logo = fluentFormMix('img/integrations/insightly.png'); $this->description = 'With Insightly CRM, you can tailor the standard sales processes of contact, lead and opportunity management.'; $this->registerAdminHooks(); add_filter( 'fluentform/get_integration_values_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'resolveIntegrationSettings'], 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'fluentform/save_integration_value_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'validate'], 10, 3 ); } public function resolveIntegrationSettings($settings, $feed, $formId) { $serviceName = $this->app->request->get('serviceName', ''); $serviceId = $this->app->request->get('serviceId', ''); if ($serviceName) { $settings['name'] = $serviceName; } if ($serviceId) { $settings['list_id'] = $serviceId; } return $settings; } public function validate($settings, $integrationId, $formId) { $error = false; $errors = []; foreach ($this->getFields($settings['list_id']) as $field) { if ($field['required'] && empty($settings[$field['key']])) { $error = true; $errors[$field['key']] = [__($field['label'] . ' is required', 'fluentformpro')]; } } if ($error) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __('Validation Failed', 'fluentformpro'), 'errors' => $errors ], 423); } return $settings; } public function getRemoteClient() { $settings = $this->getGlobalSettings([]); return new API($settings); } public function getGlobalSettings($settings) { $globalSettings = get_option($this->optionKey); if (!$globalSettings) { $globalSettings = []; } $defaults = [ 'url' => '', 'api_key' => '', 'status' => false, ]; return wp_parse_args($globalSettings, $defaults); } public function getGlobalFields($fields) { return [ 'logo' => $this->logo, 'menu_title' => __('Insightly Settings', 'fluentformpro'), 'menu_description' => $this->description, 'valid_message' => __('Your Insightly Integration Key is valid', 'fluentformpro'), 'invalid_message' => __('Your Insightly Integration Key is not valid', 'fluentformpro'), 'save_button_text' => __('Save Settings', 'fluentformpro'), 'config_instruction' => __($this->getConfigInstructions(), 'fluentformpro'), 'fields' => [ 'url' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'placeholder' => __('Insightly API URL', 'fluentformpro'), 'label_tips' => __('Enter your Insightly API URL', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Insightly API URL', 'fluentformpro'), ], 'api_key' => [ 'type' => 'password', 'placeholder' => __('Insightly API Key', 'fluentformpro'), 'label_tips' => __('Enter your Insightly API Key', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Insightly API Key', 'fluentformpro'), ] ], 'hide_on_valid' => true, 'discard_settings' => [ 'section_description' => __('Your Insightly API integration is up and running', 'fluentformpro'), 'button_text' => __('Disconnect Insightly', 'fluentformpro'), 'data' => [ 'url' => '', 'api_key' => '' ], 'show_verify' => true ] ]; } protected function getConfigInstructions() { ob_start(); ?>
and copy your API URL with https:// and Secret Key after that Paste here.
'', 'api_key' => '', 'status' => false ]; update_option($this->optionKey, $integrationSettings, 'no'); wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __('Please provide all fields to integrate', 'fluentformpro'), 'status' => false ], 423); } try { $client = new API($settings); $result = $client->checkAuth(); if (is_wp_error($result)) { throw new \Exception($result->get_error_message(), $result->get_error_code()); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => $exception->getMessage(), 'status' => false ], $exception->getCode()); } $integrationSettings = [ 'url' => $settings['url'], 'api_key' => $settings['api_key'], 'status' => true ]; update_option($this->optionKey, $integrationSettings, 'no'); wp_send_json_success([ 'message' => __('Your Insightly API key has been verified and successfully set', 'fluentformpro'), 'status' => true ], 200); } public function pushIntegration($integrations, $formId) { $integrations[$this->integrationKey] = [ 'title' => $this->title . ' Integration', 'logo' => $this->logo, 'is_active' => $this->isConfigured(), 'configure_title' => __('Configration required!', 'fluentformpro'), 'global_configure_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms_settings#general-insightly-settings'), 'configure_message' => __('Insightly is not configured yet! Please configure your Insightly API first', 'fluentformpro'), 'configure_button_text' => __('Set Insightly API', 'fluentformpro') ]; return $integrations; } public function getIntegrationDefaults($settings, $formId) { $listId = $this->app->request->get('serviceId'); return [ 'name' => '', 'list_id' => $listId, 'fields' => [ [ 'item_value' => '', 'label' => '' ] ], 'conditionals' => [ 'conditions' => [], 'status' => false, 'type' => 'all' ], 'enabled' => true ]; } public function getSettingsFields($settings, $formId) { $fieldSettings = [ 'fields' => [ [ 'key' => 'name', 'label' => __('Feed Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Your Feed Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'text' ], [ 'key' => 'list_id', 'label' => __('Insightly Services', 'fluentformpro'), 'placeholder' => __('Select Insightly Service', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'component' => 'refresh', 'options' => $this->getLists() ], ], 'button_require_list' => false, 'integration_title' => $this->title ]; $listId = $this->app->request->get('serviceId', ArrayHelper::get($settings, 'list_id')); if ($listId) { $fields = $this->getFields($listId); if (empty($fields)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __("The selected service doesn't have any field settings.", 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $fields = array_merge($fieldSettings['fields'], $fields); $fieldSettings['fields'] = $fields; } $fieldSettings['fields'] = array_merge($fieldSettings['fields'], [ [ 'require_list' => false, 'key' => 'conditionals', 'label' => __('Conditional Logics', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Allow this integration conditionally based on your submission values', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'conditional_block' ], [ 'require_list' => false, 'key' => 'enabled', 'label' => __('Status', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'checkbox-single', 'checkbox_label' => __('Enable this feed', 'fluentformpro') ] ]); return $fieldSettings; } protected function getLists() { return [ 'contacts' => 'Contact', 'opportunities' => 'Opportunity', 'leads' => 'Lead', 'organisations' => 'Organisations', 'projects' => 'Project', 'tasks' => 'Task', ]; } public function getMergeFields($list, $listId, $formId) { return false; } public function getFields($listId) { $mergedFields = []; switch ($listId) { case 'contacts': $mergedFields = [ [ 'key' => 'EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Email', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Email', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Email is a email type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'SALUTATION', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Salutation', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Salutation', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Salutation is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'FIRST_NAME', 'placeholder' => __('Enter First Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('First Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'tips' => __('First Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'LAST_NAME', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Last Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Last Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Last Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ] ]; $organisations = $this->getOrganisations(); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $organisations); $mergedFields = array_merge($mergedFields, [ [ 'key' => 'TITLE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Organisation Title', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Organisation Title', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Organisation Title is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'SOCIAL_LINKEDIN', 'placeholder' => __('Enter LinkedIn URL', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('LinkedIn URL', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('LinkedIn URL is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'SOCIAL_TWITTER', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Twitter URL', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Twitter URL', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Twitter URL is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'date*DATE_OF_BIRTH', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Date Of Birth', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Date Of Birth', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Date Of Birth is a date type field on y-m-d.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PHONE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Phone is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PHONE_HOME', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Home Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Home Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Home Phone is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PHONE_MOBILE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Mobile Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Mobile Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Mobile Phone is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PHONE_OTHER', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Other Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Other Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Other Phone is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PHONE_FAX', 'placeholder' => __('Enter FAX Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('FAX Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('FAX Phone is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ASSISTANT_NAME', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Assistant Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Assistant Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Assistant Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PHONE_ASSISTANT', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Assistant Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Assistant Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Assistant Phone is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_MAIL_STREET', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Street Address', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Street Address', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Street Address is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_MAIL_CITY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter City', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('City', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('City is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_MAIL_STATE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter State', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('State', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('State is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_MAIL_POSTCODE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Post Code', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Post Code', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Post Code is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_MAIL_COUNTRY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Country is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_OTHER_STREET', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Other Street Address', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Other Street Address', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Other Street Address is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_OTHER_CITY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Other City', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Other City', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Other City is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_OTHER_STATE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Other State', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Other State', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Other State is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_OTHER_POSTCODE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Other Post Code', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Other Post Code', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Other Post Code is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_OTHER_COUNTRY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Other Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Other Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Other Country is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ] ]); break; case 'opportunities': $mergedFields = [ [ 'key' => 'OPPORTUNITY_NAME', 'placeholder' => __('Opportunity Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Opportunity Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'tips' => __('Opportunity Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'OPPORTUNITY_DETAILS', 'placeholder' => __('Opportunity Details', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Opportunity Details', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Opportunity Details is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ] ]; $organisations = $this->getOrganisations(); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $organisations); $categories = $this->getProjectCategories(); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $categories); $mergedFields = array_merge($mergedFields, [ [ 'key' => 'PROBABILITY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Probability Of Winning', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Probability Of Winning', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Probability Of Winning is a integer type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'date*FORECAST_CLOSE_DATE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Forecast Close Date', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Forecast Close Date', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Forecast Close Date is a date type field on y-m-d.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text', ], [ 'key' => 'date*ACTUAL_CLOSE_DATE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Actual Close Date', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Actual Close Date', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Actual Close Date is a date type field on y-m-d.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ] ]); $users = $this->getUsers('RESPONSIBLE_USER_ID'); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $users); $mergedFields = array_merge($mergedFields, [ [ 'key' => 'BID_AMOUNT', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Bid Amount', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Bid Amount', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Bid Amount is a number type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'BID_TYPE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Bid Type', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Bid Type', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Bid Amount is a number type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select', 'options' => [ 'Fixed Bid' => __('Fixed Bid', 'fluentformpro'), 'Per Hour' => __('Per Hour', 'fluentformpro'), 'Per Day' => __('Per Day', 'fluentformpro'), 'Per week' => __('Per Week', 'fluentformpro'), 'Per Month' => __('Per Month', 'fluentformpro'), 'Per Year' => __('Per Year', 'fluentformpro') ] ], ]); $pipelines = $this->getPipelines(); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $pipelines); $pipelineStages = $this->getPipelineStages(); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $pipelineStages); break; case 'leads': $mergedFields = [ [ 'key' => 'SALUTATION', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Salutation', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Salutation', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Salutation is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'FIRST_NAME', 'placeholder' => __('Enter First Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('First Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'tips' => __('First Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'LAST_NAME', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Last Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Last Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Last Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], ]; $leadStatuses = $this->getLeadStatuses(); $leadSources = $this->getLeadSources(); $users = $this->getUsers('RESPONSIBLE_USER_ID'); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $leadStatuses); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $leadSources); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $users); $mergedFields = array_merge($mergedFields, [ [ 'key' => 'TITLE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Title', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Title', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Title is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ORGANISATION_NAME', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Organisation Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Organisation Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Organisation Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'EMAIL', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Email', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Email', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Email is a email type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'FAX', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Fax', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Fax', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Fax is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'INDUSTRY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Industry', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Industry', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Industry is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'LEAD_DESCRIPTION', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Lead Description', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Lead Description', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Lead Description is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'LEAD_RATING', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Lead Rating', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Lead Rating', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Lead Rating is a number type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'MOBILE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Mobile', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Mobile', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Mobile is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PHONE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Phone is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'WEBSITE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Website', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Website', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Website is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'EMPLOYEE_COUNT', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Number Of Employees', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Number Of Employees', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Number Of Employees is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_STREET', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Street Address', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Street Address', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Street Address is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_CITY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter City', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('City', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('City is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_STATE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter State', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('State', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('State is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_POSTCODE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Post Code', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Post Code', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Post Code is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_COUNTRY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Country is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ] ]); break; case 'organisations': $mergedFields = [ [ 'key' => 'ORGANISATION_NAME', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Organisation Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Organisation Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'tips' => __('Organisation Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'BACKGROUND', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Background', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Background', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Background is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PHONE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Phone', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Phone is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PHONE_FAX', 'placeholder' => __('Enter FAX', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('FAX', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('FAX is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'WEBSITE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Website', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Website', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Website is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_BILLING_STREET', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Billing Address Street', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Billing Address Street', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Billing Address Street is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_BILLING_CITY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Billing Address City', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Billing Address City', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Billing Address City is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_BILLING_STATE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Billing Address State', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Billing Address State', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Billing Address State is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_BILLING_COUNTRY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Billing Address Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Billing Address Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Billing Address Country is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_BILLING_POSTCODE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Billing Address Postcode', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Billing Address Postcode', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Billing Address Postcode is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_SHIP_STREET', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Shipping Address Street', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Shipping Address Street', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Shipping Address Street is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_SHIP_CITY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Shipping Address City', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Shipping Address City', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Shipping Address City is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_SHIP_STATE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Shipping Address State', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Shipping Address State', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Shipping Address State is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_SHIP_POSTCODE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Shipping Address Postcode', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Shipping Address Postcode', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Shipping Address Postcode is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'ADDRESS_SHIP_COUNTRY', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Shipping Address Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Shipping Address Country', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Shipping Address Country is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'SOCIAL_LINKEDIN', 'placeholder' => __('Enter LinkedIn', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('LinkedIn', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('LinkedIn is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'SOCIAL_FACEBOOK', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Facebook', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Facebook', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Facebook is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'SOCIAL_TWITTER', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Twitter', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Twitter', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Twitter is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], ]; break; case 'projects': $mergedFields = [ [ 'key' => 'PROJECT_NAME', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Project Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Project Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'tips' => __('Project Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PROJECT_DETAILS', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Project Details', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Project Details', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Project Details is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'STATUS', 'placeholder' => __('Select Project Status', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Project Status', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'tips' => __('Project Status is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select', 'options' => [ 'IN PROGRESS' => 'In Progress', 'DEFERRED' => 'Deferred', 'CANCELLED' => 'Cancelled', 'ABANDONED' => 'Abandoned', 'COMPLETED' => 'Completed' ] ] ]; $opportunities = $this->getOpportunities(); $projectCategories = $this->getProjectCategories(); $pipelines = $this->getPipelines(); $pipelineStages = $this->getPipelineStages(); $users = $this->getUsers('RESPONSIBLE_USER_ID'); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $opportunities); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $projectCategories); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $pipelines); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $pipelineStages); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $users); break; case 'tasks': $mergedFields = [ [ 'key' => 'TITLE', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Task Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Task Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'tips' => __('Task Name is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], ]; $taskCategories = $this->getTaskCategories(); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $taskCategories); $responsibleUser = $this->getUsers('RESPONSIBLE_USER_ID'); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $responsibleUser); $mergedFields = array_merge($mergedFields, [ [ 'key' => 'date*DUE_DATE', 'placeholder' => __('Due Date', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Due date', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Due date is a date type field on y-m-d.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text', ], [ 'key' => 'date*START_DATE', 'placeholder' => __('Start Date', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Start date', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Start date is a date type field on y-m-d.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text', ], [ 'key' => 'date*REMINDER_DATE_UTC', 'placeholder' => __('Remainder Due Date', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Remainder Due date', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Remainder Due date is a date type field on y-m-d.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PERCENT_COMPLETE', 'placeholder' => __('Progress in Percentage', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Progress', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Progress is a number type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], [ 'key' => 'PRIORITY', 'placeholder' => __('Priority', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Priority', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Priority is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select', 'options' => [ '0' => __('Low', 'fluentformpro'), '1' => __('Medium', 'fluentformpro'), '2' => __('High', 'fluentformpro') ] ], [ 'key' => 'STATUS', 'placeholder' => __('Status', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Status', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Status is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select', 'options' => [ 'IN PROGRESS' => __('In Progress', 'fluentformpro'), 'COMPLETED' => __('Completed', 'fluentformpro'), 'DEFERRED' => __('Deferred', 'fluentformpro'), 'WAITING' => __('Waiting', 'fluentformpro') ] ], [ 'key' => 'DETAILS', 'placeholder' => __('Description', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Description', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Description is a string type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ], ]); $opportunities = $this->getOpportunities(); $projects = $this->getProjects(); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $opportunities); $mergedFields[] = array_merge($mergedFields, $projects); $mergedFields = array_merge($mergedFields, [ ]); break; default: $mergedFields = []; } $customFields = $this->getCustomFields($listId); return array_merge($mergedFields, $customFields); } protected function getCustomFields($listId) { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $customFields = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/customfields/' . $listId, null); if (is_wp_error($customFields)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($customFields->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $customFormattedFields = []; foreach ($customFields as $fieldValue) { $customFormattedFields[] = [ 'key' => 'custom*' . $fieldValue['FIELD_NAME'], 'placeholder' => __('Enter ' . $fieldValue['FIELD_LABEL'], 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __($fieldValue['FIELD_LABEL'], 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __($fieldValue['FIELD_LABEL'] . ' is a ' . $fieldValue['FIELD_TYPE'] . ' type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'value_text' ]; } return $customFormattedFields; } protected function getLeadStatuses() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $leadStatuses = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/leadstatuses', null); if (is_wp_error($leadStatuses)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($leadStatuses->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'LEAD_STATUS_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Lead Status', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Lead Status', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'tips' => __('Lead Status is a required select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($leadStatuses as $option) { $options[$option['LEAD_STATUS_ID']] = $option['LEAD_STATUS']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getLeadSources() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $leadSources = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/leadsources', null); if (is_wp_error($leadSources)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($leadSources->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'LEAD_SOURCE_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Lead Source', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Lead Source', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'tips' => __('Lead Source is a required select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($leadSources as $option) { $options[$option['LEAD_SOURCE_ID']] = $option['LEAD_SOURCE']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getOpportunities() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $opportunities = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/opportunities', null); if (is_wp_error($opportunities)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($opportunities->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'OPPORTUNITY_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Opportunity Category', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Opportunity Category', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Opportunity Category is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($opportunities as $option) { $options[$option['OPPORTUNITY_ID']] = $option['OPPORTUNITY_NAME']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getProjects() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $projects = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/projects', null); if (is_wp_error($projects)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($projects->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'PROJECT_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Project', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Project', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Project is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($projects as $option) { $options[$option['PROJECT_ID']] = $option['PROJECT_NAME']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getOpportunityCategories() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $opportunityCategories = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/opportunitycategories', null); if (is_wp_error($opportunityCategories)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($opportunityCategories->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'CATEGORY_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Category', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Category', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Category is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($opportunityCategories as $option) { $options[$option['CATEGORY_ID']] = $option['CATEGORY_NAME']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getUsers($key) { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $users = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/users', null); if (is_wp_error($users)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($users->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } if ($key == 'RESPONSIBLE_USER_ID') { $data = [ 'key' => $key, 'placeholder' => __('Select Responsible User', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Responsible User', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Responsible User is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; } else { $data = [ 'key' => $key, 'placeholder' => __('Select Owner User', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Owner User', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Owner User is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; } $options = []; foreach ($users as $option) { $options[$option['USER_ID']] = $option['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $option['LAST_NAME']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getPipelines() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $pipelines = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/pipelines', null); if (is_wp_error($pipelines)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($pipelines->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'PIPELINE_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Pipeline', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Pipeline', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Pipeline is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($pipelines as $option) { $options[$option['PIPELINE_ID']] = $option['PIPELINE_NAME']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getPipelineStages() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $pipelineStages = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/pipelinestages', null); if (is_wp_error($pipelineStages)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($pipelineStages->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'STAGE_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Pipeline Stage', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Pipeline Stage', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Pipeline Stage is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($pipelineStages as $option) { $options[$option['STAGE_ID']] = $option['STAGE_NAME']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getProjectCategories() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $projectCategories = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/projectcategories', null); if (is_wp_error($projectCategories)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($projectCategories->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'CATEGORY_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Project Category', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Project Category', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Project Category is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($projectCategories as $option) { $options[$option['CATEGORY_ID']] = $option['CATEGORY_NAME']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getOrganisations() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $organisations = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/organisations', null); if (is_wp_error($organisations)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($organisations->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'ORGANISATION_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Organisation', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Organisation', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Organisation is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($organisations as $option) { $options[$option['ORGANISATION_ID']] = $option['ORGANISATION_NAME']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getTaskCategories() { $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $taskCategories = $client->makeRequest($client->url . '/v3.1/taskcategories', null); if (is_wp_error($taskCategories)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __($taskCategories->get_error_message(), 'fluentformpro'), ], 423); } $data = [ 'key' => 'CATEGORY_ID', 'placeholder' => __('Select Task Category', 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Task Category', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => false, 'tips' => __('Task Category is a select type field.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'select' ]; $options = []; foreach ($taskCategories as $option) { $options[$option['CATEGORY_ID']] = $option['CATEGORY_NAME']; } $data['options'] = $options; return $data; } protected function getAllFields($listId) { $fields = $this->getFields($listId); $allFields = []; foreach ($fields as $field) { $keyData = []; $keyData['key'] = $field['key']; if ($field['required']) { $keyData['required'] = $field['required']; $allFields[] = $keyData; } else { $keyData['required'] = 0; $allFields[] = $keyData; } } return $allFields; } public function notify($feed, $formData, $entry, $form) { $feedData = $feed['processedValues']; $subscriber['attributes'] = []; $subscriber['list_id'] = $feedData['list_id']; $allFields = $this->getAllFields($feedData['list_id']); foreach ($allFields as $field) { $key = $field['key']; if (!empty($feedData[$key])) { if(strpos($key, '*') != false) { $fieldArray = explode('*', $key, 2); $fieldType = $fieldArray[0]; $fieldName = $fieldArray[1]; if($fieldType == 'date') { $timeStamp = strtotime($feedData[$key]); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timeStamp); $subscriber['attributes'][$fieldName] = $date; } if($fieldType == 'custom') { $subscriber['attributes']['CUSTOMFIELDS'][] = [ 'FIELD_NAME' => $fieldName, 'FIELD_VALUE' => $feedData[$key] ]; } } else { $subscriber['attributes'][$key] = ArrayHelper::get($feedData, $key); } } } $client = $this->getRemoteClient(); $response = $client->subscribe($subscriber); if (!is_wp_error($response)) { do_action('fluentform/integration_action_result', $feed, 'success', __('Insightly feed has been successfully initiated and pushed', 'fluentformpro') . $feedData['list_id'] . ' data'); } else { $message = $response->get_error_message(); if (!$message) { $errorCode = $response->get_error_code(); if ($errorCode == 400) { $message = __("Data validation failed", 'fluentformpro'); } elseif ($errorCode == 401) { $message = __("Authentication failed", 'fluentformpro'); } elseif ($errorCode == 402) { $message = __("Record limit reached", 'fluentformpro'); } } do_action('fluentform/integration_action_result', $feed, 'failed', $message); } } }