(channel, widgetId); var channelLink = getChannelURL(channel, channelIcon, toolTipPosition, widgetId); if (channel.channel_type == "Contact_Us") { extraClass += " has-chaty-box chaty-contact-form"; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Whatsapp") { if (isTrue(channel.is_default_open)) { var clickStatus = checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetId, "c-" + channel.channel_type); if (clickStatus) { extraClass += " chaty-default-open" } } } return "
" + channelLink + "
"; } } function createAgentList(channel, widgetId) { var formHtml = ""; var widgetIndex = getWidgetIndex(widgetId); if (widgetIndex == null) { widgetIndex = -1; } formHtml += "
"; formHtml += "
"; formHtml += "
"; formHtml += "
"; formHtml += "
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" + channel.header_text + "
"; } if (!isEmpty(channel.header_sub_text)) { formHtml += "
" + channel.header_sub_text + "
"; } formHtml += "
"; formHtml += "
"; $.each(channel.agent_data, function (key, agent) { if (agent.value != "") { var agentIcon = agent.svg_icon; if (!isEmpty(agent.agent_image)) { agentIcon = "
" } var agentLink = getAgentURL(agent, channel, widgetId, key, agentIcon, agent.agent_title); formHtml += "
" + agentLink + "
"; } customExtraCSS += ".agent-info-" + widgetId + "-" + channel.channel + ".agent-info-" + key + " .chaty-agent-icon img { background-color: " + agent.agent_bg_color + "; } "; if (channel.channel != "Instagram" || (agent.agent_bg_color != "#ffffff" && agent.agent_bg_color != "#fff")) { customExtraCSS += ".agent-info-" + widgetId + "-" + channel.channel + ".agent-info-" + key + " .chaty-agent-icon .color-element { fill: " + agent.agent_bg_color + "; } "; } customExtraCSS += ".agent-info-" + widgetId + "-" + channel.channel + ".agent-info-" + key + " .chaty-custom-icon { background-color: " + agent.agent_bg_color + "; } "; }); formHtml += "
"; formHtml += "
"; formHtml += "
"; formHtml += "
"; customExtraCSS += ".chaty-agent-header.agent-info-" + widgetId + "-" + channel.channel + " { background-color: " + channel.header_bg_color + "; color: " + channel.header_text_color + " } "; customExtraCSS += ".agent-info-" + widgetId + "-" + channel.channel + " .chaty-close-agent-list svg { fill: " + channel.header_text_color + " } "; $("body").append(formHtml); } function getAgentChannelURL(channel, agent, widgetId, channelIcon, toolTipPosition) { var agentURL = agent.value; var agentTarget = "_blank"; if (channel.channel_type == "Whatsapp") { var whatsAppNumber = getWhatsAppNumber(agent.value); if (isChatyInMobile) { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "https://wa.me/" + whatsAppNumber; } else { agentTarget = "_blank"; agentURL = "https://web.whatsapp.com/send?phone=" + whatsAppNumber; } } else if (channel.channel_type == "WeChat") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "javascript:;"; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Email") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "mailto:" + agent.value; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Facebook_Messenger") { if (isChatyInMobile) { agentTarget = ""; } else { agentTarget = "_blank"; } } else if (channel.channel_type == "SMS") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "sms:" + agent.value; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Telegram") { agentURL = trimChar(agent.value, "@"); agentURL = "https://telegram.me/" + agentURL; agentTarget = "_blank"; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Twitter") { agentURL = "https://twitter.com/" + $.trim(agent.value); } else if (channel.channel_type == "Phone") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "tel:" + $.trim(agent.value); } else if (channel.channel_type == "Skype") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "skype:" + $.trim(agent.value) + "?chat"; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Snapchat") { agentURL = "https://www.snapchat.com/add/" + $.trim(agent.value); } else if (channel.channel_type == "Vkontakte") { agentURL = "https://vk.me/" + $.trim(agent.value); } else if (channel.channel_type == "Linkedin") { if (agent.link_type == "personal") { agentURL = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/" + $.trim(agent.value); } else { agentURL = "https://www.linkedin.com/company/" + $.trim(agent.value); } } else if (channel.channel_type == "Viber") { if(agent.viber_url != "") { agentURL = "viber://pa?chatURI=" + agent.value; } else { agentURL = trimChar(agent.value, "+"); if (!isNaN(agentURL)) { agentURL = agentURL.replace("+", ""); if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) { agentURL = "+" + agentURL; } agentURL = "viber://chat?number=" + agentURL; } } agentTarget = ""; } else if (channel.channel_type == "TikTok") { agentURL = trimChar($.trim(agent.value), "@"); agentURL = "https://www.tiktok.com/@" + agentURL; agentTarget = ""; } return "
" + channelIcon + "
"; } function getAgentURL(agent, channel, widgetId, key, agentIcon, agentTitle) { var agentURL = agent.value; var agentTarget = "_blank"; if (channel.channel_type == "Whatsapp") { var whatsAppNumber = getWhatsAppNumber(agent.value); var preSetMessage = ""; if (!isEmpty(agent.pre_set_message)) { preSetMessage = decodeURI(agent.pre_set_message); var pageTitle = $("title").text(); if (!isEmpty(pageTitle)) { preSetMessage = preSetMessage.replace(/{title}/g, pageTitle); } else { preSetMessage = preSetMessage.replace(/{title}/g, ''); } preSetMessage = preSetMessage.replace(/{url}/g, window.location); preSetMessage = encodeURIComponent(preSetMessage); } if (isChatyInMobile) { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "https://wa.me/" + whatsAppNumber + "?text=" + preSetMessage; } else { agentTarget = "_blank"; if (isTrue(agent.use_whatsapp_web)) { agentURL = "https://web.whatsapp.com/send?phone=" + whatsAppNumber + "&text=" + preSetMessage; } else { agentURL = "https://wa.me/" + whatsAppNumber + "?text=" + preSetMessage; } } } else if (channel.channel_type == "WeChat") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "javascript:;"; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Email") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "mailto:" + agent.value; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Facebook_Messenger") { if (isChatyInMobile) { agentTarget = ""; } else { agentTarget = "_blank"; } } else if (channel.channel_type == "SMS") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "sms:" + agent.value; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Telegram") { agentURL = trimChar(agent.value, "@"); agentURL = "https://telegram.me/" + agentURL; agentTarget = "_blank"; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Twitter") { agentURL = "https://twitter.com/" + $.trim(agent.value); } else if (channel.channel_type == "Instagram") { agentURL = "https://www.instagram.com/" + $.trim(agent.value); } else if (channel.channel_type == "Phone") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "tel:" + $.trim(agent.value); } else if (channel.channel_type == "Skype") { agentTarget = ""; agentURL = "skype:" + $.trim(agent.value) + "?chat"; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Snapchat") { agentURL = "https://www.snapchat.com/add/" + $.trim(agent.value); } else if (channel.channel_type == "Vkontakte") { agentURL = "https://vk.me/" + $.trim(agent.value); } else if (channel.channel_type == "Linkedin") { if (agent.link_type == "personal") { agentURL = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/" + $.trim(agent.value); } else { agentURL = "https://www.linkedin.com/company/" + $.trim(agent.value); } } else if (channel.channel_type == "Viber") { if(agent.viber_url != "") { agentURL = "viber://pa?chatURI=" + agent.value; } else { agentURL = trimChar(agent.value, "+"); if (!isNaN(agentURL)) { agentURL = agentURL.replace("+", ""); if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) { agentURL = "+" + agentURL; } agentURL = "viber://chat?number=" + agentURL; } } agentTarget = ""; } else if (channel.channel_type == "TikTok") { agentURL = trimChar($.trim(agent.value), "@"); agentURL = "https://www.tiktok.com/@" + agentURL; agentTarget = ""; } return "
" + agentIcon + "
" + agentTitle + "
"; } function getWhatsAppNumber(phoneNumber) { phoneNumber = trimChar(phoneNumber, "+"); phoneNumber = phoneNumber.replace(/ /g, ""); phoneNumber = phoneNumber.replace(/-/g, ""); phoneNumber = phoneNumber.replace(/_/g, ""); return phoneNumber; } function trimChar(string, charToRemove) { string = $.trim(string); while (string.charAt(0) == charToRemove) { string = string.substring(1); } while (string.charAt(string.length - 1) == charToRemove) { string = string.substring(0, string.length - 1); } return string; } /** * * To get channel URL * Added On: 10/01/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function getChannelURL(channel, channelIcon, toolTipPosition, widgetId) { var extraClass = ""; if (isTrue(channel.is_agent)) { channel.url = "javascript:;"; channel.target = ""; } else { if (channel.channel_type == "Whatsapp") { if (isTrue(channel.has_welcome_message)) { channel.url = "javascript:;"; channel.target = ""; extraClass += " has-chaty-box chaty-whatsapp-btn-form"; startMakingWhatsAppPopup(channel, widgetId); } else { var preSetMessage = ""; if (!isEmpty(channel.pre_set_message)) { preSetMessage = decodeURI(channel.pre_set_message); var pageTitle = $("title").text(); if (!isEmpty(pageTitle)) { preSetMessage = preSetMessage.replace(/{title}/g, pageTitle); } else { preSetMessage = preSetMessage.replace(/{title}/g, ''); } preSetMessage = preSetMessage.replace(/{url}/g, window.location); preSetMessage = encodeURIComponent(preSetMessage); } if (isChatyInMobile) { channel.target = ""; channel.url = "https://wa.me/" + channel.value + "?text=" + preSetMessage; } else { channel.target = "_blank"; if (isTrue(channel.is_use_web_version)) { channel.url = "https://web.whatsapp.com/send?phone=" + channel.value + "&text=" + preSetMessage; } else { channel.url = "https://wa.me/" + channel.value + "?text=" + preSetMessage; } } } } else if (channel.channel_type == "WeChat") { if (!isEmpty(channel.qr_code_image_url)) { startMakingWeChatChannel(channel, widgetId); channel.url = "javascript:;"; channel.target = ""; extraClass += " has-chaty-box chaty-qr-code-form"; } } else if (channel.channel_type == "Contact_Us") { startMakingContactForm(channel, widgetId); channel.url = "javascript:;"; channel.target = ""; extraClass += " has-chaty-box chaty-contact-us-form"; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Email") { if (!isEmpty(channel.mail_subject)) { var mailSubject = decodeURI(channel.mail_subject); var pageTitle = $("title").text(); if (!isEmpty(pageTitle)) { mailSubject = mailSubject.replace(/{title}/g, pageTitle); } else { mailSubject = mailSubject.replace(/{title}/g, ''); } mailSubject = mailSubject.replace(/{url}/g, window.location); mailSubject = encodeURIComponent(mailSubject); channel.url += "?subject=" + mailSubject; } } else if (channel.channel_type == "Viber") { if(channel.viber_url != "") { channel.url = "viber://pa?chatURI=" + channel.value; } else { channel.value = trimChar(channel.value, "+"); if (isChatyInMobile && !isNaN(channel.value)) { // channel.value = channel.value.replace("+", ""); if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) { channel.value = "+" + channel.value; } } channel.url = "viber://chat?number=" + channel.value; } channel.target = ""; } else if (channel.channel_type == "Vkontakte") { channel.url = "https://vk.me/" + $.trim(channel.value); } } if(channel.channel == "Link" || channel.channel == "Custom_Link" || channel.channel == "Custom_Link_3" || channel.channel == "Custom_Link_4" || channel.channel == "Custom_Link_5") { if(!isEmpty(channel.hover_text)) { ariaLabel = channel.hover_text; } else { ariaLabel = channel.channell } }else { ariaLabel = channel.channel; } var onClickFn = ""; if (!isEmpty(channel.click_event)) { onClickFn = 'onclick="' + channel.click_event + '"'; channel.target = ""; channel.url = "javascript:;"; } return "
" + channelIcon + "
"; } function startMakingContactForm(channel, widgetId) { var formHtml = ""; var widgetIndex = getWidgetIndex(widgetId); if (widgetIndex == null) { widgetIndex = -1; } formHtml += "
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" + contactField.title +" "+required_indicator+"
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" if (contactField.field == "email") { formHtml += '
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"; formHtml += "
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" + time + "
" formHtml += "
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"; formHtml += "
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"; } return "
" + channel.svg_icon + "
"; } /** * * check for empty or null items * Added On: 10/01/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function isValueEmpty(value) { if (value == "" || $.trim(value) == "" || value == null || value == "null") { return true; } return false; } /** * * To get widget position * Added On: 10/01/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function getWidgetPosition(widgetRecord) { if (widgetRecord.position == "custom") { return widgetRecord.custom_position; } return widgetRecord.position; } /** * * get tooltip position for channel * Added On: 09/29/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function getToolTipPosition(widgetRecord) { if (widgetRecord.settings.icon_view != "vertical") { return "top"; } var toolTipPosition = getWidgetPosition(widgetRecord.settings); if (toolTipPosition == "right") { return "left"; } return "right"; } /** * * Check for Triggers if exists * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function checkForChatyTriggers() { if ($(".chaty.auto-hide-chaty").length) { chatyHideTimeInterval = setInterval(function () { chatyHideIntervalTime++; var currentTime = chatyHideIntervalTime; if ($(".chaty.auto-hide-chaty.hide-after-" + chatyHideIntervalTime).length) { var widgetId = $(".chaty.auto-hide-chaty.hide-after-" + currentTime).data("id"); $(".chaty-form-" + widgetId).removeClass("active"); $(".chaty.auto-hide-chaty.hide-after-" + currentTime).removeClass("active"); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).removeClass("auto-hide-chaty"); $("body").removeClass("add-bg-blur-effect"); } if ($(".chaty.auto-hide-chaty").length == 0) { clearInterval(chatyHideTimeInterval); } }, 1000); } if (chatyHasTimeDelay) { chatyTimeInterval = setInterval(function () { chatyIntervalTime++; if ($(".chaty.delay-time-" + chatyIntervalTime).length) { //$(".chaty.delay-time-"+chatyIntervalTime).addClass("active"); var widgetId = $(".chaty.delay-time-" + chatyIntervalTime).data("id"); removeTriggerRules(widgetId); } }, 1000); } if (chatyHasPageScroll) { $(window).on("scroll", function () { if (chatyHasPageScroll) { var scrollHeight = $(document).height() - $(window).height(); var scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scrollHeight != 0) { var scrollPer = parseInt((scrollPos / scrollHeight) * 100); if (lastScrollPer <= scrollPer) { var startFrom = lastScrollPer; lastScrollPer = scrollPer; for (var i = startFrom; i <= scrollPer; i++) { if ($.inArray(i, chatyPageScrolls) == -1) { if ($(".chaty.on-chaty-scroll.page-scroll-" + i).length) { $(".chaty.on-chaty-scroll.page-scroll-" + i).each(function () { //$(this).addClass("active"); var widgetId = $(this).data("id"); $(this).removeClass("on-chaty-scroll"); removeTriggerRules(widgetId); }); } } } lastScrollPer = scrollPer; } } } }); var hasScrollbar = window.innerWidth > document.documentElement.clientWidth; if (!hasScrollbar) { /*$(".chaty.on-chaty-scroll:not(.on-chaty-delay):not(.on-chaty-exit-intent)").each(function(){ $(this).addClass("active"); var widgetId = $(this).data("id"); removeTriggerRules(widgetId); });*/ } } //if(chatyHasExitIntent) { //} } function close_chaty() { if (jQuery(".chaty.active .chaty-open").length) { jQuery(".chaty.active .chaty-open").each(function () { jQuery(this).find(".chaty-cta-close").trigger("click"); }) } } /** * * To load google Captcha V2 & V3 * Added On: 10/02/2023 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function LoadChatyGoogleRecaptcha() { if(jQuery(".v2_site_key").length && jQuery(".v2_site_key").val() != "") { var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true; dsq.src = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadChatyCallback&render=explicit&hl=en'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq); } if(jQuery(".v3_site_key").length && jQuery(".v3_site_key").val() != "") { if (jQuery(".v3_site_key").length && jQuery(".v3_site_key").val() != "" && jQuery(".front-google-captcha").length) { jQuery(".front-google-captcha:not(.loaded)").each(function () { jQuery(this).addClass("loaded"); var siteKey = jQuery(".v3_site_key").val(); var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true; dsq.src = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadCallbackChatyV3&render=' + siteKey; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq); dsq.loadEventEnd = function() { } }) } } } /** * * Display widgets on Exit intent * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function mobileExitIntent() { if (window.history && window.history.pushState && chatyHasExitIntent) { function whenGoingBack() { if(chatyHasExitIntent) { var hashLocation = location.hash; var hashSplit = hashLocation.split("#!/"); var hashName = hashSplit[1]; if (hashName !== '') { var hash = window.location.hash; if (hash === '') { showWidgetsOnExitIntent(); } } } } var pageState = 100; if (window.history.state && window.history.state.page) { pageState = window.history.state.page; } window.history.pushState({page: pageState + 1}, ''); window.history.pushState({page: pageState + 2}, ''); window.onpopstate = function () { whenGoingBack(); }; window.history.onpopstate = function () { whenGoingBack(); }; window.addEventListener('popstate', function () { whenGoingBack(); }); document.addEventListener('backbutton', function () { whenGoingBack(); }); window.addEventListener('backbutton', function () { whenGoingBack(); }); $(window).on('popstate', function () { whenGoingBack(); }); } } /** * * Display widgets on Exit intent * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function bindExitIntentFunction() { if (isChatyInMobile) { // Back button was pressed. mobileExitIntent(); } else { $(document).mouseleave(function (e) { function addEvent(obj, evt, fn) { if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evt, fn, false); showWidgetsOnExitIntent(); } else if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent("on" + evt, fn); } } addEvent(document, 'mouseout', function (evt) { if (evt.toElement == null && evt.relatedTarget == null) { showWidgetsOnExitIntent(); } }); }); } } /** * * Display widgets on Exit intent * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function showWidgetsOnExitIntent() { if (chatyHasExitIntent && $(".on-chaty-exit-intent").length) { $(".on-chaty-exit-intent").each(function () { //$(this).addClass("active"); var widgetId = $(this).data("id"); $(this).removeClass("on-chaty-exit-intent"); removeTriggerRules(widgetId); $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-widget").append("
"); setTimeout(function () { $(".chaty-exit-intent").addClass("animate"); setTimeout(function () { $(".chaty-exit-intent").removeClass("animate"); }, 2500); }, 500); }); } } /** * * Remove Trigger Rules if all rules executed * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function removeTriggerRules(widgetId) { updateWidgetViews(widgetId); $(".chaty-widget-" + widgetId).removeClass("on-chaty-delay"); $(".chaty-widget-" + widgetId).removeClass("on-chaty-exit-intent"); $(".chaty-widget-" + widgetId).removeClass("on-chaty-scroll"); if (!$(".chaty.on-chaty-delay").length) { clearInterval(chatyTimeInterval); chatyHasTimeDelay = false; } if (!$(".chaty.on-chaty-exit-intent").length) { chatyHasExitIntent = false; } if (!$(".chaty.on-chaty-scroll").length) { chatyHasPageScroll = false; } } /** * * Remove Empty On hover class when text is empty * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function removeEmptyTooltip() { $(".chaty-tooltip").each(function () { if ($(this).data("hover") == "") { $(this).removeClass("left").removeClass("right").removeClass("top").removeClass("chaty-tooltip"); } }) } /** * * Set widget icon * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function getWidgetIcon(widgetRecord, widgetId) { /* set default icon if icon is blank */ if (widgetRecord.widget_icon == "") { widgetRecord.widget_icon = "chat-base"; } else if (widgetRecord.widget_icon == "chat-image" && isEmpty(widgetRecord.widget_icon_url)) { /* if custom icon is selected than check for image URL, if not exists then update icon with default icon */ widgetRecord.widget_icon = "chat-base"; } else if (widgetRecord.widget_icon == "chat-fa-icon" && isEmpty(widgetRecord.widget_fa_icon)) { widgetRecord.widget_icon = "chat-base"; } if (widgetRecord.widget_icon == "chat-image") { return "
"; } else if(widgetRecord.widget_icon == "chat-fa-icon") { return "
"; } else { return '
' + getSvgIcon(widgetRecord.widget_icon, widgetRecord.widget_color, widgetRecord.widget_icon_color, widgetId) + "
"; } } /** * * check for widget animations if applicable * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function checkForWidgetAnimation(widgetRecord, widgetId) { var clickStatus = checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetId, 'c-widget'); if (clickStatus && widgetRecord.attention_effect != "none" && widgetRecord.attention_effect != "") { $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId).attr("data-animation", widgetRecord.attention_effect); if ($("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-widget").hasClass("has-single")) { $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-i-trigger .chaty-channel .chaty-svg").addClass("chaty-animation-" + widgetRecord.attention_effect); } else { $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-i-trigger .chaty-cta-main .chaty-cta-button").addClass("chaty-animation-" + widgetRecord.attention_effect); } } } /** * * check for pending message if all criteria matches to display it * Added On: 10/04/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function checkForPendingMessage(widgetRecord, widgetId) { var clickStatus = checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetId, 'c-widget'); if (clickStatus && isTrue(widgetRecord.is_pending_mesg_enabled) && parseInt(widgetRecord.pending_mesg_count) > 0) { if ($("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-widget").hasClass("has-single")) { if (widgetRecord.attention_effect == "sheen" || widgetRecord.attention_effect == "spin" || widgetRecord.attention_effect == "pulse") { $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-i-trigger .chaty-channel").append("
" + widgetRecord.pending_mesg_count + "
"); } else { $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-i-trigger .chaty-channel .chaty-svg").append("
" + widgetRecord.pending_mesg_count + "
"); } } else { if (widgetRecord.attention_effect == "jump" || widgetRecord.attention_effect == "waggle" || widgetRecord.attention_effect == "blink" || widgetRecord.attention_effect == "pulse-icon" || widgetRecord.attention_effect == "floating") { $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-i-trigger .chaty-cta-main .chaty-cta-button").append("
" + widgetRecord.pending_mesg_count + "
"); } else { $("#chaty-widget-" + widgetId + " .chaty-i-trigger .chaty-cta-main").append("
" + widgetRecord.pending_mesg_count + "
"); } } } } /** * * Add Prefix 0 to Number * Added On: 10/21/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function addPrefixToNum(num) { num = num.toString(); while (num.length < 2) num = "0" + num; return num; } /** * * Check for time Schedule * Added On: 10/21/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function checkForDayAndTimeSchedule(widgetRecord) { var displayStatus = true; if (isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.has_day_hours_scheduling_rules) && widgetRecord.triggers.day_hours_scheduling_rules.length > 0) { var displayRules = widgetRecord.triggers.day_hours_scheduling_rules; if (displayRules.length > 0) { displayStatus = false; var localDate = new Date(); localDate = changeTimezone(localDate, widgetRecord.triggers.day_time_diff); var utcHours = localDate.getHours(); var utcMin = localDate.getMinutes(); var utcDay = localDate.getDay(); for (var rule = 0; rule < displayRules.length; rule++) { var hourStatus = 0; var minStatus = 0; var checkForTime = 0; if (displayRules[rule].days == -1) { checkForTime = 1; } else if (displayRules[rule].days >= 0 && displayRules[rule].days <= 6) { if (displayRules[rule].days == utcDay) { checkForTime = 1; } } else if (displayRules[rule].days == 7) { if (utcDay >= 0 && utcDay <= 4) { checkForTime = 1; } } else if (displayRules[rule].days == 8) { if (utcDay >= 1 && utcDay <= 5) { checkForTime = 1; } } else if (displayRules[rule].days == 9) { if (utcDay == 6 || utcDay == 0) { checkForTime = 1; } } if (checkForTime == 1) { if (utcHours > displayRules[rule].start_hours && utcHours < displayRules[rule].end_hours) { hourStatus = 1; } else if (utcHours == displayRules[rule].start_hours && utcHours < displayRules[rule].end_hours) { if (utcMin >= displayRules[rule].start_min) { hourStatus = 1; } } else if (utcHours > displayRules[rule].start_hours && utcHours == displayRules[rule].end_hours) { if (utcMin <= displayRules[rule].end_min) { hourStatus = 1; } } else if (utcHours == displayRules[rule].start_hours && utcHours == displayRules[rule].end_hours) { if (utcMin >= displayRules[rule].start_min && utcMin <= displayRules[rule].end_min) { hourStatus = 1; } } if (hourStatus == 1) { if (utcMin >= displayRules[rule].start_min && utcMin <= displayRules[rule].end_min) { minStatus = 1; } } } if (hourStatus == 1 && checkForTime == 1) { displayStatus = 1; } if (displayStatus == 1) { rule = displayRules.length + 1; } } } } return displayStatus; } /** * * get tooltip position for channel * Added On: 09/29/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function isTrue(varVal) { if (varVal == "1" || varVal == 1 || varVal == true || varVal == "true" || varVal == "yes" || varVal == "on") { return true } return false; } /** * * To get time diffrence between dates * Added On: 04/18/2022 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function changeTimezone(date, ianatz) { if (isNaN(ianatz)) { var invdate = new Date(date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: ianatz })); var diff = date.getTime() - invdate.getTime(); return new Date(date.getTime() - diff); // needs to substract } else { var newDate = new Date(); newDate = newDate.toLocaleString('en-US', {timeZone: 'UTC'}); newDate = new Date(newDate); if (ianatz.indexOf("+") != -1) { var newTimeZone = ianatz.replace("+", ""); var extraHours = parseInt(newTimeZone); var extraMin = parseFloat(newTimeZone % extraHours) * 60; extraMin = newDate.getUTCMinutes() + extraMin; if (extraMin > 59) { extraHours = extraHours + parseInt(extraMin / 60); extraMin = extraMin % 60; } newDate.setUTCHours(newDate.getUTCHours() + extraHours, extraMin); } else if (ianatz.indexOf("-") != -1) { var newTimeZone = ianatz.replace("-", ""); var extraHours = parseInt(newTimeZone); var extraMin = parseFloat(newTimeZone % extraHours) * 60; extraMin = newDate.getUTCMinutes() - extraMin; if (extraMin < 0) { extraHours = extraHours - parseInt(extraMin / 60); extraMin = extraMin % 60; } newDate.setUTCHours(newDate.getUTCHours() - extraHours, -extraMin); } var diff = date.getTime() - newDate.getTime(); return new Date(date.getTime() - diff); // needs to substract } } /** * * Check for time Schedule * Added On: 10/21/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function checkForTimeSchedule(widgetRecord) { if (widgetRecord.triggers.has_date_scheduling_rules) { var chtStartDate = widgetRecord.triggers.date_scheduling_rules.start_date_time; var chtEndDate = widgetRecord.triggers.date_scheduling_rules.end_date_time; var localDate = new Date(); localDate = changeTimezone(localDate, widgetRecord.triggers.time_diff); var currentTime = localDate.getFullYear() + "-" + (addPrefixToNum(localDate.getMonth() + 1)) + "-" + addPrefixToNum(localDate.getDate()) + " " + addPrefixToNum(localDate.getHours()) + ":" + addPrefixToNum(localDate.getMinutes()) + ":" + addPrefixToNum(localDate.getSeconds()); if (chtEndDate == "") { if (chtStartDate <= currentTime) { return true; } } if (chtStartDate == "") { if (chtEndDate >= currentTime) { return true; } } if (chtStartDate != "" && chtEndDate != "") { if (chtStartDate <= currentTime && chtEndDate >= currentTime) { return true; } } return false; } return true; } /** * * Check for visitos's country * Added On: 10/21/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function checkForUserCountry(widgetRecord) { if (isTrue(widgetRecord.triggers.has_countries) && !isEmpty(widgetRecord.triggers.countries) && widgetRecord.triggers.countries.length) { clientCountry = getUserCountry(); if (clientCountry != "-") { if ($.inArray(clientCountry, widgetRecord.triggers.countries) == -1) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * * To get user id from cookie or storage * Added On: 09/28/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function getUserCountry() { clientCountry = ""; if (typeof Storage !== "undefined" && window.sessionStorage.getItem("chaty_user_country_code") != null) { clientCountry = window.sessionStorage.getItem("chaty_user_country_code"); } else { if (chatyCheckCookie('chaty_user_country_code')) { clientCountry = chatyGetCookie('chaty_user_country_code'); } } return clientCountry; } /** * * To save user id in cookie, will be created different for users and by browsers * Added On: 09/28/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function setUserCountry(userCountry) { if (typeof Storage !== "undefined") { if (window.sessionStorage.getItem("chaty_user_country_code") == null) { window.sessionStorage.setItem("chaty_user_country_code", userCountry); } } else { if (!chatyCheckCookie('chaty_user_country_code')) { chatySetCookie('chaty_user_country_code', userCountry, 365); } } } /** * * To ger widget's setting stored cookie Array * Added On: 10/01/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function checkForChatyCookieString(widgetId, cookieStr) { var cookieString = chatyGetCookie("chatyWidget_" + widgetId); var cookieArray = []; if (cookieString != null && cookieString != "") { cookieArray = JSON.parse(cookieString); } if (cookieArray.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) { if (cookieArray[i]['k'] == cookieStr) { return cookieArray[i]['v']; } } } return null; } /** * * To save widget's setting in cookie Array * Added On: 10/01/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function saveChatyCookieString(widgetId, cookieStr) { var cookieString = chatyGetCookie("chatyWidget_" + widgetId); var cookieArray = []; if (cookieString != null && cookieString != "") { cookieArray = JSON.parse(cookieString); } var cookieFound = false; if (cookieArray.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) { if (cookieArray[i]['k'] == cookieStr) { cookieFound = true; cookieArray[i]['v'] = new Date(); } } } if (!cookieFound) { cookieArray.push({"k": cookieStr, "v": new Date()}); } cookieString = JSON.stringify(cookieArray); chatySetCookie("chatyWidget_" + widgetId, cookieString, "7"); } /** * * To check widget's setting cookie status stored in Array * Added On: 10/01/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function checkChatyCookieExpired(widgetId, cookieStr) { var cookieValue = checkForChatyCookieString(widgetId, cookieStr); if (cookieValue != null && cookieValue != "") { cookieValue = new Date(cookieValue); var diffTime = Math.abs(new Date() - cookieValue); var diffDays = Math.floor(diffTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); if (diffDays >= 2) { return true; } else { return false; } } return true; } /** * * To save data in browser cookie * Added On: 09/28/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function chatySetCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires + "; path=/; SameSite=Lax"; } /** * * To get data from browser cookie using cookie name * Added On: 09/28/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function chatyGetCookie(cookieName) { var cookieName = cookieName + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(cookieName) == 0) { return c.substring(cookieName.length, c.length); // return data if cookie exists } } return null; // return null if cookie doesn't exists } /** * * To check cookie exists or not in browser * Added On: 09/28/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function chatyCheckCookie(cookieName) { var cookie = chatyGetCookie(cookieName); if (cookie != "" && cookie !== null) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * * To remove cookie from browser * Added On: 09/28/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function chatyDeleteCookie(cookieName) { document.cookie = cookieName + '=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;'; } /** * * To get current date from Browser * Added On: 09/28/2021 * Added By: Chirag Thummar * * */ function getCurrentDate() { today = new Date(); dd = today.getDate(); mm = today.getMonth() + 1; yyyy = today.getFullYear(); if (dd < 10) { dd = '0' + dd; } if (mm < 10) { mm = '0' + mm; } return yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; } /** * * Add log message to console * * */ function addChatyLog(message) { if (chatyEnv != "app") { console.log(message); } } })); function launch_chaty(widget_number) { if (widget_number == undefined || widget_number == "widget_index") { widget_number = 1; } if (jQuery("#chaty-widget-_"+widget_number).length) { jQuery("#chaty-widget-_"+widget_number+" .chaty-cta-button .open-chaty").trigger("click"); } } var googleV3Token = ""; function onloadCallbackChatyV3() { var siteKey = jQuery(".v3_site_key").val(); if(siteKey && googleV3Token == "") { grecaptcha.ready(function () { grecaptcha.execute(siteKey, {action: 'contact_form'}).then(function (token) { googleV3Token = token; }); }); } } function refreshG3Token() { if (typeof grecaptcha === "function" || typeof grecaptcha === "object") { var siteKey = jQuery(".v3_site_key").val(); if (siteKey && googleV3Token == "") { grecaptcha.ready(function () { grecaptcha.execute(siteKey, {action: 'contact_form'}).then(function (token) { googleV3Token = token; }); }); } } } function onloadChatyCallback() { if (jQuery(".v2_site_key").length && jQuery(".v2_site_key").val() != "" && jQuery(".front-google-captcha").length) { jQuery(".front-google-captcha:not(.loaded)").each(function () { var thisId = jQuery(this).attr("id"); jQuery(this).addClass("loaded"); if (document.getElementById(thisId)) { grecaptcha.render(thisId, {'sitekey': jQuery(".v2_site_key").val()}); } }) } }