apiKey = $apiKey; } public function make_request($path, $data = array(), $method = 'POST') { $args = array( 'method' => $method, 'headers' => array( 'accept'=> 'application/json', 'content-type' => 'application/json', 'api-key'=> $this->apiKey ) ); if(!empty($data)){ $data["updateEnabled"] = false; $args['body'] = json_encode($data); } $apiUrl = $this->apiUrl . $path; if($method == 'POST') { $response = wp_remote_post($apiUrl, $args); } else if($method == 'GET') { $response = wp_remote_get($apiUrl, $args); } else if($method == 'PUT') { $response = wp_remote_request($apiUrl, $args); } else { return (new \WP_Error(423, 'Request method could not be found')); } /* If WP_Error, die. Otherwise, return decoded JSON. */ if (is_wp_error($response)) { return (new \WP_Error(423, $response->get_error_message())); } return json_decode($response['body'], true); } /** * Test the provided API credentials. * * @access public * @return Array */ public function auth_test() { return $auth = $this->make_request('account/', [], 'GET'); } public function getLists($page = 1) { $limit = 50; $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; $lists = $this->make_request('contacts/lists?limit='.$limit.'&offset='.$offset.'&sort=desc', [], 'GET'); if(is_wp_error($lists) || empty($lists['lists'])) { return []; } if($page == 1 && $lists['count'] > $limit) { $nextLists = $this->getLists(2); return array_merge($nextLists, $lists['lists']); } return $lists['lists']; } public function attributes() { $attributes = $this->make_request('contacts/attributes', [], 'GET'); if(!empty($lists['error'])) { return []; } return $attributes; } public function addContact($data) { $response = $this->make_request('contacts/', $data, 'POST'); if(!empty($response['id'])) { return $response; } else { // TODO: Check if error is "contact already exists" // Add contact to the lists //return $this->addContactToList($data); return $this->updateContact($data); } return new \WP_Error('error', $response['message']); } public function addContactToList($data) { // Create new data object $add_contact_to_list = []; $add_contact_to_list['emails'] = [$data['email']]; $response = $this->make_request('contacts/lists/' . $data['listIds'][0] . '/contacts/add', $add_contact_to_list, 'POST'); if (!empty($response['contacts']['success'])) { $response_success = []; $response_success['id'] = 1; return $response_success; } return new \WP_Error('error', $response['message']); } public function updateContact($data) { $response = $this->make_request('contacts/' . urlencode($data['email']), $data, 'PUT'); if (empty($response)) { $response_success = []; $response_success['id'] = 1; return $response_success; } return new \WP_Error('error', $response['message']); } }