logo = fluentFormMix('img/integrations/sendfox.png'); $this->description = 'Connect SendFox with Fluent Forms and subscribe a contact when a form is submitted.'; $this->registerAdminHooks(); // add_filter('fluentform/notifying_async_sendfox', '__return_false'); } public function getGlobalFields($fields) { return [ 'logo' => $this->logo, 'menu_title' => __('SendFox API Settings', 'fluentformpro'), 'menu_description' => __('SendFox is email marketing software. Use Fluent Forms to collect customer information and automatically add it as SendFox subscriber list.', 'fluentformpro'), 'valid_message' => __('Your SendFox API Key is valid', 'fluentformpro'), 'invalid_message' => __('Your SendFox API Key is not valid', 'fluentformpro'), 'save_button_text' => __('Save Settings', 'fluentformpro'), 'fields' => [ 'apiKey' => [ 'type' => 'textarea', 'placeholder' => 'API Key', 'label_tips' => __("Enter your SendFox API Key, if you do not have
Please log in to your Sendfox account and go to
Account -> API Key", 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('SendFox API Key', 'fluentformpro'), ] ], 'hide_on_valid' => true, 'discard_settings' => [ 'section_description' => __('Your SendFox API integration is up and running', 'fluentformpro'), 'button_text' => __('Disconnect SendFox', 'fluentformpro'), 'data' => [ 'apiKey' => '' ], 'show_verify' => true ] ]; } public function getGlobalSettings($settings) { $globalSettings = get_option($this->optionKey); if (!$globalSettings) { $globalSettings = []; } $defaults = [ 'apiKey' => '', 'status' => '' ]; return wp_parse_args($globalSettings, $defaults); } public function saveGlobalSettings($settings) { if (!$settings['apiKey']) { $integrationSettings = [ 'apiKey' => '', 'status' => false ]; // Update the reCaptcha details with siteKey & secretKey. update_option($this->optionKey, $integrationSettings, 'no'); wp_send_json_success([ 'message' => __('Your settings has been updated', 'fluentformpro'), 'status' => false ], 200); } // Verify API key now try { $api = new API($settings['apiKey']); $result = $api->auth_test(); if (!empty($result['error'])) { throw new \Exception($result['message']); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => $exception->getMessage(), 'status' => false ], 400); } // Integration key is verified now, Proceed now $integrationSettings = [ 'apiKey' => sanitize_text_field($settings['apiKey']), 'status' => true ]; // Update the reCaptcha details with siteKey & secretKey. update_option($this->optionKey, $integrationSettings, 'no'); wp_send_json_success([ 'message' => __('Your SendFox API key has been verified and successfully set', 'fluentformpro'), 'status' => true ], 200); } public function pushIntegration($integrations, $formId) { $integrations[$this->integrationKey] = [ 'title' => $this->title . ' Integration', 'logo' => $this->logo, 'is_active' => $this->isConfigured(), 'configure_title' => __('Configuration required!', 'fluentformpro'), 'global_configure_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms_settings#general-sendfox-settings'), 'configure_message' => __('SendFox is not configured yet! Please configure your SendFox api first', 'fluentformpro'), 'configure_button_text' => __('Set SendFox API', 'fluentformpro') ]; return $integrations; } public function getIntegrationDefaults($settings, $formId) { return [ 'name' => '', 'SubscriberFirstName' => '', // Name in SendFox 'SubscriberLastName' => '', // Name in SendFox 'Email' => '', 'CustomFields' => (object)[], 'list_id' => '', // SendFox 'conditionals' => [ 'conditions' => [], 'status' => false, 'type' => 'all' ], 'enabled' => true ]; } public function getSettingsFields($settings, $formId) { return [ 'fields' => [ [ 'key' => 'name', 'label' => __('Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Your Feed Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'text' ], [ 'key' => 'list_id', 'label' => __('SendFox Mailing Lists', 'fluentformpro'), 'placeholder' => __('Select SendFox Mailing List', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Select the SendFox Mailing List you would like to add your contacts to.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'list_ajax_options', 'options' => $this->getLists(), ], [ 'key' => 'CustomFields', 'require_list' => true, 'label' => __('Map Fields', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Associate your SendFox merge tags to the appropriate Fluent Forms fields by selecting the appropriate form field from the list.', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'map_fields', 'field_label_remote' => __('SendFox Field', 'fluentformpro'), 'field_label_local' => 'Form Field', 'primary_fileds' => [ [ 'key' => 'Email', 'label' => __('Email Address', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'input_options' => 'emails' ], [ 'key' => 'SubscriberFirstName', 'label' => __('First Name', 'fluentformpro') ], [ 'key' => 'SubscriberLastName', 'label' => __('Last Name', 'fluentformpro') ] ] ], [ 'require_list' => true, 'key' => 'conditionals', 'label' => __('Conditional Logic', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Allow SendFox integration conditionally based on your submission values', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'conditional_block' ], [ 'require_list' => true, 'key' => 'enabled', 'label' => __('Status','fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'checkbox-single', 'checkbox_label' => __('Enable This feed', 'fluentformpro') ] ], 'button_require_list' => true, 'integration_title' => $this->title ]; } public function getMergeFields($list, $listId, $formId) { return []; } protected function getLists() { $api = $this->getApiInstance(); $lists = $api->getLists(); $formattedLists = []; foreach ($lists as $list) { $formattedLists[$list['id']] = $list['name']; } return $formattedLists; } /* * Form Submission Hooks Here */ public function notify($feed, $formData, $entry, $form) { $feedData = $feed['processedValues']; if (!is_email($feedData['Email'])) { $feedData['Email'] = ArrayHelper::get($formData, $feedData['Email']); } if (!is_email($feedData['Email'])) { do_action('fluentform/integration_action_result', $feed, 'failed', __('SendFox API call has been skipped because no valid email available', 'fluentformpro')); return; } $subscriber = [ 'first_name' => $feedData['SubscriberFirstName'], 'last_name' => $feedData['SubscriberLastName'], 'email' => $feedData['Email'], 'tags' => [ $feedData['list_id'] ] ]; $subscriber = array_filter($subscriber); $subscriber = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_integration_data_' . $this->integrationKey, [ $subscriber, $feed, $entry ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/integration_data_' . $this->integrationKey, 'Use fluentform/integration_data_' . $this->integrationKey . ' instead of fluentform_integration_data_' . $this->integrationKey ); $subscriber = apply_filters('fluentform/integration_data_' . $this->integrationKey, $subscriber, $feed, $entry); $api = $this->getApiInstance(); $result = $api->subscribe($subscriber); if (!$result) { do_action('fluentform/integration_action_result', $feed, 'failed', __('SendFox API call has been failed', 'fluentformpro')); } else { do_action('fluentform/integration_action_result', $feed, 'success', __('SendFox feed has been successfully initialed and pushed data', 'fluentformpro')); } } protected function getApiInstance() { $settings = $this->getApiSettings(); return new API($settings['apiKey']); } }