appKey = FF_TRELLO_APP_KEY; } $this->accessToken = $accessToken; } private function getApiUrl($resource, $data = []) { $parameters = [ 'key' => $this->appKey, 'token' => $this->accessToken ]; if ($data) { $parameters = wp_parse_args($parameters, $data); } $paramString = http_build_query($parameters); return $this->apiUrl . $resource . '?' . $paramString; } public function make_request($resource, $data, $method = 'GET') { $requestApi = $this->getApiUrl($resource, $data); if ($method == 'GET') { $response = wp_remote_get($requestApi); } else if ($method == 'POST') { $response = wp_remote_post($requestApi); } else { return (new \WP_Error(423, 'Request method could not be found')); } /* If WP_Error, die. Otherwise, return decoded JSON. */ if (is_wp_error($response)) { return (new \WP_Error(423, $response->get_error_message())); } return json_decode($response['body'], true); } /** * Test the provided API credentials. * * @access public * @return Array */ public function auth_test() { return $this->make_request('members/me', [], 'GET'); } public function getBoards() { return $this->make_request('members/my/boards', [], 'GET'); } public function getLists($boardId) { return $this->make_request('boards/' . $boardId . '/lists', [], 'GET'); } public function getLabels($boardId) { return $this->make_request('boards/' . $boardId . '/labels', [], 'GET'); } public function getMembers($boardId) { return $this->make_request('boards/' . $boardId . '/members', 'GET'); } public function addCard($card) { return $this->make_request('cards', $card, 'POST'); } }