makeElementId($data, $form); if ($tabIndex = Helper::getNextTabIndex()) { $data['attributes']['tabindex'] = $tabIndex; } $atts = $this->buildAttributes($data['attributes']); $ariaRequired = 'false'; if (ArrayHelper::get($data, 'settings.validation_rules.required.value')) { $ariaRequired = 'true'; } $id = $data['attributes']['id']; $ariaLabel = esc_html__(' Use arrow keys to navigate dates. Press enter to select a date.', 'fluentform') ; $label = ArrayHelper::get($data,'settings.label'); $elMarkup = "
"; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- $atts is escaped before being passed in. $config = $this->getDateFormatConfigJSON($data['settings'], $form); $customConfig = $this->getCustomConfig($data['settings']); $this->loadToFooter($config, $customConfig, $form, $id); $html = $this->buildElementMarkup($elMarkup, $data, $form); $html = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_rendering_field_html_' . $elementName, [ $html, $data, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/rendering_field_html_' . $elementName, 'Use fluentform/rendering_field_html_' . $elementName . ' instead of fluentform_rendering_field_html_' . $elementName ); $this->printContent('fluentform/rendering_field_html_' . $elementName, $html, $data, $form); } public function getAvailableDateFormats() { $dateFormats = apply_filters('fluentform/available_date_formats', [ 'm/d/Y' => 'm/d/Y - (Ex: 04/28/2018)', // USA 'd/m/Y' => 'd/m/Y - (Ex: 28/04/2018)', // Canada, UK 'd.m.Y' => 'd.m.Y - (Ex: 28.04.2019)', // Germany 'n/j/y' => 'n/j/y - (Ex: 4/28/18)', 'm/d/y' => 'm/d/y - (Ex: 04/28/18)', 'M/d/Y' => 'M/d/Y - (Ex: Apr/28/2018)', 'y/m/d' => 'y/m/d - (Ex: 18/04/28)', 'Y-m-d' => 'Y-m-d - (Ex: 2018-04-28)', 'd-M-y' => 'd-M-y - (Ex: 28-Apr-18)', 'm/d/Y h:i K' => 'm/d/Y h:i K - (Ex: 04/28/2018 08:55 PM)', // USA 'm/d/Y H:i' => 'm/d/Y H:i - (Ex: 04/28/2018 20:55)', // USA 'd/m/Y h:i K' => 'd/m/Y h:i K - (Ex: 28/04/2018 08:55 PM)', // Canada, UK 'd/m/Y H:i' => 'd/m/Y H:i - (Ex: 28/04/2018 20:55)', // Canada, UK 'd.m.Y h:i K' => 'd.m.Y h:i K - (Ex: 28.04.2019 08:55 PM)', // Germany 'd.m.Y H:i' => 'd.m.Y H:i - (Ex: 28.04.2019 20:55)', // Germany 'h:i K' => 'h:i K (Only Time Ex: 08:55 PM)', 'H:i' => 'H:i (Only Time Ex: 20:55)', ]); $formatted = []; foreach ($dateFormats as $format => $label) { $formatted[] = [ 'label' => $label, 'value' => $format, ]; } return $formatted; } public function getDateFormatConfigJSON($settings, $form) { $dateFormat = ArrayHelper::get($settings, 'date_format'); if (! $dateFormat) { $dateFormat = 'm/d/Y'; } $hasTime = $this->hasTime($dateFormat); $time24 = false; if ($hasTime && false !== strpos($dateFormat, 'H')) { $time24 = true; } $config = apply_filters('fluentform/frontend_date_format', [ 'dateFormat' => $dateFormat, 'ariaDateFormat' =>"F j, Y", 'enableTime' => $hasTime, 'noCalendar' => ! $this->hasDate($dateFormat), 'disableMobile' => true, 'time_24hr' => $time24, ], $settings, $form); return json_encode($config, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); } public function getCustomConfig($settings) { $customConfigObject = trim(ArrayHelper::get($settings, 'date_config')); if (! $customConfigObject || '{' != substr($customConfigObject, 0, 1) || '}' != substr($customConfigObject, -1)) { $customConfigObject = '{}'; } return $customConfigObject; } private function loadToFooter($config, $customConfigObject, $form, $id) { add_action('wp_footer', function () use ($config, $customConfigObject, $id, $form) { ?>