/** * Detect wordpress layout change * implemented HOC to use this same functionility everywhere */ let $ = window.jQuery; let sidebarWidth = $('#adminmenuwrap').outerWidth(); let adminBarHeight = $('#wpadminbar').outerHeight(); let headerEnd = $('.chaty-header').outerHeight(); const position = Boolean(window.isRtl) ? 'right' : 'left'; const calculateTop = function() { if( innerWidth < 600 ) return ( scrollY <= adminBarHeight ? adminBarHeight - scrollY : 0 ) + 'px'; return adminBarHeight + 'px'; } const calculateHorizontalGap = function() { if( innerWidth >= 783 ) return sidebarWidth + 'px'; return 0; } const calcualteContent = function() { if( innerWidth < 640 ) return (headerEnd || 0) + 20; return (headerEnd || 0) + adminBarHeight } export default function withLayoutChange() { return { onLayoutChange( callback ) { /** * calcualte postion on initial page relad */ callback({ top : calculateTop(), [position]: calculateHorizontalGap(), width : `calc(100% - ${calculateHorizontalGap()})`, content : calcualteContent() }); /** * calcualte postion on scroll */ onscroll = function() { callback({ top : calculateTop(), [position]: calculateHorizontalGap(), width : `calc(100% - ${calculateHorizontalGap()})`, content : calcualteContent() }); } /** * @param eventData contains the sidebar position like "folded, responsive" */ $(document).on( 'wp-menu-state-set wp-collapse-menu', function( event, eventData ) { sidebarWidth = $('#adminmenuwrap').outerWidth(); adminBarHeight = $('#wpadminbar').outerHeight(); headerEnd = $('.chaty-header').outerHeight(); callback({ top : calculateTop(), [position]: calculateHorizontalGap(), width : `calc(100% - ${calculateHorizontalGap()})`, content : calcualteContent() }) }); } } }