user = new DynamicUser(); $this->term = new DynamicTerm(); $this->post = new DynamicPost(); $this->fluentform_submission = new FluentformSubmission(); $this->registerFilters(); $this->registerAjax(); new DynamicCsv(); } private function registerAjax() { add_action('wp_ajax_fluentform-get-dynamic-filter-value-options', [$this, 'getFilterValueOptions']); add_action('wp_ajax_fluentform-get-dynamic-filter-form-fields', [$this, 'getFormFields']); add_action('wp_ajax_fluentform-get-dynamic-filter-result', [$this, 'getResult']); } private function registerFilters() { add_filter('fluentform/editor_i18n', [ $this, 'mergerI18n', ]); add_filter('fluentform/dynamic_field_re_fetch_result_and_resolve_value', [ $this, 'reFetchResultAndResolveValue', ]); } public function mergerI18n($i18n) { return wp_parse_args(DynamicFieldHelper::getI18n(), $i18n); } public function getComponent() { $default = $this->fluentform_submission->getDefaultConfig(); return array( 'index' => 19, 'element' => $this->key, 'attributes' => array( 'name' => $this->key, 'type' => 'radio', 'multiple' => false, 'value' => '', 'id' => '', 'class' => '' ), 'settings' => array( 'label' => __('Dynamic Field', 'fluentformpro'), 'help_message' => '', 'label_placement' => '', 'admin_field_label' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'field_type' => 'select', 'advanced_options' => array(), 'dynamic_config' => [ 'source' => 'fluentform_submission', 'unique_result' => 'yes', 'query_type' => Arr::get($default, 'query_type'), 'basic_query' => Arr::get($default, 'basic_query'), 'filters' => Arr::get($default, 'filters'), 'sort_by' => Arr::get($default, 'sort_by'), 'order_by' => Arr::get($default, 'order_by'), 'template_value' => Arr::get($default, 'template_value'), 'template_label' => Arr::get($default, 'template_label'), 'result_limit' => Arr::get($default, 'result_limit'), ], 'dynamic_fetch' => 'no', 'enable_select_2' => 'no', 'randomize_options' => 'no', 'conditional_logics' => array(), 'validation_rules' => array( 'required' => array( 'value' => false, 'global' => true, 'message' => Helper::getGlobalDefaultMessage('required'), 'global_message' => Helper::getGlobalDefaultMessage('required'), ), ), ), 'editor_options' => array( 'title' => __('Dynamic Field', 'fluentformpro'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-repeat', 'template' => 'dynamic_field', ) ); } public function getGeneralEditorElements() { return [ 'label', 'admin_field_label', 'label_placement', 'validation_rules', 'field_type', 'dynamic_config', 'dynamic_fetch', 'enable_select_2', 'randomize_options', ]; } public function getAdvancedEditorElements() { return [ 'help_message', 'container_class', 'class', 'name', 'conditional_logics', ]; } public function generalEditorElement() { return [ 'field_type' => [ 'template' => 'radioButton', 'label' => __('Field Type', 'fluentformpro'), 'help_text' => __('Choose the type of field to be used for this dynamic field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'options' => [ [ 'value' => 'radio', 'label' => __('Radio', 'fluentformpro'), ], [ 'value' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __('Checkbox', 'fluentformpro'), ], [ 'value' => 'select', 'label' => __('Select', 'fluentformpro'), ], [ 'value' => 'multi_select', 'label' => __('Multi-Select', 'fluentformpro'), ], ], ], 'dynamic_config' => [ 'template' => 'dynamicFilter', 'label' => __('Populate Dynamically', 'fluentformpro'), 'help_text' => __('Populate values option dynamically based on the selected source. Customize behavior by specifying field types, filters, sorting, ordering, and mapping.', 'fluentformpro'), 'sources' => $this->getSources(), 'columns' => $this->getFilterColumns(), 'numeric_columns' => DynamicFieldHelper::numericColumns(), 'date_columns' => DynamicFieldHelper::dateColumns(), 'operators' => DynamicFieldHelper::getOperators(), 'order' => [ 'ASC' => __('Ascending', 'fluentformpro'), 'DESC' => __('Descending', 'fluentformpro'), ] ], 'dynamic_fetch' => [ 'template' => 'inputYesNoCheckBox', 'label' => __('Dynamic Retrieval', 'fluentformpro'), 'help_text' => __('When checked, result are dynamically fetched based on filters during rendering. If unchecked, the current valid value remain unchanged.', 'fluentformpro'), ], 'enable_select_2' => [ 'template' => 'inputYesNoCheckBox', 'label' => __('Enable Searchable Smart Options', 'fluentformpro'), 'help_text' => __('If you enable this then options will be searchable by select2 js library', 'fluentformpro'), 'dependency' => [ 'depends_on' => 'settings/field_type', 'operator' => '==', 'value' => 'select', ], ], 'randomize_options' => [ 'template' => 'inputYesNoCheckBox', 'label' => __('Shuffle the available options', 'fluentformpro'), 'help_text' => __('If you enable this then the options will be shuffled', 'fluentformpro'), ], ]; } /** * Get sources with their corresponding labels. * * @return array Sources with labels. */ private function getSources() { $sources = [ 'post' => __('Post', 'fluentformpro'), 'term' => __('Taxonomy Term', 'fluentformpro'), 'user' => __('User', 'fluentformpro'), 'fluentform_submission' => __('Fluent Forms Submission', 'fluentformpro'), ]; return apply_filters('fluentform/dynamic_field_sources', $sources); } /** * Get filter value options based on the specified source. * * @return void Sends the options as JSON response. */ public function getFilterValueOptions() { try { Acl::verify('fluentform_forms_manager'); $source = sanitize_text_field($this->app->request->get('source')); if (Arr::exists($this->getSources(), $source)) { if (isset($this->{$source}) && $this->{$source} instanceof DynamicBase) { $options = $this->{$source}->getValueOptions(); $defaultConfig = $this->{$source}->getDefaultConfig(); } else { $options = apply_filters('fluentform/dynamic_field_filter_value_options' . $source, []); $defaultConfig = apply_filters('fluentform/dynamic_field_filter_default_config' . $source, []); } $options = apply_filters('fluentform/dynamic_field_filter_value_options', $options, $source); wp_send_json_success([ 'options' => $options, 'default_config' => $defaultConfig, ], 200); } throw new \Exception(__('Invalid Field Config', 'fluentformpro')); } catch (\Exception|\Error $e) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ], $e->getCode()); } } /** * Get form fields. * * @return void Sends the options as JSON response. */ public function getFormFields() { try { Acl::verify('fluentform_forms_manager'); $formId = intval($this->app->request->get('form_id')); wp_send_json_success([ 'options' => $this->fluentform_submission->getFormFields($formId), ], 200); } catch (\Exception|\Error $e) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ], $e->getCode()); } } /** * Get the result based on the provided configuration. * * @return void Sends the result as JSON response. */ public function getResult() { try { Acl::verify('fluentform_forms_manager'); $config = Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'config', []); $source = Arr::get($config, 'source'); if (!$config || !$source) { throw new \Exception(__('Invalid Field Config', 'fluentformpro')); } $result = $this->getFieldResult($config, $source); wp_send_json_success($result, 200); } catch (\Exception|\Error $e) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ], $e->getCode()); } } /** * Retrieve the result data for a specific source based on the provided configuration. * * @param array $config The configuration to populate. * @param string $source The source of to populate. * @return array The result data for the specified source. * @throws \Exception If the field configuration is invalid. */ private function getFieldResult($config, $source) { if (Arr::exists($this->getSources(), $source)) { if (isset($this->{$source}) && $this->{$source} instanceof DynamicBase) { $this->{$source}->setConfig($config); return $this->{$source}->getResult(); } else { return apply_filters('fluentform/dynamic_field_filter_get_result' . $source, [], $config); } } throw new \Exception(__('Invalid Field Config', 'fluentformpro')); } /** * Get the filter columns for all sources of dynamic fields. * * @return array An associative array containing filter columns for each dynamic field source. */ private function getFilterColumns() { $fields = [ 'post' => $this->post->getSupportedColumns(), 'term' => $this->term->getSupportedColumns(), 'user' => $this->user->getSupportedColumns(), 'fluentform_submission' => $this->fluentform_submission->getSupportedColumns(), ]; return apply_filters("fluentform/dynamic_field_filter_fields", $fields); } public function advancedEditorElement() { return []; } /** * Refetches the result and resolves the value for a dynamic field. * * @param array $field The field data. * @return array The modified field data. */ public function reFetchResultAndResolveValue($field) { // By default, reference to the original field data $fieldRef = &$field; // Check if settings exist directly or within 'raw' key if (!$settings = Arr::get($field, 'settings')) { if (!$settings = Arr::get($field, 'raw.settings')) { return $field; } // If 'settings' not found directly, reference to 'raw' key $fieldRef = &$field['raw']; } // Check if dynamic fetching is enabled if ('yes' == Arr::get($settings, 'dynamic_fetch')) { $config = Arr::get($settings, 'dynamic_config'); $source = Arr::get($config, 'source'); try { // Retrieve valid options based on dynamic configuration $validOptions = Arr::get($this->getFieldResult($config, $source), 'valid_options'); if (is_array($validOptions) && count($validOptions) > 0) { $fieldRef['settings']['advanced_options'] = $validOptions; if ($defaultValue = Arr::get($fieldRef, 'attributes.value')) { // Remove default value if not found in valid options $validOptionsValues = array_column($validOptions, 'value'); if (is_array($defaultValue)) { foreach ($defaultValue as $index => $value) { if (!in_array($value, $validOptionsValues)) { Arr::forget($defaultValue, $index); } } $fieldRef['attributes']['value'] = $defaultValue; } else { if (!in_array($defaultValue, $validOptionsValues)) { $fieldRef['attributes']['value'] = ''; } } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { //.. } } return $field; } public function render($data, $form) { $fieldType = Arr::get($data, 'settings.field_type', 'select'); if ('yes' == Arr::get($data, 'settings.dynamic_fetch')) { $data = $this->reFetchResultAndResolveValue($data); } if (in_array($fieldType, ['checkbox', 'radio'])) { (new Checkable)->compile($data, $form); } elseif (in_array($fieldType, ['select', 'multi_select'])) { (new Select)->compile($data, $form); } } }