authorizeCode = $authorizeCode; if($access_token && $refresh_token){ $this->accessToken = $access_token; $this->refreshToken = $refresh_token; } } // To get the authorization url for authorization code public function makeAuthorizationUrl() { $attr = [ 'response_type'=>'code', 'client_id' => $this->clientId, 'redirect_uri' => $this->$redirectUri, 'scope' => ['account.read', 'list.read', 'subscriber.read','subscriber.write', 'email.read','email.write','subscriber.read-extended'], 'state' => $this->clientSecret, // 'code_challenge'=> 'challenge', // 'code_challenge_method'=> 'S256' ]; $paramString = http_build_query($attr); return $url = $this->apiUrl . 'authorize' . '?' . $paramString; } // All request will go through this function public function getAccessToken($resource, $data = array(), $method = 'POST') { $requestApi = $this->apiUrl . $resource; $args = array( 'headers' => array( 'Accept' => 'application/json', ), 'body' => $data ); $response = wp_remote_post($requestApi, $args); /* If WP_Error, die. Otherwise, return decoded JSON. */ if (is_wp_error($response)) { return [ 'error' => 'failed', 'message' => $response->get_error_message() ]; } return json_decode($response['body'], true); } /** * Test the provided access token, refress token info. * * @access public * @return Array */ public function auth_test() { $resource = 'token'; $data = array( 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => $this->authorizeCode, "client_id" => $this->clientId, "client_secret" => $this->clientSecret ); return $this->getAccessToken($resource, $data, 'POST'); } public function make_request($path, $data=[], $method='GET' ) { $url = 'https://api.aweber.com/1.0/' . $path; $args = array( 'headers' => array( 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => 'Bearer nBR12pahFmg80vKnaPs20D9fMjLyCurO' ), 'body' => $data ); if($method == 'GET') { // $url = add_query_arg($data, $url); $response = wp_remote_get($url,$args); } else if($method == 'POST') { $response = wp_remote_post($url, [ 'body' => $data ]); } return $response; } // public function makeAuthString() // { // $userCredentials = $this->clientId . ':' . $this->clientSecret; // return $authstring = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($userCredentials); // } // private function getApiUrl($resource, $data = []) // { // if ($data) { // $paramString = http_build_query($data); // } // return $this->apiUrl . $resource['path'] . '?' . $paramString; // } public function getLists() { $lists = $this->make_request([ ], 'POST'); if(!empty($lists['error'])) { return []; } return $lists; } public function getTags() { $tags = $this->make_request([ ], 'POST'); if(!empty($tags['error'])) { return []; } return $tags; } public function getCustomFields() { $customFields = $this->make_request([ ], 'POST'); if(!empty($tags['error'])) { return []; } return $customFields; } public function addContact($contact) { $response = $this->make_request('accounts', [], $method='GET'); return new \WP_Error('error', $response['message']); } }