optionKey); $this->logo = fluentFormMix('img/integrations/aweber.png'); $this->description = 'Fluent Forms Aweber Module allows you to create Aweber list signup forms in WordPress, so you can grow your email list.'; $this->registerAdminHooks(); //add_filter('fluentform/notifying_async_aweber', '__return_false'); } public function getGlobalFields($fields) { return [ 'logo' => $this->logo, 'menu_title' => __('AWeber API Settings', 'fluentformpro'), 'menu_description' => __('AWeber is an integrated email marketing, marketing automation, and small business CRM. Save time while growing your business with sales automation. Use Fluent Forms to collect customer information and automatically add it to your Aweber list. If you don\'t have an Aweber account, you can
sign up for one here.
', 'fluentformpro'), 'valid_message' => __('Your Aweber configuration is valid', 'fluentformpro'), 'invalid_message' => __('Your Aweber configuration is invalid', 'fluentformpro'), 'save_button_text' => __('Save Settings', 'fluentformpro'), 'config_instruction' => $this->getConfigInstractions(), 'fields' => [ 'authorizeCode' => [ 'type' => 'password', 'placeholder' => __('Access token', 'fluentformpro'), 'label_tips' => __("Enter your Aweber Access token, if you do not have
Please click on the get Access token", 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Aweber Access Token', 'fluentformpro'), ] ], 'hide_on_valid' => true, 'discard_settings' => [ 'section_description' => __('Your Aweber API integration is up and running', 'fluentformpro'), 'button_text' => __('Disconnect Aweber', 'fluentformpro'), 'data' => [ 'authorizeCode' => '' ], 'show_verify' => true ] ]; } public function getGlobalSettings($settings) { $globalSettings = get_option($this->optionKey); if (!$globalSettings) { $globalSettings = []; } $defaults = [ 'authorizeCode' => '', 'access_token' => '', 'refresh_token' => '', 'status' => '', 'expires_at' => null ]; return wp_parse_args($globalSettings, $defaults); } public function saveGlobalSettings($settings) { if (!$settings['authorizeCode']) { $integrationSettings = [ 'authorizeCode' => '', 'access_token' => '', 'refresh_token' => '', 'status' => false, 'expires_at' => null ]; // Update the details with siteKey & secretKey. update_option($this->optionKey, $integrationSettings, 'no'); wp_send_json_success([ 'message' => __('Your settings has been updated and discarted', 'fluentformpro'), 'status' => false ], 200); } try { $settings['status'] = false; update_option($this->optionKey, $settings, 'no'); $api = new AweberApi($settings); $auth = $api->auth_test(); if (isset($auth['refresh_token'])) { $settings['status'] = true; $settings['access_token'] = $auth['access_token']; $settings['refresh_token'] = $auth['refresh_token']; $settings['expires_at'] = time() + intval($auth['expires_in']);; update_option($this->optionKey, $settings, 'no'); wp_send_json_success([ 'status' => true, 'message' => __('Your settings has been updated!', 'fluentformpro') ], 200); } throw new \Exception(__('Invalid Credentials', 'fluentformpro'), 400); } catch (\Exception $e) { wp_send_json_error([ 'status' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() ], $e->getCode()); } } public function pushIntegration($integrations, $formId) { $integrations[$this->integrationKey] = [ 'title' => $this->title . ' Integration', 'logo' => $this->logo, 'is_active' => $this->isConfigured(), 'configure_title' => __('Configuration required!', 'fluentformpro'), 'global_configure_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms_settings#general-aweber-settings'), 'configure_message' => __('Aweber is not configured yet! Please configure your Aweber API first', 'fluentformpro'), 'configure_button_text' => __('Set Aweber API', 'fluentformpro') ]; return $integrations; } protected function getConfigInstractions() { ob_start(); ?>
To Authenticate AWeber you need an access token.
Click here to
Get Access Token
Then login and allow with your AWeber account.
Copy your access token and paste bellow field then click Verify AWeber.
'', 'list_id' => '', 'fieldEmailAddress' => '', 'custom_field_mappings' => (object)[], 'default_fields' => (object)[], 'other_fields_mapping' => [ [ 'item_value' => '', 'label' => '' ] ], 'ip_address' => '{ip}', 'tags' => [], 'conditionals' => [ 'conditions' => [], 'status' => false, 'type' => 'all' ], 'enabled' => true ]; } public function getSettingsFields($settings, $formId) { return [ 'fields' => [ [ 'key' => 'name', 'label' => __('Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Your Feed Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'text' ], // [ // 'key' => 'list_id', // 'label' => 'Aweber Segment', // 'placeholder' => 'Select Aweber Segment', // 'tips' => 'Select the Aweber segment you would like to add your contacts to.', // 'component' => 'list_ajax_options', // 'options' => $this->getLists() // ], [ 'key' => 'custom_field_mappings', // 'require_list' => true, 'label' => __('Map Fields', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Select which Fluent Forms fields pair with their
respective Aweber fields.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'map_fields', 'field_label_remote' => __('Aweber Field', 'fluentformpro'), 'field_label_local' => __('Form Field', 'fluentformpro'), 'primary_fileds' => [ [ 'key' => 'fieldEmailAddress', 'label' => __('Email Address', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'input_options' => 'emails' ] ], 'default_fields' => [ array( 'name' => 'first_name', 'label' => esc_html__('First Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false ), array( 'name' => 'last_name', 'label' => esc_html__('Last Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false ), array( 'name' => 'phone', 'label' => esc_html__('Phone Number', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false ) ] ], [ 'key' => 'other_fields_mapping', // 'require_list' => true, 'label' => __('Other Fields', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Select which Fluent Forms fields pair with their
respective Aweber fields.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'dropdown_many_fields', 'field_label_remote' => __('Aweber Field', 'fluentformpro'), 'field_label_local' => __('Form Field', 'fluentformpro'), 'options' => [ 'company' => __('Company Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'address' => __('Address Line 1', 'fluentformpro'), 'address2' => __('Address Line 2', 'fluentformpro'), 'city' => __('City', 'fluentformpro'), 'state' => __('State', 'fluentformpro'), 'zip' => __('ZIP code', 'fluentformpro'), 'country' => __('Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'fax' => __('Fax', 'fluentformpro'), 'sms_number' => __('SMS Number', 'fluentformpro'), 'phone' => __('Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'birthday' => __('Birthday', 'fluentformpro'), 'website' => __('Website', 'fluentformpro'), ] ], [ 'key' => 'note', // 'require_list' => true, 'label' => __('Note', 'fluentformpro'), 'placeholder' => __('write a note for this contact', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('You can write a note for this contact', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_textarea' ], [ // 'require_list' => true, 'key' => 'conditionals', 'label' => __('Conditional Logics', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Allow Aweber integration conditionally based on your submission values', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'conditional_block' ], [ // 'require_list' => true, 'key' => 'enabled', 'label' => __('Status', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'checkbox-single', 'checkbox_label' => __('Enable This feed', 'fluentformpro'), ] ], // 'button_require_list' => true, 'integration_title' => $this->title ]; } protected function getLists() { // $api = $this->getApiClient(); // if (!$api) { // return []; // } // $lists = $api->getLists(); // $formattedLists = []; // foreach ($lists as $list) { // if (is_array($list)) { // $formattedLists[$list['id']] = $list['name']; // } // } return $formattedLists= ['list']; } // getting available tags public function getMergeFields($list, $listId, $formId) { $api = $this->getApiClient(); $fields = $api->getCustomFields(); $formattedFileds = []; foreach ($fields as $field) { $formattedFileds['cf_'.$field['alias'].'_'.$field['id']] = $field['name']; } return $formattedFileds; } public function getAuthenticateUri() { $api = $this->getApiClient(); return $api->makeAuthorizationUrl(); } /* * Submission Broadcast Handler */ public function notify($feed, $formData, $entry, $form) { $api = $this->getApiClient(); $response = $api->addContact($feed); // die $feedData = $feed['processedValues']; if (!is_email($feedData['fieldEmailAddress'])) { $feedData['fieldEmailAddress'] = ArrayHelper::get($formData, $feedData['fieldEmailAddress']); } if (!is_email($feedData['fieldEmailAddress'])) { return; } $addData = []; $addData = array_merge($addData, ArrayHelper::get($feedData, 'default_fields')); if(ArrayHelper::get($feedData, 'custom_field_mappings')){ $addData = array_merge($addData, ArrayHelper::get($feedData, 'custom_field_mappings')); } foreach (ArrayHelper::get($feedData, 'other_fields_mapping') as $item) { $addData[$item['label']] = $item['item_value']; } $tags = implode(",", $feedData['tags']); if ($tags) { $addData['tag'] = $tags; } $addData['segment'] = $feedData['list_id']; $addData['ip'] = $feedData['ip_address']; $addData = array_filter($addData); $addData['email'] = $feedData['fieldEmailAddress']; $addData['time'] = time(); // Now let's prepare the data and push to hubspot $api = $this->getApiClient(); $response = $api->addContact($addData); $logData = [ 'parent_source_id' => $form->id, 'source_type' => 'submission_item', 'source_id' => $entry->id, 'component' => $this->integrationKey, 'status' => 'success', 'title' => $feed['settings']['name'], 'description' => 'Aweber feed has been successfully initialed and pushed data' ]; if (!is_wp_error($response) && $response['status'] === 'success') { do_action('fluentform/log_data', $logData); } else { $logData = [ 'parent_source_id' => $form->id, 'source_type' => 'submission_item', 'source_id' => $entry->id, 'component' => $this->integrationKey, 'status' => 'failed', 'title' => $feed['settings']['name'], 'description' => is_wp_error($response) ? $response->get_error_messages() : 'API Error when submitting Data' ]; // Contact adding failed do_action('fluentform/log_data', $logData); } } protected function getApiClient() { $settings = get_option($this->optionKey); return new AweberApi( $settings ); } }