phpMailer->Encoding = 'base64'; if ($this->preSend() && $this->phpMailer->preSend()) { return $this->postSend(); } return $this->handleResponse(new \WP_Error(422, __('Something went wrong!', 'fluent-smtp'), [])); } protected function postSend() { try { $returnResponse = $this->sendViaApi(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $returnResponse = new \WP_Error(422, $e->getMessage(), []); } $this->response = $returnResponse; return $this->handleResponse($this->response); } public function setSettings($settings) { if (Arr::get($settings, 'key_store') == 'wp_config') { $settings['client_id'] = defined('FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_ID') ? FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_ID : ''; $settings['client_secret'] = defined('FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_SECRET') ? FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_SECRET : ''; } $this->settings = $settings; return $this; } private function sendViaApi() { $mime = chunk_split(base64_encode($this->phpMailer->getSentMIMEMessage()), 76, "\n"); $data = $this->getSetting(); $accessToken = $this->getAccessToken($data); $api = (new API($data['client_id'], $data['client_secret'])); $result = $api->sendMime($mime, $accessToken); if(is_wp_error($result)) { $errorMessage = $result->get_error_message(); return new \WP_Error(422, $errorMessage, []); } else { return array( 'RequestId' => $result['request-id'], ); } } public function validateProviderInformation($connection) { $errors = []; $keyStoreType = $connection['key_store']; $clientId = Arr::get($connection, 'client_id'); $clientSecret = Arr::get($connection, 'client_secret'); if ($keyStoreType == 'db') { if (!$clientId) { $errors['client_id']['required'] = __('Application Client ID is required.', 'fluent-smtp'); } if (!$clientSecret) { $errors['client_secret']['required'] = __('Application Client Secret key is required.', 'fluent-smtp'); } } else if ($keyStoreType == 'wp_config') { if (!defined('FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_ID') || !FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_ID) { $errors['client_id']['required'] = __('Please define FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_ID in wp-config.php file.', 'fluent-smtp'); } else { $clientId = FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_ID; } if (!defined('FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_SECRET') || !FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_SECRET) { $errors['client_secret']['required'] = __('Please define FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_SECRET in wp-config.php file.', 'fluent-smtp'); } else { $clientSecret = FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_SECRET; } } if ($errors) { $this->throwValidationException($errors); } $accessToken = Arr::get($connection, 'access_token'); $authToken = Arr::get($connection, 'auth_token'); if (!$accessToken && $authToken) { $tokens = (new API($clientId, $clientSecret))->generateToken($authToken); if (is_wp_error($tokens)) { $errors['auth_token']['required'] = $tokens->get_error_message(); } else { add_filter('fluentmail_saving_connection_data', function ($con, $provider) use ($connection, $tokens) { if ($provider != 'outlook') { return $con; } if (Arr::get($con, 'connection.sender_email') != $connection['sender_email']) { return $con; } $con['connection']['refresh_token'] = $tokens['refresh_token']; $con['connection']['access_token'] = $tokens['access_token']; $con['connection']['auth_token'] = ''; $con['connection']['expire_stamp'] = time() + $tokens['expires_in']; return $con; }, 10, 2); } } else if (!$authToken && !$accessToken) { $errors['auth_token']['required'] = __('Please Provide Auth Token.', 'fluent-smtp'); } if ($errors) { $this->throwValidationException($errors); } } private function saveNewTokens($existingData, $tokens) { if (empty($tokens['access_token']) || empty($tokens['refresh_token'])) { return false; } $senderEmail = $existingData['sender_email']; $existingData['access_token'] = $tokens['access_token']; $existingData['refresh_token'] = $tokens['refresh_token']; $existingData['expire_stamp'] = $tokens['expires_in'] + time(); (new Settings())->updateConnection($senderEmail, $existingData); return fluentMailGetProvider($senderEmail, true); // we are clearing the static cache here } private function getAccessToken($config) { $accessToken = $config['access_token']; // check if expired or will be expired in 300 seconds if ( ($config['expire_stamp'] - 300) < time()) { $fluentAPi = (new API($config['client_id'], $config['client_secret'])); $tokens = $fluentAPi->sendTokenRequest('refresh_token', [ 'refresh_token' => $config['refresh_token'] ]); if(is_wp_error($tokens)) { return false; } $this->saveNewTokens($config, $tokens); $accessToken = $tokens['access_token']; } return $accessToken; } public function getConnectionInfo($connection) { if (Arr::get($connection, 'key_store') == 'wp_config') { $connection['client_id'] = defined('FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_ID') ? FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_ID : ''; $connection['client_secret'] = defined('FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_SECRET') ? FLUENTMAIL_OUTLOOK_CLIENT_SECRET : ''; } $this->getAccessToken($connection); $info = fluentMailgetConnection($connection['sender_email']); $connection = $info->getSetting(); $extraRow = [ 'title' => __('Token Validity', 'fluent-smtp'), 'content' => 'Valid (' . intval((($connection['expire_stamp'] - time()) / 60)) . 'm)' ]; if (($connection['expire_stamp']) < time()) { $extraRow['content'] = 'Invalid. Please re-authenticate'; } $connection['extra_rows'] = [$extraRow]; return [ 'info' => (string)fluentMail('view')->make('admin.general_connection_info', [ 'connection' => $connection ]) ]; } }