clientId = FF_NOTION_CLIENT_ID; } if (defined('FF_NOTION_CLIENT_SECRET')) { $this->clientSecret = FF_NOTION_CLIENT_SECRET; } } public function makeRequest($url, $bodyArgs = null, $type = 'GET', $headers = []) { $request = []; if (empty($headers)) { $settings = get_option($this->optionKey); $accessToken = $settings['access_token']; $headers = [ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $accessToken, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Notion-Version' => '2022-06-28' ]; } if ($type == 'GET') { $request = wp_remote_get($url, [ 'headers' => $headers ]); } $bodyArgs = json_encode($bodyArgs, true); if ($type == 'POST') { $request = wp_remote_post($url, [ 'headers' => $headers, 'body' => $bodyArgs ]); } if (is_wp_error($request)) { $message = $request->get_error_message(); return new \WP_Error(423, $message); } $body = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($request), true); $code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($request); if ($code >= 400 && $code <= 504) { $error = 'Something went wrong'; if (isset($body['message'])) { $error = $body['message']; } return new \WP_Error(423, $error); } return $body; } public function generateAccessToken($token) { $headers = [ 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->clientId . ':' . $this->clientSecret), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Notion-Version' => '2022-06-28' ]; $body = [ 'code' => $token, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirect ]; $request = $this->makeRequest('https://api.notion.com/v1/oauth/token', $body, 'POST', $headers); $token = $request['access_token']; $this->authCode = $token; return $token; } public function getAccessToken() { $tokens = get_option($this->optionKey); if (!$tokens) { return false; } if (($tokens['created_at'] + $tokens['expires_in'] - 30) < time()) { // It's expired so we have to re-issue again $refreshTokens = $this->refreshToken($tokens); if (!is_wp_error($refreshTokens)) { $tokens['access_token'] = $refreshTokens['access_token']; $tokens['expires_in'] = $refreshTokens['expires_in']; $tokens['created_at'] = time(); update_option($this->optionKey, $tokens, 'no'); } else { return false; } } return $tokens['access_token']; } public function getAuthUrl() { return 'https://api.notion.com/v1/oauth/authorize?client_id=' . $this->clientId . '&response_type=code&owner=user&redirect_uri=' . $this->redirect; } public function subscribe($subscriber) { $url = 'https://api.notion.com/v1/pages/'; $response = $this->makeRequest($url, $subscriber, 'POST'); return $response; } }