isEnabled(); add_filter('fluentform/global_addons', function ($addOns) use ($enabled) { $addOns[$this->key] = [ 'title' => 'Inventory Module', 'description' => __('Powerful Inventory Management. Manage resources for events booking, reservations, or for selling products and tickets!', 'fluentformpro'), 'logo' => fluentFormMix('img/integrations/inventory.png'), 'enabled' => ($enabled) ? 'yes' : 'no', 'config_url' => '', 'category' => '' //Category : All ]; return $addOns; }, 9); if (!$enabled) { return; } add_filter('fluentform/global_settings_components', array($this, 'addGlobalMenu'), 1); add_action('fluentform/submission_inserted', [$this, 'insertGlobalInventory'], 10, 3); /** * Validate Inventory Form Fields */ add_action('fluentform/before_insert_submission', function ($insertData, $formData, $form) { (new InventoryValidation($formData, $form))->validate(); }, 10, 3); /** * Process Inventory Fields Options Comparing Previous Submissions */ (new InventoryFieldsRenderer())->processBeforeFormRender(); add_action('wp_ajax_fluentform_get_global_inventory_list', [$this, 'getGlobalInventoryList']); add_action('wp_ajax_fluentform_store_global_inventory_list', [$this, 'storeGlobalInventory']); add_action('wp_ajax_fluentform_delete_global_inventory_list', [$this, 'deleteGlobalInventory']); add_action('wp_ajax_fluentform_reset_global_inventory_item', [$this, 'resetGlobalInventory']); InventorySettingsManager::boot(); InventoryList::boot(); } public function isEnabled() { $globalModules = get_option('fluentform_global_modules_status'); $inventoryModule = ArrayHelper::get($globalModules, $this->key); if ($inventoryModule == 'yes') { return true; } return false; } public function addGlobalMenu($setting) { $setting['InventoryManager'] = [ 'hash' => 'inventory_manager', 'title' => 'Inventory Manager', ]; return $setting; } public function getGlobalInventoryList() { $inventoryList = get_option('ff_inventory_list'); if ($inventoryList !== false) { $formattedList = []; $items = array_filter(array_keys($inventoryList)); $usedItems = InventoryValidation::getSubmittedGlobalInventories($items); $formattedUsedItems = InventoryValidation::calculateGlobalInventory($usedItems, true); foreach ($inventoryList as $inventoryKey => $value) { if (!empty($inventoryKey) && !empty($value['slug'])) { if (array_key_exists($inventoryKey, $formattedUsedItems)) { $totalUsed = array_reduce($formattedUsedItems[$inventoryKey], function ($res, $item) { return $res + $item; }, 0); $value['remaining'] = max($value['quantity'] - $totalUsed, 0); $value['details'] = $formattedUsedItems[$inventoryKey]; } elseif ($qty = Arr::get($value, 'quantity')) { $value['remaining'] = $qty; } $formattedList[$inventoryKey] = $value; } } $inventoryList = $formattedList; } else { $inventoryList = []; } wp_send_json_success([ 'success' => true, 'inventory_list' => $inventoryList ]); } public function storeGlobalInventory() { try { $item = Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'inventory'); $this->validate($item); //If request has slug, requested for update $slug = Arr::get($item, 'slug'); $postedInventory = [ 'name' => sanitize_text_field($item['name']), 'quantity' => $item['quantity'], 'slug' => $slug ? sanitize_title($slug) : sanitize_title($item['name']), ]; $inventoryList = get_option('ff_inventory_list'); if (is_array($inventoryList)) { if (Arr::exists($inventoryList, $postedInventory['slug'])) { if ($slug) { //Updating an existing item $inventoryList[$slug] = $postedInventory; $message = __('Inventory Updated', 'fluentformpro'); } else { //Trying to create new, but inventory slug already exists throw new ValidationException(__('Inventory name already exists', 'fluentformpro')); } } else { //Adding a new item $inventoryList[$postedInventory['slug']] = $postedInventory; $message = __('New Inventory Added', 'fluentformpro'); } } else { //Adding the first item $message = __('New Inventory Added', 'fluentformpro'); $inventoryList = [ $postedInventory['slug'] => $postedInventory ]; } update_option('ff_inventory_list', $inventoryList, false); wp_send_json_success([ 'success' => true, 'message' => $message, 'inventory_list' => array_values($inventoryList) ]); } catch (ValidationException $exception) { $errors = $exception->errors(); if (!$errors) { $errors = [ 'errors' => [ 'name' => $exception->getMessage() ] ]; } wp_send_json_error($errors, 422); } } public function deleteGlobalInventory() { $itemSlug = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['slug']); $inventoryList = get_option('ff_inventory_list'); if ($itemSlug && array_key_exists($itemSlug, $inventoryList)) { unset($inventoryList[$itemSlug]); update_option('ff_inventory_list', $inventoryList, false); wp_send_json_success([ 'success' => true, 'message' => __("Deleted Successfully", 'fluentformpro'), ]); } wp_send_json_success([ 'success' => true, 'message' => __("Invalid Item", 'fluentformpro'), ]); } public function resetGlobalInventory() { $itemSlug = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['slug']); $inventoryList = get_option('ff_inventory_list'); if ($itemSlug && array_key_exists($itemSlug, $inventoryList)) { SubmissionMeta::where('meta_key', 'ff_used_global_inventory_item') ->where('name', $itemSlug) ->delete(); wp_send_json_success([ 'success' => true, 'message' => __('Item was successfully reset', 'fluentformpro'), ]); } wp_send_json_error([ 'success' => true, 'message' => __("Invalid Item", 'fluentformpro'), ]); } public function insertGlobalInventory($insertId, $formData, $form) { $inventoryValidation = (new InventoryValidation($formData, $form)); $inventoryFields = InventoryFieldsRenderer::getInventoryFields($form, ['global']); $usedInventoryFields = []; //@improve handle single payment input foreach ($inventoryFields as $inventoryFieldName => $field) { if (!empty(ArrayHelper::get($formData, $inventoryFieldName))) { $usedInventoryFields[$inventoryFieldName] = $formData[$inventoryFieldName]; } } if (empty($usedInventoryFields)) { return; } foreach ($usedInventoryFields as $fieldName => $value) { $globalInventoryItems = []; $field = Arr::get($inventoryFields, $fieldName); if ($inventoryValidation->isSingleInventoryField($field)) { $inventorySlug = Arr::get($field,'settings.global_inventory'); $globalInventoryItems[$inventorySlug] = $value; } else { $options = $inventoryValidation->getOptions($field); $optionKey = $inventoryValidation->isPaymentField($field) ? 'label' : 'value'; $options = array_filter($options, function ($option) use ($value, $optionKey) { if (is_array($value)) { return in_array($option[$optionKey], $value); } return $option[$optionKey] == $value; }); foreach ($options as $option) { if ($inventorySlug = Arr::get($option, 'global_inventory')) { if (is_array($value)) { $item = $option[$optionKey]; if (Arr::exists($globalInventoryItems, $inventorySlug)) { $globalInventoryItems[$inventorySlug][] = $item; } else { $globalInventoryItems[$inventorySlug] = [$item]; } } else { $globalInventoryItems[$inventorySlug] = $value; } } } } $quantity = $inventoryValidation->getQuantity($fieldName, $formData); if ($quantity == 0) { continue; } foreach ($globalInventoryItems as $inventoryItemSlug => $dataValue) { SubmissionMeta::insertGetId([ 'form_id' => $form->id, 'response_id' => $insertId, 'meta_key' => 'ff_used_global_inventory_item', 'value' => json_encode([ 'value' => $dataValue, 'quantity' => $quantity, ]), 'name' => $inventoryItemSlug ]); } } } private function validate($inventory) { $rules = [ 'name' => 'required', 'quantity' => 'required|numeric|min:1', ]; $validatorInstance = new Validator(); $validator = $validatorInstance->make($inventory, $rules); $errors = null; if ($validator->validate()->fails()) { $errors = $validator->errors(); } if ($errors) { throw new ValidationException('', 0, null, [ 'errors' => $errors, ]); } } }