app = $app; $this->api = new ChatApi($this->optionKey); $this->boot(); } public function boot() { $isEnabled = $this->isEnabled(); $this->enableIntegration($isEnabled); if (!$isEnabled) { return; } $isApiEnabled = $this->api->isApiEnabled(); if ($isApiEnabled) { add_filter('fluentform/all_editor_shortcodes', [$this, 'insertAllEditorShortcode'], 10, 1); add_filter('fluentform/all_forms_vars', function ($settings) { $settings['has_gpt_feature'] = true; return $settings; }); new ChatFormBuilder(); } add_filter('fluentform/global_settings_components', [$this, 'addGlobalMenu'], 11, 1); add_filter('fluentform/global_integration_settings_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'getGlobalSettings'], 11, 1); add_filter('fluentform/global_integration_fields_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'getGlobalFields'], 11, 1); add_action('fluentform/save_global_integration_settings_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'saveGlobalSettings'], 11,1); add_filter('fluentform/global_notification_types', [$this, 'addNotificationType'], 11, 1); add_filter('fluentform/get_available_form_integrations', [$this, 'pushIntegration'], 11, 2); add_filter('fluentform/global_notification_feed_' . $this->settingsKey, [$this, 'setFeedAttributes'], 11, 2); add_filter('fluentform/get_integration_defaults_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'getIntegrationDefaults'], 11, 2); add_filter('fluentform/get_integration_settings_fields_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'getSettingsFields'], 11, 2); add_filter('fluentform/save_integration_settings_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'setMetaKey'], 11, 2); add_filter('fluentform/get_integration_values_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'prepareIntegrationFeed'], 11, 3); add_filter('fluentform/save_integration_value_' . $this->integrationKey, [$this, 'validate'], 10, 3); add_filter('fluentform/form_class', [$this, 'beforeFormRenderCss'], 10, 2); // add_action('wp_ajax_fluentform_openai_chat_completion', [$this, 'chatCompletion'], 11, 0); // add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_fluentform_openai_chat_completion', [$this, 'chatCompletion'], 11, 0); // new ChatField(); } public function loadScripts() { $message = apply_filters('fluentform/chat_gpt_waiting_message', __('Please wait while getting the data from ChatGPT. Do not refresh or close the window', 'fluentformpro')); wp_register_script( 'fluentform-chat-field-script', FLUENTFORMPRO_DIR_URL . 'public/js/chatFieldScript.js', ['jquery'], FLUENTFORMPRO_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'fluentform-chat-field-script', 'fluentform_chat', [ 'message' => $message, ] ); wp_enqueue_script('fluentform-chat-field-script'); } public function enableIntegration($isEnabled) { add_filter('fluentform/global_addons', function($addOns) use ($isEnabled) { $addOns[$this->integrationKey] = [ 'title' => 'OpenAI ChatGPT', 'description' => __('Connect OpenAI ChatGPT to add integrations or create forms using AI prompts', 'fluentformpro'), 'logo' => fluentFormMix('img/integrations/openai.png'), 'enabled' => ($isEnabled) ? 'yes' : 'no', 'config_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms_settings#general-openai-settings'), 'category' => '', //Category : All ]; return $addOns; }, 9); } public function addGlobalMenu($setting) { $setting[$this->integrationKey] = [ 'hash' => 'general-' . $this->integrationKey . '-settings', 'component' => 'general-integration-settings', 'settings_key' => $this->integrationKey, 'title' => 'ChatGPT Integration', ]; return $setting; } public function getGlobalSettings($settings) { $globalSettings = get_option($this->optionKey); if (!$globalSettings) { $globalSettings = []; } $defaults = [ 'access_token' => '' ]; return wp_parse_args($globalSettings, $defaults); } public function getGlobalFields($fields) { return [ 'logo' => fluentFormMix('img/integrations/openai.png'), 'menu_title' => __('OpenAI ChatGPT Integration', 'fluentformpro'), 'menu_description' => __('The OpenAI ChatGPT API can be applied to create forms and dynamic submission confirmation message.', 'fluentformpro'), 'valid_message' => __('Your OpenAI ChatGPT connection is valid', 'fluentformpro'), 'invalid_message' => __('Your OpenAI ChatGPT connection is not valid', 'fluentformpro'), 'save_button_text' => __('Verify OpenAI ChatGPT', 'fluentformpro'), 'fields' => [ 'button_link' => [ 'type' => 'link', 'link_text' => __('Get OpenAI ChatGPT API Keys', 'fluentformpro'), 'link' => 'https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys', 'target' => '_blank', 'tips' => __('Please click on this link get API keys from OpenAI ChatGPT.', 'fluentformpro'), ], 'access_token' => [ 'type' => 'password', 'placeholder' => __('API Keys', 'fluentformpro'), 'label_tips' => __("Please find API Keys by clicking 'Get OpenAI ChatGPT API Keys' Button then paste it here", 'fluentformpro'), 'label' => __('Access Code', 'fluentformpro'), ] ], 'hide_on_valid' => true, 'discard_settings' => [ 'section_description' => __('Your OpenAI ChatGPT integration is up and running', 'fluentformpro'), 'button_text' => __('Disconnect OpenAI ChatGPT', 'fluentformpro'), 'data' => [ 'access_token' => '' ], 'show_verify' => true ] ]; } public function saveGlobalSettings($settings) { $token = $settings['access_token']; if (empty($token)) { $integrationSettings = [ 'access_token' => '', 'status' => false ]; // Update the reCaptcha details with siteKey & secretKey. update_option($this->optionKey, $integrationSettings, 'no'); wp_send_json_success([ 'message' => __('Your settings has been updated', 'fluentformpro'), 'status' => false ], 200); } // Verify API key now try { $isAuth = $this->api->isAuthenticated($token); if ($isAuth && !is_wp_error($isAuth)) { $token = [ 'status' => true, 'access_token' => $settings['access_token'] ]; } else { throw new \Exception($isAuth->get_error_message(), $isAuth->get_error_code()); } update_option($this->optionKey, $token, 'no'); } catch (\Exception $exception) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => $exception->getMessage() ], 400); } wp_send_json_success([ 'message' => __('Your OpenAI ChatGPT API key has been verified and successfully set', 'fluentformpro'), 'status' => true ], 200); } public function addNotificationType($types) { $types[] = $this->settingsKey; return $types; } public function pushIntegration($integrations, $formId) { $integrations[$this->integrationKey] = [ 'title' => 'OpenAI ChatGPT', 'logo' => fluentFormMix('img/integrations/openai.png'), 'is_active' => $this->isEnabled(), 'configure_title' => __('Configuration required!', 'fluentformpro'), 'global_configure_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms_settings#general-openai-settings'), 'configure_message' => __('OpenAI ChatGPT is not configured yet! Please configure your OpenAI api first', 'fluentformpro'), 'configure_button_text' => __('Set OpenAI ChatGPT API', 'fluentformpro') ]; return $integrations; } public function setFeedAttributes($feed, $formId) { $feed['provider'] = $this->integrationKey; $feed['provider_logo'] = fluentFormMix('img/integrations/openai.png'); return $feed; } public function getIntegrationDefaults($settings, $formId) { return [ 'name' => '', 'role' => '', 'prompt_field' => '', 'conditionals' => [ 'conditions' => [], 'status' => false, 'type' => 'all' ], 'enabled' => true ]; } public function getSettingsFields($settings, $formId) { return [ 'fields' => [ [ 'key' => 'name', 'label' => __('Feed Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Your Feed Name', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'text' ], [ 'key' => 'role', 'label' => __('Select Role', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Select how the AI should respond and behave', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'component' => 'select', 'options' => [ 'system' => __('System', 'fluentformpro'), 'assistant' => __('Assistant', 'fluentformpro'), 'user' => __('User', 'fluentformpro') ] ], [ 'key' => 'prompt_field', 'label' => __('Write Query', 'fluentformpro'), 'placeholder' => __('Write your query to get OpenAI ChatGPT generated result', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Write your query to get OpenAI ChatGPT generated result', 'fluentformpro'), 'required' => true, 'component' => 'value_textarea', ], [ 'require_list' => false, 'key' => 'conditionals', 'label' => __('Conditional Logics', 'fluentformpro'), 'tips' => __('Allow this integration conditionally based on your submission values', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'conditional_block' ], [ 'require_list' => false, 'key' => 'enabled', 'label' => __('Status', 'fluentformpro'), 'component' => 'checkbox-single', 'checkbox_label' => __('Enable this feed', 'fluentformpro') ] ], 'button_require_list' => false, 'integration_title' => 'OpenAI ChatGPT' ]; } public function setMetaKey($data) { $data['meta_key'] = $this->settingsKey; return $data; } public function prepareIntegrationFeed($setting, $feed, $formId) { $defaults = $this->getIntegrationDefaults([], $formId); foreach ($setting as $settingKey => $settingValue) { if ('true' == $settingValue) { $setting[$settingKey] = true; } elseif ('false' == $settingValue) { $setting[$settingKey] = false; } elseif ('conditionals' == $settingKey) { if ('true' == $settingValue['status']) { $settingValue['status'] = true; } elseif ('false' == $settingValue['status']) { $settingValue['status'] = false; } $setting['conditionals'] = $settingValue; } } if (!empty($setting['list_id'])) { $setting['list_id'] = (string)$setting['list_id']; } return wp_parse_args($setting, $defaults); } public function validate($settings, $integrationId, $formId) { $error = false; $errors = []; if (empty($settings['role'])) { $error = true; $errors['role'] = __('Select Role is required', 'fluentformpro'); } if (empty($settings['prompt_field'])) { $error = true; $errors['prompt_field'] = __('Write query is required', 'fluentformpro'); } if ($error) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __('Validation Failed', 'fluentformpro'), 'errors' => $errors ], 423); } return $settings; } private function isEnabled() { $globalModules = get_option('fluentform_global_modules_status'); $openAiModule = ArrayHelper::get($globalModules, $this->integrationKey); if ($openAiModule == 'yes') { return true; } return false; } private function getFeeds($formId = '') { if (!$formId) { $request = $this->app->request->get(); $formId = ArrayHelper::get($request, 'form_id'); } $feeds = []; if ($formId) { $feeds = FormMeta::when($formId, function($q) use ($formId) { return $q->where('form_id', $formId); })->where('meta_key', $this->settingsKey)->get()->toArray(); } return $feeds; } public function insertAllEditorShortcode($data = []) { $feeds = $this->getFeeds(); if (!$feeds) { return $data; } $chatGPTShortCodesContainer = [ 'title' => __('ChatGPT', 'fluentformpro'), 'shortcodes' => [] ]; foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $value = json_decode(ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'value'), true); if (!ArrayHelper::isTrue($value, 'enabled')) { continue; } $feedId = ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'id'); $formId = ArrayHelper::get($feed, 'form_id'); $feedName = ArrayHelper::get($value, 'name'); $chatGPTShortCodesContainer['shortcodes']['{chat_gpt_response.'. $formId . '_' . $feedId . '}'] = __(sprintf('ChatGPT Response for %s', $feedName), 'fluentformpro'); } $data[] = $chatGPTShortCodesContainer; return $data; } public function chatGPTSubmissionMessageHandler($formId, $feedId, $parser) { $feed = FormMeta ::where('id', $feedId) ->where('form_id', $formId) ->where('meta_key', $this->settingsKey) ->first(); if (!$feed) { return ''; } $value = json_decode($feed->value, true); if (!ArrayHelper::isTrue($value, 'enabled')) { return ''; } $role = ArrayHelper::get($value, 'role'); $content = ArrayHelper::get($value, 'prompt_field'); $submission = $parser::getEntry(); $submittedData = \json_decode($submission->response, true); $submissionId = $submission->id; $form = $parser::getForm(); $content = ShortCodeParser::parse( $content, $submissionId, $submittedData, $form, false, true ); $args = [ "role" => $role, "content" => $content ]; $result = $this->api->makeRequest($args); if (is_wp_error($result)) { return ''; } return trim(ArrayHelper::get($result, 'choices.0.message.content'), '"'); } public function beforeFormRenderCss($class, $form) { $formSettings = $form->settings; $message = ArrayHelper::get($formSettings, 'confirmation.messageToShow'); $hasChatGpt = ArrayHelper::get($formSettings, 'confirmation.redirectTo') === 'samePage' && strpos($message, '{chat_gpt_response.') !== false; if ($hasChatGpt) { $class .= ' ff-has-chat-gpt'; $this->loadScripts(); } return $class; } // ajax handler for chat field /*public function chatCompletion() { $request = $this->app->request->get(); $formId = ArrayHelper::get($request, 'form_id', ''); $form = Form::find($formId); $fields = ArrayHelper::get(json_decode($form->form_fields, true), 'fields'); $role = ''; $content = ArrayHelper::get($request, 'content'); $failedMessage = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (ArrayHelper::get($field, 'element') == 'chat') { $role = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'settings.open_ai_role'); $content = $content ?: ArrayHelper::get($field, 'settings.open_ai_content'); $failedMessage = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'settings.failed_message'); } } $args = [ "role" => $role, "content" => $content ]; $token = ArrayHelper::get(get_option($this->optionKey), 'access_token'); $result = $this->makeRequest($token, $args); if (is_wp_error($result)) { wp_send_json_error($failedMessage, 422); } wp_send_json_success($result, 200); }*/ }