key, function ($response, $field, $form_id, $isHtml = false) { if (!$isHtml) { return $response; } return ArrayHelper::get($field, 'raw.settings.subscription_options.' . $response . '.name', $response); }, 10, 4); add_filter('fluentform/white_listed_fields', [$this, 'addWhiteListedFields'], 10, 2); } function getComponent() { return array( 'index' => 8, 'element' => $this->key, 'attributes' => array( 'type' => 'single', // single|multiple 'name' => 'payment_input', 'value' => '10' ), 'settings' => array( 'container_class' => '', 'label' => __('Subscription Item', 'fluentformpro'), 'admin_field_label' => '', 'label_placement' => '', 'display_type' => '', 'help_message' => '', 'is_payment_field' => 'yes', 'selection_type' => 'radio', 'subscription_options' => [ [ "bill_times" => 0, "billing_interval" => "month", "has_signup_fee" => "no", "has_trial_days" => "no", "is_default" => "yes", "name" => __("Monthly Plan", 'fluentformpro'), "plan_features" => [], "signup_fee" => 0, "subscription_amount" => 9.99, "trial_days" => 0, ] ], 'price_label' => __('Price:', 'fluentformpro'), 'enable_quantity' => false, 'enable_image_input' => false, 'is_element_lock' => false, 'layout_class' => 'ff_list_buttons', 'validation_rules' => array( 'required' => array( 'value' => false, 'global' => true, 'message' => Helper::getGlobalDefaultMessage('required'), 'global_message' => Helper::getGlobalDefaultMessage('required'), ), ), 'conditional_logics' => array(), ), 'editor_options' => array( 'title' => __('Subscription', 'fluentformpro'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-shopping-cart', 'element' => 'input-radio', 'template' => 'inputSubscriptionPayment' ) ); } public function getGeneralEditorElements() { return [ 'label', 'label_placement', 'admin_field_label', 'placeholder', 'subscription_options', 'validation_rules', ]; } public function getAdvancedEditorElements() { return [ 'container_class', 'help_message', 'name', 'layout_class', 'conditional_logics' ]; } function render($data, $form) { $type = ArrayHelper::get($data, 'attributes.type'); if ($type == 'single') { $this->renderSingleItem($data, $form); return ''; } $this->renderMultiProduct($data, $form); } public function renderSingleItem($data, $form) { $elementName = $data['element']; $data = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_rendering_field_data_' . $elementName, [ $data, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/rendering_field_data_' . $elementName, 'Use fluentform/rendering_field_data_' . $elementName . ' instead of fluentform_rendering_field_data_' . $elementName ); $data = apply_filters('fluentform/rendering_field_data_' . $elementName, $data, $form); $plan = ArrayHelper::get($data, 'settings.subscription_options.0', []); $plan['index'] = 0; $isCustomAmount = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input') === 'yes'; if ($isCustomAmount) { $plan['subscription_amount'] = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input_default_value'); } $inputAttributes = [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $data['attributes']['name'], 'value' => '0', 'class' => 'ff_payment_item ff_subscription_item', ]; $inputAttributes['id'] = $this->makeElementId($data, $form); $currency = PaymentHelper::getFormCurrency($form->id); $billingAttributes = $this->getPlanInputAttributes($plan); $itemInputAttributes = wp_parse_args($billingAttributes, $inputAttributes); $elMarkup = "
buildAttributes($itemInputAttributes, $form) . ">"; if ($isCustomAmount) { $plan['user_input_label'] = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input_label'); $plan['user_input_label'] = $plan['user_input_label'] ?: ArrayHelper::get($data, 'settings.label'); $elMarkup = $this->makeCustomInputHtml($data, $plan, 'hidden', $elMarkup); $data['settings']['label'] = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input_label', $data['settings']['label']); $data['attributes']['id'] = ArrayHelper::get($data, 'attributes.name') . '_custom_' . $plan['index']; } $paymentSummary = $this->getPaymentSummaryText($plan, $form, $currency); $elMarkup .= $paymentSummary; $html = $this->buildElementMarkup($elMarkup, $data, $form); $html = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_rendering_field_html_' . $elementName, [ $html, $data, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/rendering_field_html_' . $elementName, 'Use fluentform/rendering_field_html_' . $elementName . ' instead of fluentform_rendering_field_html_' . $elementName ); echo apply_filters('fluentform/rendering_field_html_' . $elementName, $html, $data, $form); } public function renderMultiProduct($data, $form) { $elementName = $data['element']; $data = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_rendering_field_data_' . $elementName, [ $data, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/rendering_field_data_' . $elementName, 'Use fluentform/rendering_field_data_' . $elementName . ' instead of fluentform_rendering_field_data_' . $elementName ); $data = apply_filters('fluentform/rendering_field_data_' . $elementName, $data, $form); $currency = PaymentHelper::getFormCurrency($form->id); $type = ArrayHelper::get($data, 'settings.selection_type', 'radio'); $data['attributes']['type'] = $type; $data['settings']['container_class'] .= ' ff_subs_selections'; $isSmartUi = false; if ($type == 'radio') { $layoutClass = ArrayHelper::get($data, 'settings.layout_class'); if ($layoutClass == 'ff_list_buttons') { $isSmartUi = true; } if ($layoutClass) { $data['settings']['container_class'] .= ' ff_sub_smart_ui ' . $layoutClass; } } $data['attributes']['class'] = trim( 'ff-el-form-check-input ' . 'ff-el-form-check-' . $data['attributes']['type'] . ' ' . ArrayHelper::get($data, 'attributes.class') ); $elMarkup = ''; $customAmountMarkup = ''; $firstTabIndex = \FluentForm\App\Helpers\Helper::getNextTabIndex(); if ($type === 'select') { $selectAtts = [ 'name' => $data['attributes']['name'], 'class' => 'ff-el-form-control ff_subscription_item ff_payment_item', 'data-subscription_item' => 'yes', 'data-name' => $data['attributes']['name'], 'id' => $this->getUniqueid(str_replace(['[', ']'], ['', ''], $data['attributes']['name'])), 'data-parent_input_name' => $data['attributes']['name'], 'data-parent_input_type' => $type, ]; if ($firstTabIndex) { $selectAtts['tabindex'] = $firstTabIndex; } $elMarkup .= '
buildAttributes($selectAtts, $form) . '>'; $placeholder = ArrayHelper::get($data, 'settings.placeholder', __('--Select Plan--', 'fluentformpro')); $elMarkup .= '
' . $placeholder . '
'; } $groupId = $this->makeElementId($data, $form); $pricingPlans = ArrayHelper::get($data, 'settings.subscription_options', []); foreach ($pricingPlans as $index => $pricingPlan) { $pricingPlan['index'] = $index; $isDefaultPlan = ArrayHelper::get($pricingPlan, 'is_default') === 'yes'; $isCustomAmount = ArrayHelper::get($pricingPlan, 'user_input') === 'yes'; if ($isCustomAmount) { $pricingPlan['subscription_amount'] = ArrayHelper::get($pricingPlan, 'user_input_default_value'); } $billingAttributes = $this->getPlanInputAttributes($pricingPlan); if ($type === 'select') { $optionAtts = array_merge($billingAttributes, [ 'value' => $index, 'selected' => $isDefaultPlan ]); $optionAtts = $this->buildAttributes($optionAtts, $form); $elMarkup .= '
' . $pricingPlan['name'] . '
'; } else { $displayType = isset($data['settings']['display_type']) ? ' ff-el-form-check-' . $data['settings']['display_type'] : ''; $parentClass = "ff-el-form-check{$displayType}"; $atts = $data['attributes']; $atts['checked'] = $isDefaultPlan; if ($isDefaultPlan) { $parentClass .= ' ff_item_selected'; } if ($firstTabIndex) { $atts['tabindex'] = $firstTabIndex; $firstTabIndex = '-1'; } $atts['class'] .= ' ff_subscription_item ff_payment_item'; $atts['value'] = $index; $atts['data-group_id'] = $groupId; $id = $this->getUniqueid(str_replace(['[', ']'], ['', ''], $atts['name'])); $atts = $this->buildAttributes(array_merge($billingAttributes, $atts), $form); $labelHtml = "
"; if ($isSmartUi) { $paymentSummary = $this->getPaymentSummaryText($pricingPlan, $form->id, $currency); $summaryHtml = '
' . $paymentSummary . '
'; $labelHtml = "
" . $summaryHtml . "
"; } $elMarkup .= "
"; $elMarkup .= "
" . $labelHtml . "
"; $elMarkup .= "
"; } if ($isCustomAmount) { $customAmountMarkup = $this->makeCustomInputHtml($data, $pricingPlan, $type, $customAmountMarkup); } if (!$isSmartUi) { $paymentSummary = $this->getPaymentSummaryText($pricingPlan, $form, $currency); $customAmountMarkup .= $paymentSummary; } } if ($type === 'select') { $elMarkup .= '
'; } if ($customAmountMarkup) { $elMarkup .= $customAmountMarkup; } $html = $this->buildElementMarkup($elMarkup, $data, $form); $html = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_rendering_field_html_' . $elementName, [ $html, $data, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/rendering_field_html_' . $elementName, 'Use fluentform/rendering_field_html_' . $elementName . ' instead of fluentform_rendering_field_html_' . $elementName ); echo apply_filters('fluentform/rendering_field_html_' . $elementName, $html, $data, $form); } private function getPaymentSummaryText($plan, $formId, $currency) { return PaymentHelper::getPaymentSummaryText($plan, $formId, $currency, true); } private function getPlanInputAttributes($plan) { $subscriptionAmount = $plan['subscription_amount']; $currentBillableAmount = $subscriptionAmount; $initialAmount = 0; $signupFee = 0; if ($this->hasSignupFee($plan)) { $signupFee = $plan['signup_fee']; } $trialDays = false; if ($this->hasTrial($plan)) { $currentBillableAmount = 0; $trialDays = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'trial_days'); } return [ 'data-subscription_amount' => $subscriptionAmount ?: 0, 'data-billing_interval' => $plan['billing_interval'], 'data-price' => $currentBillableAmount ?: 0, 'data-payment_value' => $currentBillableAmount ?: 0, 'data-initial_amount' => $initialAmount ?: 0, 'data-signup_fee' => $signupFee, 'data-trial_days' => $trialDays, 'data-plan_name' => esc_attr($plan['name']) ]; } private function hasTrial($plan) { $hasTrial = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'has_trial_days') == 'yes'; $trialDays = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'trial_days'); return $hasTrial && $trialDays; } private function hasSignupFee($plan) { $hasSignup = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'has_signup_fee') == 'yes'; $signUpFee = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'signup_fee'); return $hasSignup && $signUpFee; } private function makeCustomInputHtml($field, $plan, $parentInputType, $markup) { $htmlID = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'attributes.name') . '_custom_' . $plan['index']; $isDefault = ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'is_default') === 'yes'; $customAmountInputAttributes = $this->buildAttributes([ 'name' => $htmlID, 'type' => 'number', 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input_default_value'), 'min' => $isDefault ? ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input_min_value', 0) : '0', 'data-min' => ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input_min_value', 0), 'step' => 'any', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input_label'), 'class' => 'ff-el-form-control ff-custom-user-input ' . ($isDefault ? 'is-default' : ''), 'id' => $htmlID, 'data-parent_input_name' => $field['attributes']['name'], 'data-parent_input_type' => $parentInputType, 'data-plan_index' => $plan['index'], 'data-plan_trial_days' => ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'trial_days', 0) ]); $class = $isDefault ? '' : 'hidden_field'; $style = $parentInputType === 'hidden' ? '' : "style='margin-top: 5px'"; $markup .= "
"; if ($parentInputType !== 'hidden') { $markup .= "
" . ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input_label') . '
'; } $markup .= "
"; $markup .= '
'; return $markup; } public function addWhiteListedFields($whiteListedFields, $formId) { $form = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms')->find($formId); if (!$form->has_payment) { return $whiteListedFields; } $inputs = FormFieldsParser::getInputsByElementTypes($form, ['subscription_payment_component'], ['settings', 'attributes']); $customInputNames = []; foreach ($inputs as $subscriptionInput) { $index = 0; $subscriptionOptions = ArrayHelper::get($subscriptionInput, 'settings.subscription_options'); foreach ($subscriptionOptions as $plan) { if (ArrayHelper::get($plan, 'user_input') === 'yes') { $customInputNames[] = ArrayHelper::get($subscriptionInput, 'attributes.name') . '_custom_' . $index; } $index++; } } return array_merge($whiteListedFields, $customInputNames); } }