[], 'mappings' => [], 'providers' => [ 'smtp' => [ 'key' => 'smtp', 'title' => __('SMTP server', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-smtp.svg'), 'provider' => 'Smtp', 'need_pro' => 'no', 'is_smtp' => true, 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'force_from_email' => 'yes', 'return_path' => 'yes', 'host' => '', 'port' => '', 'auth' => 'yes', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'auto_tls' => 'yes', 'encryption' => 'none', 'key_store' => 'db' ], 'note' => '
Read the documentation
for how to configure any SMTP with FluentSMTP.' ], 'ses' => [ 'key' => 'ses', 'title' => __('Amazon SES', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-aws-ses.svg'), 'provider' => 'AmazonSes', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'force_from_email' => 'yes', 'return_path' => 'yes', 'access_key' => '', 'secret_key' => '', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'key_store' => 'db' ], 'regions' => [ 'us-east-1' => __('US East (N. Virginia)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'us-east-2' => __('US East (Ohio)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'us-west-1' => __('US West (N. California)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'us-west-2' => __('US West (Oregon)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'ca-central-1' => __('Canada (Central)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'eu-west-1' => __('EU (Ireland)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'eu-west-2' => __('EU (London)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'eu-west-3' => __('Europe (Paris)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'eu-central-1' => __('EU (Frankfurt)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'eu-south-1' => __('Europe (Milan)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'eu-north-1' => __('Europe (Stockholm)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'ap-south-1' => __('Asia Pacific (Mumbai)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'ap-northeast-2' => __('Asia Pacific (Seoul)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'ap-southeast-1' => __('Asia Pacific (Singapore)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'ap-southeast-2' => __('Asia Pacific (Sydney)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'ap-northeast-1' => __('Asia Pacific (Tokyo)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'sa-east-1' => __('South America (São Paulo)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'me-south-1' => __('Middle East (Bahrain)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'us-gov-west-1' => __('AWS GovCloud (US)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'af-south-1' => __('Africa (Cape Town)', 'fluent-smtp'), 'cn-northwest-1' => __('China (Ningxia)', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'note' => '
' . __('Read the documentation', 'fluent-smtp') . '
' . __(' for how to configure Amazon SES with FluentSMTP.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'mailgun' => [ 'key' => 'mailgun', 'title' => __('Mailgun', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-mailgun.svg'), 'provider' => 'Mailgun', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'return_path' => 'yes', 'api_key' => '', 'domain_name' => '', 'key_store' => 'db', 'region' => 'us' ], 'note' => '
' . __('Read the documentation', 'fluent-smtp') . '
' . __(' for how to configure Mailgun with FluentSMTP.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'sendgrid' => [ 'key' => 'sendgrid', 'title' => __('SendGrid', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-sendgrid.svg'), 'provider' => 'SendGrid', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'api_key' => '', 'key_store' => 'db' ], 'note' => '
' . __('Read the documentation', 'fluent-smtp') . '
' . __(' for how to configure SendGrid with FluentSMTP.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'sendinblue' => [ 'key' => 'sendinblue', 'title' => __('Sendinblue', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-sendinblue.svg'), 'provider' => 'SendInBlue', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'api_key' => '', 'key_store' => 'db' ], 'note' => '
' . __('Read the documentation', 'fluent-smtp') . '
' . __(' for how to configure Sendinblue with FluentSMTP.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'sparkpost' => [ 'key' => 'sparkpost', 'title' => __('SparkPost', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-sparkpost.svg'), 'provider' => 'SparkPost', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'api_key' => '', 'key_store' => 'db' ], 'note' => '
' . __('Read the documentation', 'fluent-smtp') . '
' . __(' for how to configure SparkPost with FluentSMTP.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'pepipost' => [ 'key' => 'pepipost', 'title' => __('Netcore Email API, formerly Pepipost', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-netcore.svg'), 'provider' => 'PepiPost', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'api_key' => '', 'key_store' => 'db' ], 'note' => '
' . __('Read the documentation', 'fluent-smtp') . '
' . __(' for how to configure Netcore (formerly Pepipost) with FluentSMTP.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'postmark' => [ 'key' => 'postmark', 'title' => __('Postmark', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-postmark.svg'), 'provider' => 'Postmark', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'track_opens' => 'no', 'track_links' => 'no', 'api_key' => '', 'message_stream' => 'outbound', 'key_store' => 'db' ], 'note' => '
' . __('Read the documentation', 'fluent-smtp') . '
' . __(' for how to configure Postmark with FluentSMTP.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'elasticmail' => [ 'key' => 'elasticmail', 'title' => __('Elastic Email', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-elastic-email.svg'), 'provider' => 'ElasticMail', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'api_key' => '', 'mail_type' => 'transactional', 'key_store' => 'db' ], 'note' => '
' . __('Read the documentation', 'fluent-smtp') . '
' . __(' for how to configure Elastic Email with FluentSMTP.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'gmail' => [ 'key' => 'gmail', 'title' => __('Gmail or Google Workspace', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-gmail-google-workspace.svg'), 'provider' => 'Gmail', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'return_path' => 'yes', 'key_store' => 'db', 'client_id' => '', 'client_secret' => '', 'auth_token' => '', 'access_token' => '', 'refresh_token' => '' ], 'note' => __('Gmail/Google Workspace is not recommended for sending mass marketing emails.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'outlook' => [ 'key' => 'outlook', 'title' => __('Outlook or Office 365', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-microsoft.svg'), 'provider' => 'Outlook', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'return_path' => 'yes', 'key_store' => 'db', 'client_id' => '', 'client_secret' => '', 'auth_token' => '', 'access_token' => '', 'refresh_token' => '' ], 'note' => __('Outlook/Office365 is not recommended for sending mass marketing emails.', 'fluent-smtp') ], 'default' => [ 'key' => 'default', 'title' => __('PHP mail()', 'fluent-smtp'), 'image' => fluentMailAssetUrl('images/provider-php.svg'), 'provider' => 'DefaultMail', 'options' => [ 'sender_name' => '', 'sender_email' => '', 'force_from_name' => 'no', 'force_from_email' => 'yes', 'return_path' => 'yes', 'key_store' => 'db' ], 'note' => __('The Default option does not use SMTP or any Email Service Providers so it will not improve email delivery on your site.', 'fluent-smtp') ], ], 'misc' => [ 'log_emails' => 'yes', 'log_saved_interval_days' => '14', 'disable_fluentcrm_logs' => 'no', 'default_connection' => '', 'fallback_connection' => '' ] ];